Chapo sets the record straight about r/drama "irony", hits the nail on the head.

78  2018-07-12 by PowerOfJerkoffMagic


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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These CTH people sure are an observant bunch. Surely no one on Drama was calling that mod an obvious baiter.

I even made a post suggesting to make him a /r/drama mod😭😭

Yeah, a really observant bunch.


I'll take a crack at this. The 'old right' is associated with southern racists and religious figures like Jerry Fallwell.

The 'new right' are atheist Gamer-Americans who grew up with The Four Horsemen of New Atheism, and spent 5+ years watching every YouTube video by shitheads like TJ Kirk and Thunderf00t trashing Anita Sarkesian and Rebecca Watson. Gamer-Americans who spend 10+ hours a day calling people f%$!ts and n@#$@r in voice chat and who are really pissed off that anyone ever calls them out on this behavior. To them this is the pinnacle of Freeze Peach.

Apparently in Steve Bannon's autobiography (I'm not paying for it but will one day read it in a library), he used to sell World of Warcraft gold to chud gamers, and realized that he could weaponize this demographic. And so he did. That's what Gamer-Gate was all about.

So that's "the new right." Atheist Gamers who watch YouTube videos of shitheads with British Accents and names like Reason4Ever1488. It's why their top Freeze Peach concerns these past few years has been Pewdiepie saying "Death to All Jews" and dressing like a Nazi, James Damore being against diversity programs, Yolo Minneapolis getting kicked off Twitter for what he did to Leslie Jones, and now the Nazi Pug guy.

It's definitely a secular movement centered around Silicon Valley tech bros and a few YouTubers in England. This is to be distinguished from the old right racists in the religious south.

that comment wasn't even about /r/drama tho

That's spot on.

SRD is alt right?

They are tho

Thanks for the gut-buster friend-o but you couldn’t be more incorrect.

Alt-right = fascist

SRD is generally anti-fascist

People who oppose fascists are as bad as the fascists themselves

SRD = fascist

SRD = Alt-right

Czequemate, my good bitch.

Womp womp

I thought alt-right was just a media term for people who know how to use the internet? With those frogs and things?

Thank you for delivering as expected. Good look with your worldwide revolution.

Your comment in CTH was objectively wrong by every measure possible and upvoted by the other retards that conglomerate in that vat of privileged worthlessness. Go back to circlejerking about how getting a job is oppression to a sub that jerks off to North Korea with mod approval.


Show me, then. And you are right, there isn't literally a mod approved "Juche Gang" in CTH.

Actually the only requirement for being in /r/CTH Juche Gang is a minimum height of 4'11, so the fact that you're not in it...

Lmao genocide!

Lmao genocide!

It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it.

Praise be to the monarchies because anti imperialism and stuff.

You can't have imperialism when the entire world is enveloped by the loving embrace of Juche.

No advocating for violence here. Sorry, this isn't a hate sub.

Kim did nothing wrong, Warmbier deserved it, white pig go home


wtf is it with all the Muskratposting lately? ffs, nobody normal cares about Space Cheesus

Drama got co-opted by chuds around 2016 after T_D kept getting shat on by SRD. Though it's not like they had any trouble cranking up that racism dial though.

I don't think there's any word that makes me hate someone more than 'chud'

It's such an incredibly pointless insult.

What does it mean?

Fuck if I know.

Neckbeard. It's like nerd but exclusively used by Reddit nerds who haven't done anything with their lives and are completely detached from reality

Huh. ckbea rd

Numale soyboys are a very specific, very recognizable thing

Nerds. They're just liberal nerds that right wing nerds are making fun of

Self-feminizing nerds, specifically.

Actually, some of them aren't even nerds. Some of them are just opportunists pursuing the male-feminist-in-sheeps-clothing strategy.

The armchair sub history always makes me cringe the most. It changed slightly every time.

Armchair subreddit history

As opposed to professional subreddit history?


What is 'chud' anyway? 'Anyone who is not a colossal faggot'?


It's a boss on Super Meat Boy as I recall. Past that I'm not sure.

Isn’t the meat boy boss literally called Chad?

Apparently yes, supposedly it's a reference to the movie C.H.U.D. I think Super Meat Boy predated the use of the name Chad as internet shorthand for douchey guy who gets laid.

For me, 'chud' is a distant second to 'cuck'. Seriously, anybody actually unironically using that word is wasting oxygen.

Chud is like the lefty PC approved version of cuck.

Tbf, cuck insinuates that an individual is weak, and let's the people they support walk all over them.

A chud is just a sub human, stolen from a bad 80s movie.

The right literally has more nuanced metaphors than chapos.

They weren't going "lol look at these faggots" like usual,

shit hes got my number

To be fair....

As I scroll through the den of snakes and trolls

I take a look at the posts and jump into them foxholes

‘Cause we've been moderatin' and temperin' so long

That even yo’ momma think that our logic's goals

But I ain't never shitposted a sub that didn't deserve it

We be temp-banned for a week, you know that's unheard of

You better watch how you postin', and where you subbin’

Or you and your homies might be aligned with trolls

I really hate to trip, but I can't ignore

As Chapo calls us fashy, I can’t help but lol

Fool, I'm the kinda 'g the little edglelords wanna be

In the middle every day, seeing both sides in the moonlight

Keep spendin' most our lives

Livin' in a centrist's paradise

Look at the situation they got me facin'

I can't live a neutral life, I was raised by a series of tubes

So I gotta be down with radical centrism

Too much clickbait watchin' got me madly bawl, ventin' 'tism

I'm an miseductaed fool with drama on mah mind

SnapshillBot in my thread and a tear in my eye

I'm a drama instigator, hard left and right hater

And my autists are down so don't arouse me flamer

Fool, suspension ain't nothin' but a bad joke away

I'm livin' life do or die, what can I say?

I'm 7 years now, but will I live to see 8?

The way things is goin' I don't know

:joy: :joy: :joy:

shoot yourself please

I'm 7 years now, but will I live to see 8?

Apparently yes.

Reddit Birthday December 7, 2010

Ah, that's odd. When I mouse over your username I get two boxes, one says it's a seven year old account, the other says eight.

It's rounding. It's interpreting the information instead of giving you an objective assessment.

It's fake news.

57% upvotes


Holy christ, people are still going on about that racism effortpost?

Mess with fragile mayos, get the broken glass shards

If it means those upper middle-class white surban-raised commies will stay out of our sub, I’m ok with this

Imagine being given everything in life and then becoming a communist. All because daddy and mommy wanted you to get a job at age 27.

I love it when an Eastern European btfo reddit commies with rose tinted glasses, telling them how much communism ruined their countries

This is a highly amusing phenomena I'm seeing a lot more of lately.

The commies never flinch though. The response is always a combination of:

  1. You area kulak and your family should've been killed
  2. That wasn't real communism
  3. You just don't understand communism


Tell us more about how "Manifest destiny" was a righteous thing and Russia should get out of Crimea


Russia is cool and I am glad it has Crimea. Why would you think otherwise?

User was paid 20 rubles for this post

Blyat the Record


What does that have to do with anything I said



Tell me more about a thing that happened over a century ago

California removed Asians right to bring suit against white people.

This came about after a superior race whore house sued some mayos for skipping out on the bill.

You are just the Communist dictator of non sequiturs aren't you lil buddy?


I mean you can find polls showing that there are tons of eastern europeans who think life was better under communism. Especially in Hungary of all places, where 72% agree. I guess the border was like super hard under communism, and really a Hungarian cares about basically nothing else than ensuring that the 0.1% non-white population does not increase to 0.15%, or some other catastrophe.

Chapo posters and MDEgenerates; two sides of the same retard coin

Both need to be gassed for their own good?

I love it when a Cuban Gusano pretends that Batista was a democrat with a small 'd'

I love it when a Cuban hooker has soap

Germany has even more hookers per capita than Thailand but go off king

You're not welcome here either, centipedo

Not burger, not hilldawg.

Try again, centipedo

Centipido and the left tries to say they can meme.

Centipedo isn't a meme, it's a name for you guys

And retard is a name for you.

Ouch, what a comeback 😥😥😥

You're really showing that very stable centipedo genius, like, really smart intellect here

Www lad you've made me decide to change my ways. Ill now become a faggot like you.

Wow you BTFO'd him, EPIC STYLE

god damn this is the weakest banter I've seen in months

Gtfo and don't come back, centipedo

Ban me mate or fuck off.

I much prefer dunking on you, centipedo 😃

What kind of helmet do you wear?

I don't have handlers to put safety gear on me, I'm not the one acting out and banging my head against the wall every day...

I used to work in mental health field though so I'm aware of your condition 😉

So you can put the helmet on yourself. That still didn't answer the question of what kind.

I'm sorry, I should have been clearer.

I dont wear a helmet, I don't have violent self-harming episodes where I need to wear one, like you do.

Do you understand now?

You must be an absolute pleasure to be around.

Not an argument

You're acting like a faggot in this thread but this was a solid response

you have to go back

I'm half Mexican and find that racist.

El chicANO señores...

What if we cut you in half and let the Mexican bit stay?

So you're ok with the continuing genocide of the native American population?


Half spic half Cherokee.


Jesus Christ, you couldn’t even choose a less obvious nation to play make-believe about? Every other white person in the South pretends to be Cherokee.

Yea and those larping about being Cherokee should be scalped alongside Elizabeth Warren.


You still aren’t convincing.

DDF recruit, don't expect too much lol

Your jokes are stale, yet smug. Unfunny to the core and just make you look idiotic.


Christ that's sad.

Whatever you say commie sympathizer.

Seriously. Pathetic.

So is being a faggot pussy, but I didn't call you out in it.

Being a "faggot pussy" in insurmountably better than being what you are. It's not even a close comparison.

So do you shave your bussy? What lube do you use?

Usually your mom's tears of wistfully longing for the better world that could've been after she imagines it was as simple as swallowing all those years ago.

Ma is native and she longs for mayocide beginning with faggot mayos like you.

... and now I'm bored

That's right racist run the fuck off.

Naw. I thought you would be at least semi-functional as an opponent. I clearly see my error, and it's against my religion to punch down on those that should be wards of the state.

Autism is not a disability. Why are you such an ableist? I'm suppose to fear some commie punk rocker who was obviously priviledged enough to attend college? Kill kill kill the poor faggo

I'm suppose to fear some commie punk rocker who was obviously priviledged enough to attend college?


Kill kill kill the poor faggo

Naw, I'm good.

I'll just take great joy that your genes won't be passed along by any willing partner.

I'm married bro, but I understand why people project their personal fears onto others.

Huh... last I checked pillow wives are legally recognised in exactly zero states, but leave it to wacky Alabama which fought to keep the whitetrash line pure but doesn't bat an eye about getting in between a man and his sheep.

are you seriously suggesting posting a numale wojak is good memeing? lmao

being this obsessed with hillury in 2k18


Imagine making up whole histories of people you've never met....and actually believing in them!


Imagine defending commies ever. The only thing Stalin got right was sending the fags to the gulags. You're lucky he's no longer around. .


People were either calling out the bait or were supporting his sentiment you mid-class American mayo

I am really confused because all the Drama threads about that consist of either "mayos LUL" or "Powermod LUL"

American mayo

I ain’t even white tho, can I at least be Sriracha mayo?

> posts on /r/chapotraphouse

> "I ain't even white, ya'll"

if you're gonna lie at least make it realistic

Yes, because non-white people have never been interested in socialist politics in the history of history ever. Do I need to send you a dick pic for you to believe me?

Do I need to send you a dick pic for you to believe me?


Check your PMs

Holy shit, the mad cunt actually did it.

Gotta say tho, while that looks like a mayo dick to me, I commend you for refusing to feel shame about your condition.

Wait what no

I can explain

I-I sent the wrong pic

...This doesn't usually happen, please believe me

Nice belly button.

did /u/Frantz_Faneto just send a photo of his tiny genitals to a person whose username ends in the year that 16-year-olds were born?


Is it really pedophilia if you got a baby dick?

Depends on the state.

I think if you have a sharp little baby cock, that makes the 16-year-old the pedophile, not you.

Mayo in mind, Mayo in body

I'll put some mayo in your mind and body ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



SOCIALISM is a big ol broad with big tits. And I'll be DAMNED if you guys keep that to yourselves.

Why are you deleting all your messages?

Just felt like it. My interactions with this sub never go well and the thread seems dead anyway.

Just confused, normally the really weird paranoid lolcows are the only ones that resort to sperging really hard and then deleting all the evidence. You seemed too normie for that.

I've had trouble posting in subs dedicated to serious discussions before because people bring up edginess or trolling from my post history. I delete my reddit history from time to time, but I have some other threads/comments elsewhere I want to leave up for now.

Christ, places like that are they fucking worst.

Yeah. Getting RES tagged by some motherfucker who shows up on every post you make sucks too.

I would like to see your penis

The admins will 100% help you out if it really gets annoying

Good to know, thanks.

Is CTH ironically full of sensitive faggots or is that genuine?

Nah they stay genuinely ass blasted over everything.

As PK said. "most of the user's there are communist because they want revenge not because they want a better world." Ass blasted is what drives them.

I don't really think they want revenge. They'd have to be a victim of something to want revenge.

It's more just about saying you're a commie to make mommy and daddy mad.

It's more about having nothing to do like a dotard or KIA pister, but for upper-class leftists

It wasn't always that way as they used have a sense of humor about them. Unfortunately the rest of the Reddit left discovered them


I'm not that familiar with the history, why was it created in the first place when SRD was already a thing?

It seems autism is a pre-condition to make value judgements in that sub.

He should maintain his personal health and safety after commenting that

No, fucking your dad is.

Go on...

Chapo isn’t really about communism, that’s just a front. We’re a NAMBLA recruitment sub sponsored by the Jared Fogle Innocence Project.

At least we know you are "B" in that arrangement...


Christ, LGB keeps adding more and more letters

Nah cumtown is the father son fucking subreddit

Chapo: "REEE /r/drama are alt-right Nazis!"
Alt-right Nazis: "REEE /r/drama are leftist faggot SJW cucks!"

That's how you know you're in the sweet spot.

We centrist now bois



That doesn't help your case. Fascism is radical centrism.

A fascist party today would get attacked by Republicans for their 'commie' economics and going against Christian values, and by the Democrats for what should be, even to you Dramacels, obvious reasons.

It is even more obvious if you take the view that the USSR was fascist.

I take the view that the USSA is fascist.

Fascism is radical centrism.

Nothing is everything and everything is nothing now

Once you are properly woke in the camps you will understand it

Your mom is a fascism



Wtf I love fascism now!

Fascism is radical centrism.

Radical centrism is being both a commie and a fascist.

And knowing their both retarded

That's where you are wrong, kiddo. Anarcho fascism is true genius.

You need more isms to convince me you're a centrist

I am no disgusting centrist. I am an enlightened radical centrist.

Fascism takes models from both sides. That doesnt mean their centrist. Like calling libertarians centrist because theyre again military spending and pro business.

But it does show that being hated by 'both sides' doesn't mean you are in the 'sweet spot'

Naw it kind of does, especially when both radicals on both sides are incompetent idiots.

But if you're hated by actual fascists like TD and MDE, then you're probably not fascist, you fucking moron.

Different fascists can hate each other just like different leftists can.

Remember when Reddit got the Polish fascist party to the front page? They had a sign against Nazis and Communists, but turned out that they were virtually Nazis themselves, just under a different name.

The internet is serious business

fascism is radical centrism

Fish hook theory?

why are you the way you are?

FAS, usually

I was dropped on the head as a baby, and instead of becoming a smoothbrain chud I became woke af

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you unironically use a faggoty word like chud. Oof.

Your mom is a fasicsm

I've always been a proponent of Homosexual-Fascism


Funny thing is that both subs (MDE and Chapo) have almost the same number of subscribers (~36k) and are almost exactly as active as each other. They're made for each other.

I love how butthurt that CTH OP is over people snitching on the ICE doxing, obviously anyone following the site-wide rules is a nazi.

Dissapointed with lack of anti drama pasta being posted are you guys all banned in chapo?

It really is funny how pathetic that sub has gotten. If anyone bothered to pay any iota of attention they would see that this sub is certainly not fascist lol

Fascism surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.

Chapo is full of dumb people who think they are smarter than everyone else. They dont have any arguments and instead make cheap jokes and brigade to make a point (you should only brigade for fun, not because you are triggered). They hate people who say stuff they disagree with, but then praise those same people if they say one thing they agree with. If you aren't with them, you are against them.
They also think they are thick skinned. That's why a salty mod banned me for saying moron. I actually dont hate them and I think they can be funny but jesus chapo users are very egotistical.

That entire thread they had snitching on users here for posting the ICE list

Your subreddit broke sitewide rules. You aren't ashamed of what you did, you are ashamed that you got caught. Also, you are the snitches because you were doxing people.

the other one defending Chris Hardwick

You mean the one where Chris Hardwick was vindicated and his accuser was revealed to be lying. Before that we said "lol another male feminist. Reset the clock".

Wut, did he even look at our threads on the issue? Sure we had autists who were like "Y U RACIST?!" but otherwise it was mostly people calling it lame bait or celebrating mayocide.

Harmless fun? I think not


comments on Herd Morality posts on NEET communist subreddit


/u/stellartabi so when you and your lot failed, for 8 years, to come out in opposition to the Drone King's policies of murder-by-remote-control, was that an example of your radical punk ethos of going up against the Establishment?


Just because you failed to look doesn't mean we failed to oppose. We're not democrats BTW, that sounds like the lynchpin of your confusion.

Protip: Whining on reddit does not really count as opposition.

> Isn't it weird that /r/Drama reacted the same way /r/SargonOfAkkad, /r/milliondollarextreme, /r/The_Donald, and /r/TheNewRight did?

Chapo's favorite tactic for dismissing anyone to the right of them: "Uhhhh wow, you totally sound like a CHUD right now."

The fact that it did not and anyone who looked at the threads knows that did not stop that comment from being upvoted 500 times. Another one of them going to to talk about herd morality makes it even funnier.

Hey u/Frantz_Faneto, I can only speak for myself but I reported people posting the ICE list because I just like to watch you guys sperg out. You guys haven't disappointed in that regard; it was very much good for dramacoin.

Damn dude, you got me :/

I really hope you never kill yourself, I would sperg out even more :(

I'll tell you what, when the world runs out of retards (like you) to laugh at I'll keep myself safe toot sweet.

"When the world runs out of retards", you're not going to be able to find someone with a dick big enough to fuck your gaping asshole.

Your bantz are weaker than your upper body strength.

posting on Drama

talking about upper body strength

being this soy

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.


Dude, have some perspective. You're a anonymous autist with a keyboard masturbating to things other anonymous autists say on an Internet forum nobody gives a shit about. If anything, you're doing me a favor.

Time for some #realtalk: CTH is full of obese, opiate-addicted, unemployed commie losers, because we dramanauts tend to be healthy, happy, successful, and attractive. Resentment is a powerful force.

Yeah but we have bigger dicks

Fam Im heterosexual my whole family is heterosexual & dats what it is ,I love women I lost my virginity at 10 years old bruh ,stop bein a coward and live yo own sexual life ,dis is why ppl like u get beat up by heterosexuals cause u can’t take no 4 an answer

Protip: Your dick doesn't get bigger with the rest of your body when you become obese.

Being fat just means we know how to give head


I'll fuck your bitch with my FUPA bitch

How do you know you won't just be fucking your own FUPA?

You...are a goddamn genius

I'll uh be back in an hour