Papa "I cant stop saying the N word" John resigns. Pledges to start new competing pizza shop where patrons who shout racial insults at each other get 50% off

318  2018-07-12 by random_bullshit_blah


The only thing melting down is your ability to influence this Sub in any way other than making them all hate you unanimously because of how much of a faggot you are 😂😂😂😂😂


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This, but unironically.


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News of Schnatter's resignation came shortly after Yahoo Sports reported that the Major League Baseball had indefinitely suspended its Papa Slam promotion — a campaign that both sides have collaborated on since 2016.

he just cost the company like MILLIONS in revenue right there


'I wished i loved something as much as this dude loves saying the n word

poor guy, another victim of the deep state

If only mayos could get that deep they could be in the deep state.

Poor Mayos they can never get a break despite being part of the deep state and creating it.

Lol. Everyone knows the only group intellectually and morally capable of a conspiracy as vast as the deep state. Then when Obama took office they handed it off to their partners in other projects such as eradicating the mayo via interracial relationships.

Do you even Q, bro?

More like the deep dish state lol

him and jim jordan :c

6 dimensional chess. He's shorting the stock through a proxy.

Stocks bounced back after he resigned


If he did, the plan backfired catastrophically.

no the 6d chess is that he's trying to get out of the business and he found a way of getting fired while increasing Papa John's' revenue

The context matters. It sounds like he was just talking about how someone else had used that word.

Would it have been more PC if he’d said “the n word” instead of actually repeating it? Sure, but still... he wasn’t using it in a way that belies some racism on his part.

Yeah, whenever I'm on a conference call I always like to bring up how casually racist people used to be 100 years ago. "Say, did you fellas know what people used to call the blacks and Chinese back in the day? It's pretty interesting..."

Are you a little curious shat point he was trying to make? I am.

Hey guys, thanks for coming to this meeting. We're here to talk about avoiding sexual harassment and making people uncomfortable. Now, what are some examples of ways that people might make other people uncomfortable? Well, did you know that homeless people sometimes masturbate onto strangers on the subway? Here, let me show you how they do it...


Lol, his point is obvious.

He fucked up previously with the NFL thing. So the company made him take a step back. He resented that, and hired a PR firm ostensibly to teach him how to talk in public so he could show the board he learned his lesson.

He then proceeded to show that he really, absolutely has not learned any lesson.

Are you a little curious what point he was trying to make? I am.

I have never ever not once time woke up in the morning and thought "gee I wonder what papa derp's thoughts are on ______"

hasn't happened yet.

His point was KFC's Sanders got away with it. He was complaining that another figurehead was able to get away with being racist a long time ago and yet, he is not able to get away with it.

A conference call specifically about Racism and how to combat and handle it? Yeah, I wouldn't be shocked if the N word was used.

More like a conference call about people telling him what not to say in public. It was literally and specifically for him because he'd gotten in trouble previously.

It would be real stupid to then do the thing people are telling you not to do, and double down on it by describing how black people used to get lynched all the time, nbd.

But, he didn't do the thing people are telling him not to do. Not discerning between someone actually saying the word, and saying someone else has said it, is retarded.

He did exactly the thing people were telling him not to do. If you can't see that, or why it was a bad idea in the first place, you have the same problem he does.

Let me clarify. The problem isn't really him using the n-word. The problem is him being so fucking arrogant and entitled that he can't accept that there are things he isn't allowed say. That's his base level fuckup here.

He didn't, and if you think he did you're so far beyond the cultural pale that there's no hope for you ever having a ration thought again. Having empathy is good, being driven purely by emotion and outrage isn't.

He totally accepts that, though.

I'm not outraged. Imma keep buying papa johns cause their wings are good and their app is easy to use.

The only thing that should have come out of his mouth was "i am sorry if i gave the impression that i don't value the struggles of minorities, and i have learned my lesson". Then donate some money to a black charity or something and go back to selling pizza.

Yeah, you're outraged if you give a single shit about any of this, tbh.

Not really, as he did nothing that should be apologised for on any level.

gave the impression that he doesn't value the struggles of minorities

The above is the thing he should have apologized for.

The NFL can get away with because they know their fans are racist anyway. But Papa Johns need fat black people to buy their pizzas.

What makes his refusal to apologize even worse is that then it raises rhe question of why he can't even muster up an apology that costs him practically nothing. If he can't even do that, maybe he isn't just an idiot, but he actually hates black people enough that it sticks in his craw to be seen to apologize to them.

The above is the thing he should have apologized for.

Absolutely not. And you're absolutely fucking demented if you think that. Apologising for someone misinterpreting your words is something that should NEVER happen. We're entirely doomed as a civilisation if that's the new standard.

The NFL can get away with because they know their fans are racist anyway. But Papa Johns need fat black people to buy their pizzas.

Apologise publicly for your blatant racism and discrimination against minorities.

pretty difficult to misinterpret hard r's familia tbqhwu

Apologise publicly for your blatant racism and discrimination against minorities.

Good thing i'm not a mayo. Funny how that works.

Doesn't matter, its current year. You're not trans and probably not the right shade of skin, so go right on. You were racist. Publicly apologise. On Facebook, announce it to all your friends, your employer, everyone.

100% chance someone accused him of being racist on that call and his response was to claim he doesn't use the word nigger like colonel sanders.

He was talking about how Colonel Sanders said that word with no consequences. So he was basically downplaying the NFL thing and bitching that he couldn’t say how he really felt, except I think he did.

And you didn’t get full context. He was later describing how during his childhood people would drag black people around from the back of vehicles til they died (apparently in an attempt to say he wasn’t racist or whatever), which further pissed off the people on call with him (it was papa johns corporate talking to a marketing firm that was representing them at the time, but isn’t doing so after that). He’s dumber than a door nail.

The he said the n word thing during a meeting on sensitivity training wouldn't be as bad I dont think if he didnt double down with the whole "well in my day" thing on top of it. Bad optics

More like "You don't know what racism actually is, back in my day...."

It's not thag he was wrong. It's that it was a stupid thing to say.

"You think I am being mean, Anne? In the good old days I could have fed you 2 knuckle sandwiches that would probably taste better than this shit, before dragging you by the hair to the bed and taking advantage of the only parts of you that aren't fucking useless. Heck, 100 years ago you bitches couldn't even vote. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT, LADY!"

"I'm not literally dragging black people in the street and killing them, so therefore I can't be racist."

-Papa John logic

"We said 'nigger' for years and years and not a single crack-smokin', watermelon-lovin', jive shufflin', fried chicken eatin', jibaboo porch monkey coon black buck mandingo mofo never said nothin', so what's the dilly-yo, mah niggas? Btw I loved Shaft!"

--Papa "Grand Dragon" John

See, I just don't get why people are offended by that.

Some Schools pulled To Kill A Mocking Bird from the library which I think emphasizes the point you were trying to make. It was pulled citing offensive language or some bullshit. People need to get a sense of objectivity and not be blinded by different biases and manipulated by different forms of propaganda.

I wasn't making a point, I was making a joke.

I got whooshed hard lol I see the joke now. Regardless, my comment still stands as valid pertaining the words of the actual statement.

Who gives a fuck. I'm still buying their pizza.

Nobody’s making you give it up if you don’t want to.

But when you live in an area that has Jet’s pizza, Domino’s, and Pizza Hut that are basically same quality and same price (not to mention several other good pizza places that have better food and aren’t huge ass chains), I don’t know why you would want to eat pizza from that scumbag. To each his own though.

Because I don't attribute the actions of an individual to an entire company. I'm not a collectivist idiot. And I dont think saying the "n-word" is the equivalent of a human rights abuse. I dont really think it's that aggregious enough to get my panties in a ruffle over it. People want to be outraged over the dumbest shit these days.

So basically you're a fascist.

What's fascism?

gross, why?

what kind of shithole town do you live in where there isn't a better pizza place?

I live in a major metropolitan area. You kow why I buy their pizza? Because all of the mom and pop specialty shops close at 10. Sometimes I like to drink with buddies and the only pizza places open are Dominos and Papa John's.

Yeah, it sounds like one of those marketers at that firm had it out for him.

100% mayo I guarantee it

freedom ain't free

Millions? Lol

he just cost the company like MILLIONS in revenue right there

Guess again

The stock surged Thursday morning, recouping Wednesday's losses — and then some.

This whole debacle helped Papa John's.

He allegedly said, “Colonel Sanders called blacks niggers."

That's all? Pindoses are so retarded.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

Looking at US and Britain these times Russia doesn't really look that bad huh?

I learned from this that "extremism" is bad because they repeated it 20 times. But the proper radical centrist take is to give helicopter rides to both Jill Stein and Rand Paul.

Yeah but why would you want to live among subhuman slavs?

Fair enough

Russia doesn't really look that bad huh?

Now turn the racism dial up to 11 and you will be right under Russia's racism

Can't be racist if you're not white, dumbass.

Russia hates bussy.

We're just playing hard to get.


Nothing says "racism" like carrying out a full-fledged genocide and having your corporate-state media completely ignore it while playinig the old misdirection game and hysterically screaming "Russia!!1!" repeatedly 24/7

Maybe you should, you know, take that genocidal racist plank from your own national eye, before prancing around the world like you have morals and shit.

haha you posted counterpunch at the beginning and then expected us to read anything you typed after

neolib is upset when us is called out

I hope you didn’t skip over the dick pics while you were skimming my profile, kemosabe.

Fuck me, I did.

Link pls?

So your theory is that the media is covering for the trump admin and it's allies genocide by running "Russia" stories instead?


150,000 people are thought to have starved to death in Yemen last year, with one child dying of starvation or preventable diseases every ten minutes, and another falling into extreme malnutrition every two minutes.

"Someone figure out how can we blame socialism for this."
-Classcucks, 2018


Haha 😆

morals and shit

Hahahahaha 😆😆😆🤣😂😆😂😂

At least someone is doing something about the Muslim menace.

i lived for some years in peru those are some racists not to mention the asians level of racism is so high they can do it with their eyes closed.

Well that’s not actually super impressive, as Asians have their eyes closed by default.

that was the joke but it was a really bad joke :)


That's pretty accurate.

Yeah I’d love to move from a democracy to a dictatorship because I’m a propaganda chugging retard like you

It's a joke holy shit. Are you guys going to lynch me as a "russian spy" now or something?

Don’t be so sensitive faggot

lol I hoped it was more edgy than this. Pretty disappointed tbh

IMO, the offensive part isn't what he said, it's the fact he was dumb enough to say it 'on the record'.

People that freakin dumb don't deserve to be rich.

i mean he also said it during a training about him saying fewer offensive things

And then he described how people drug them from the back of vehicles to kill them during his childhood on that same call. I don’t know what he was trying to say, but I’m pretty sure what most people on the call took away from it...

I think he was trying to say that all of these things happened and that the people that did them never faced repercussions for them, but he said that the kneeling in the NFL cost him money and everyone lost their minds. I don't think he was trying to be offensive, some people recorded it and blast it around to news agencies probably in order to force him to step down.

some people recorded it and blast it around to news agencies probably in order to force him to step down.

You might be right, earlier he had a pissing match with one of the executives who wanted him to step down because of his controversial stance on the anthem. Then again, if someone from that guy's camp leaked this phone call to force him to step down they may have done irreparable damage to the company which doesn't make much sense

It's stock has already bounced back and then some. Papa John's is much more than Papa John.

I read they lost a huge deal MLB because of this. I'll drop an edit after I find it

Maybe they belong in r/drama.

We should brigade r/papajohns then

Is that i t? I was expecting at least a PDP accidental slip or something. Lame.

Waiting for the white smoke 💨 to rise from the pizza 🍕 oven, indicating the selection of a new papa John.

You think they have some john schnatter clones incubating right now to replace the original?

I don't know, but they should definitely make sure his replacement is named John or require him or her to change her name to John for the position.


They should try some better ingredients this time

I think it's more of an invasive, memetic virus that forcibly transforms the host into a new Papa. Ideally with lots of body horror and some kind of repulsive gore cocoon, exploding into the revelation of a schlubby white guy.


What a dumb nigger. The only thing he did wrong was apologize. This guy is completely clueless. He could have just fired anyune who had a problem with him using the nigger word, and not listen to the whiny niggers on the social media. Maybe his business was already failing and he knew the company was gonna die, in which case this guy is a fucking genius, and found the most genius exit strategy.

Also he didn't lose a any revenue. Do you think anyone is gonna go eat a fucking pizza because some niggers running around throwing balls have a picture of said pizza on their shirt on it? No, in fact I would probably be less likely to eat anything associated with niggers.

niggers niggers niggers I have an unrequited crush on my 7th grade math teacher


(He was home schooled).

Also he didn't lose a any revenue. Do you think anyone is gonna go eat a fucking pizza because some niggers running around throwing balls have a picture of said pizza on their shirt on it?

literally wrong

It's true. People these days don't make consumption choises based on mainstream advertising. Quite contrary, the effect of mainstream advertising can be negative on your brand/product. People these days subconsciously associate advertisements with psychological violence.

Ooo gonna need some citation there dude because subliminal advertising has been a pretty accepted thing for decades.

My personal analysis after perceiving society, culture and economic systems for the past 20 years since being born. I don't care what anyone accepts. If I see an ad, I will not buy anything from that company.

Ahhh okay, so it's purely anecdotal and it's just you thinking 'gosh i'm too clever for these ads there's no WAY they work on me!!!'.

Odds are dude, they do and have done your whole life. You might have specific companies you've seen an ad for that you've made the conscious decision not to use, but for every one of those there's probably a dozen that got you with advertising. It's proven to work and all the big companies spend that much money on it because they understand the market better than the 'personal analyis' of a 20 year old.

You mispelled analysis.

It's not anecdotal, there's not a single brand/product that I have a loyalty to. When I buy something expensive, like a car, a phone or a laptop, I look at the reviews and specifications, not the brand. I do consider the brand, but to the extent of reputation, and I create my map of their reputation from social media and news, not from advertisements. If I buy something consumable, for example a soda, I don't buy it because I saw it in an ad. Here is where you could argue that I've been subliminally programmed to pick something, but the thing is, there's no way for you to prove it, anymore than for me to disprove it, so it's irrelevant, and even if it was true, it will only work once, because I drink the soda that I actually fucking think tastes best and not the one that looks best, and no amount of subliminal advertisement is gonna make me drink something I disprefer over something I prefer.

Aaaaaaaaaand a pasta is born!

I create my map of their reputation from social media and news, not from advertisements.

Jesus fucking christ you are one stupid, cum guzzling dumbass.

Well I'm sure you know by now everyone just thinks you're a complete pretentious asshole. The fact that you think that your brain is somehow wired such that you are completely unnaffected by branding is fucking astounding. There's so much wrong with your comment it'd be boring to break down but for REAL how you gonna hit me with a 'misspelled analysis'? You can't be so dense as to not know what typos are and how pathetic you have to be trying to use them to win some debate.

yah lil saddo.

Umm, the argument was already over after that epic fail typo, lol. Pretty much every neutral party watching this debate I heard from agreed with me, There's literally no need to drag this thing on any further. You can't win every fite kiddo, learn to quit when it's good job, that's a piece if advice that'll carry you far in this life I tell ya aye.

Hey now I thought you were some successful person about to start a family. Yet here you say you're only 20. Womp wokmp

t. 20 year old who doesn’t realize that all 20 years olds are functionally retarded

in fact I would probably be less likely to eat anything associated with niggers.

Does this include eating black tranny ass/jizz? There's exceptions to every rule I suppose.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

Eating black tranny ass, can't you read?

You have been crusading to show people how uneducated you are lately. Tell me, when you jerk yourself off to the thought of yourself, lording over the black population of the Earth, does that scary thought ever occur that the whiteness of your skin can't make up for the autistic loser you see in the mirror? That kind of sad individual that your basic bitch mother and dip addicted father could only cherish, just pathetic enough to wear the achievements of other whites as a badge of honor.

If someone from your family does something great? Do you not go "I'm proud of my family's achievements, and I want to carry up this tradition with their blood in my veins? And this family is my birth-right, and I, an extension of it." In same if I see another family whose are famous for acting like rapid chimpanzees and who inventing aids and the FBI crime statistics, then I tell them, "you should be proud of that too, but go do it in the jungle nigger, here's a banana."

Goddamn you are just the worst. Familiar pride is such an awful concept, especially when losers cling to it. You didn't do shit, and what that person did was not related to their race. Quit diminishing the achievements of great men and women by declaring their race is the primary factor. You are pathetic, for clinging to pride that doesn't belong to you, for declaring millions of people who have done you no wrong as being less then man despite the scientific fact that they are, and for bring such a waste of skin that the only aspect you can consider good about yourself is the race you were born into.

I'm only here because of the will of that people. I'm their heritage. They can no longer be proud of their acvhievements, since they're dead and all, so as an extension of them, I will take that burden upon myself. You are the one who is seriously braindamaged. Starbucks soy lattes infected with communist feaces and jew piss drinking cuck. Family doesn't matter? Then fucking let every stranger just walk into your home and let them crash in and eat your food and fuck your wife, and I'd bet you'dactually like the last one if you even had a wife that wasn't a pillow.

Imagine being such a degenerate that even the brave patriots of the DDF brigade and mdegenerates, even fucking they, won't associate with you


This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, alt-right, nazi, or any of the labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.

/u/lightumbra consider this one for snappys library




You're a fucking pathetic loser spending time typing out a half baked roleplay of your lame pubescent idea of "badass" on reddit

Funny how the most obvious crushingly lonely individuals who will never even have a wife(let alone have anyone give the slightest shit about whether you're alive or dead) call others "cucks"

You call cucks, cucks. Has literally nothing to do with what kind of a personnel you are.

You misspelled person.

If the dead consider you as the prime candidate for something as stupid as heritage and culture, then damn them for creating such a flawed reprobate. You have accomplished nothing; a suckling parasite reliant on the inheritance of the past. Fight against all the evils humans suffer from: fight against racism, sexism, any form of hatred you hold. But more importantly, fight yourself, the greatest enemy of each man. Fight to better yourself, fight to be the strongest, the smartest, the kindest, the kind of god this world lacks. Sacrifice the need for life to be something to be enjoyed, so that all humans, regardless of skin color or allegiance to the fleeting nation-states.

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Your belief in me grants immeasurable power.

in awe at the size of this lad

It's an old one, and for some reason changes in reddit's comment system.

Oblivious to the fact that there are more humans alive today than have ever died

“Modern” Homo sapiens (that is, people who were roughly like we are now) first walked the Earth about 50,000 years ago. Since then, more than 108 billion members of our species have ever been born,


"FBI crime statistics" that dumbass joke didn't work on R/jokes so you bring it over to this subreddit. I bet it went over here as well as it did there, the real question is what the fuck your doing on R/drama at this hour of the night when you could be doing something more productive like spanking to big black bussied trannies.

Actually I came up with the joke here, and I laughed at it, so I posted it on r/jokes afterwards. At least check the fucking timestamps before you criticize cuck.

... That's not better

I can't tell if you are trolling or just a mentally retarded teenager.

Do you not go "I'm proud of my family's achievements, and I want to carry up this tradition with their blood in my veins?

I'm proud of my family members for their achievements as individuals, but I certainly don't take any credit for them myself. What kind of collectivist bullshit are you on, son?

/u/wewuzkang5 /u/captainpriapism /u/cuteman

Is this a false flag DDF operative or not?

Who cares, enjoy whatever pizza brand you want, fatties.

/u/mukumukum this guy is saying you're like pizzashill, and this is from a ranking DDF officer 😂😂😂

Is he missing a chromosome like pizzashill?

You tell me, centipedo

what are you even talking about dude

Do you disavow /u/mukumukum or not?

why do you automatically think theres some comradery lol

i havent even posted about this papa john faggotry

why do you automatically think theres some comradery lol


because you get all weird and hysterical about non important issues like racism and think theres some mysterious group instead of people having opinions

He literally thinks that right wing groups are trying to subvert r/Drama and has made it his personal "mission" (aka job) to "expose them" to the Drama discord.

Honestly, you are the company you keep, and the mods are fucking up letting this incel shit his pants anytime anyone posts anything Right of SRD.

i still find it hilarious that there is a discord for this place and ive been here for years

I guess you weren't invited 😭

considering what ive seen from the screenshots it just seems like a place for the usual weirdos to complain

also lol at that srd thread theres 76k people subbed here and like 100 that post regularly and theyre like "omg i dont recognise them must be mde"

Yeah, well, they're more like their Republican parents than they'd ever like to admit 😉

Wow man you play by your own rules and just don't give a fuck!

Go back to eating black trannies out, fagjoe

This guy is completely clueless.

Literally the only thing you said in your near incomprehensible babbling that was actually correct. Everything else about it couldn’t be further from reality.

I'm gonna have to move to usa if I'm ever gonna be stinking rich and/or president, it's the only place where complete retards can make it to the top

Yep America is the worse because you are stupid and poor

"Eggplant Special 2.99 for a extra large"

He quit? Well I guess we can all go back to eating Papa's pizza

"The call was a role-playing exercise for Schnatter to prevent future public relations fumbles."

LOL I don't think the exercise worked that well...









Welcome, newfriend!

Lol, what a nog.

Anyone else looking forward to the h3h3 video? Papa bless!

Maybe if this happened like 2 years ago

Right he’s just a lame YouTuber for edgy mayos now

A rare example of a jew being corrupted by the Goyim.

"Dresden was bombed after the war was over!" Yeah, the Klein's are pretty dumb.

They will replace their head with some smug liberal but forget that the only really people went to Papa John's was for conservatards to trigger the libs. Without someone who doesnt want to pay his benefits and opposes kneeling, they will lose their core fanbase because they make shit pizza.

What kind of benefits should a person making pizzas for min wage get? Lmao

Full dental. No medical though I just don’t want to have to look at gross teeth.

People deserve access to healthcare.


They have access. They aren't entitled to free healthcare because the doctor is entitled to payment for his work.

Oh no, it's retarded.

More like your health isn't my problem

Healthcare pays itself you economically illiterate Yankee

It ain't my problem if you have healthcare or not

its the US problem that your education system is such garbage retards like you want to live in worse conditions just cause

No fam, I have a decent education. Who says it's my problem that you have healthcare or not?

You lose money

I don't lose money

The only reason you don't lose money is that you're already leeching money off of your betters, you sad sack of ungraduated shit.

I'm not leeching off of anybody famalam, how does it feel knowing you're more triggered than a Tumblrina seeing a white man on a subway?

I actually have 80 credit hours completed to include three core classes towards my major*

College leech.

Wow good work detective, you sure got me good with that one. Sick burn bro!

tbh I want to crawl through your post history and make fun of you (returning the favor, right?) but I stopped after seeing you post in /r/anime. I figure I can't kick a guy when he's down.

Your kid is going to get measles from their unvaccinated classmates.

Except my kid is getting vaccinated, so isn't it hard for him to get measles?

Polio then.


The health of libertarians is everyone's concern. I hope you have a doctor who is not government-funded and will keep you safe.

I take care of my body dont worry

Low cholestrol has been known to stop drunk drivers, true. Because I am worried about you, you should consider getting some sort of health care plan. Not having one could mean financial disaster, not to mention misery for you and your loved ones.

Why are you saying indent have healthcare?

You seemed to believe taking care of yourself meant you were not in need of medical coverage. Now you seem to be implying you do have it. Do you? Who pays for it?

I have healthcare. American taxpayers pay for it.

Well at least you admit to being a hypocrite.

I'm not though. I work for it.

a person making pizzas for min wage

This sounds like a job.

Yes, I have a job. Free healthcare is a benefit of my job along with free dental and college.

College may not be right for you.

I actually have 80 credit hours completed to include three core classes towards my major

Oh no, it's american.

I run while I eat cheese burgers so I dont worry about my cholesterol

There is no one in America that doesn't have access to healthcare, unless they're being held captive or they're stranded on top of a mountain or something.

Cool, let's split hairs! You might say that 10k/night in the hospital is financially inaccessible. Or you could choose the semantics that contribute least to the discussion.

That's not what the word "inaccessible" means. At all.

  • Financially inaccessible: unable to pay for.
  • Physically inaccessible: my lack of payment meant I was declined medical services.

Not me, of course, I am pretty well taken care of.

I come to this sub for regular retardedness, not t_d retardedness.

So much butt hurt in this thread

How has this guy been so successful? Everything I've read about his pizza says it sucks.

Garlic butter sauce and Dominos decline (pre-reboot).

One opened by my house and in baffles me. Ghr crust, cheese, and toppings are really good but the sauce tastes like sweetened tomato paste. I can see herbs in there but absolutely cannot taste them. It's bland and ruins the whole thing.

Apparently you're supposed to drown the whole pizza in that garlic butter that comes in the box but I guess I'm not fat enough for that. A good sauce is essential to a pizza and you shouldn't have to compensate by covering it in grease.

The pizza business isn't about quality, it's about selling cheap and producing cheaper.

Oh I don't care what he says...Their pizza sucks ass, thats why I never buy it.


Mamma Mia!

Plot Twist: The founder of Papa John comes out as Half-Black after eating at Popeye Chicken.

That's just wacky

People can change. I'm a recovering Republican myself