Deep state cucks Stormy Daniels

117  2018-07-12 by UnexpectedLizard


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


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It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Ohio law prohibits anyone who isn't a family member from touching a nude or semi-nude dancer.


Stealing Southern culture, smh.

The real arrestable crime, tbqhfam 😤



Fuck off centipedo

Why are you stocking on my comments? Did I make you mad?

stalking in drama

Keep safe ASAP

No hablo Espanyol

Learn the words, centipedo


"If she wasn't my daughter I'd perhaps be dating her."

Honestly disappointed this didn’t happen in Alabama so I could make a “ROLL TIDE” joke.

But ROLL TIDE is a general incest joke now

Buckeyes? More like..

Apparently Ohio hates fun. What kind of backwards law has strippers arrested if they let the patrons touch their tiddies?

A puritanical bullshit law that was put on the books in 2007, but this is the first time anyone has been charged.

The funny part is, this tends to happen on a regular cycle with local ordinances being challenged on constitutional grounds, so it's possible that it could end up in the Supreme Court eventually.

Conservatives version of sjws

Ohio sucks huge dick

fuck Ohio

I've only had bad experiences in that piece of shit state

They just want us to make incest jokes


What is this, 1910?

You mean I can't GTA V my way through touching stripper booty when the bouncer looks away and eventually getting her to call me over for a hoo?kup

Im still fucking mad at Rockstar for putting all their content for that in shitty p2w online mode, i held onto the game for years waiting for more singleplayer stuff.

Reee two minutes before I posted 😤

Solid drama thoughj

but i thought she was the savior of our democracy?

Yeah, but the US has modesty laws so democracy lost. Can't shake a hand with your tits out in "the land of the free".

depends on the state really

Weird isn't it? Some random old pornstar is more admirable than the president.

Usualy the Presidents are the random old (corporate) pornstars. Case in point.

Le cutting edge, fellow pede.

performing the same act she has performed across the nation at nearly a hundred strip clubs

I beheaded nearly 100 used up filth whores in the name of Allah before. How are you going to arrest me for beheading this one??

touching a stripper is the same as beheading

This is peak mayo amerilard

If you look at American media it seems Americans have less problems with extreme violence than with a female nipple.

I'll have you know the original theatrical die hard trailer had nipples but all the swearing had been faded out.

Yippee Kayay Mother.....

Yippee kayay my friend

We are a militaristic world superpower whose history began with merchants, farmers, and religious zealots starting a violent revolution.

It’s just like, who we are man

I get it. You rather have big, muscular men fighting each other than nekkid boobs.

It’s honestly sad how many redditors struggle to understand an analogy. Like they aren’t meant to be perfect comparisons.

They aren't meant to be retarded comparisons either but here we are

Seems like user error tbh. It’s exaggeration to emphasize the point.

If the point is /u/CHADCYBERBULLY's retardation then I agree

Le drumpf haha am I rite?



thot patrolled


😤 😤 😤 😤 😤

Russia did this

dur hur hur

Stupid Russian thots

She's still a stripper? What shift, Wednesday morning?

She's doing a strip club tour. A lot of former adult actresses do them occasionally. In this case, i think she was also tying it into the whole Trump thing.

I mean she will never be more in demand than right now

make that cash bitch!

you ever see the average age of someone who regularly goes to a strip club

She's making bank off this Trump thing. In-demand strippers can make tens of thousands a week when they tour, even discounting escort services. Most porn stars let the money disappear into coke and booze and unaffordable houses. She hired a lawyer, and now she's pulling the money of a hot young thing fresh off the AVN awards when most porn stars her age have either retired or are desperately trying to pull the MILF angle for a tenth their previous pay. Smart lady.

Eh, she was doing ok. She'd transitioned into directing softcore flicks for cinemax.

In my mind, that's a sign of her being smarter than the average Malena Morgan. In genre television, the smart talent start learning how to direct while they're still acting. She got a good lawyer and went into the business side of the industry? Talk about rags to riches.

imagine being so deranged about trump you give money to a dried up old hooker to try and spite him lol

So what you're saying is that people who don't suck Daddy's dick can spend money? Quelle surprise.

lol yes its all about trump and definitely not your mental state

Gina Rinenhart won't fuck you. Beyond that, why the fuck do you spend your life hoping that this fat fucker will fuck you? God, how pathetic are you? No, the fake billionaires aren't going to make your bussy feel full.

the better america does the better the rest of the western world does by extension, and stopping the taco influx makes it better

Stopping taco influx is just for optics. They would roam the streets without jobs. The entire farm industry that depends on low skilled manual labor would get hit hard if all illegal immigration became properly regulated. You would have to pay insurance and minimum wage, overtime, etc.

But yeah, I jerk off to the idea of a white ethno state too

They would roam the streets without jobs.

doesnt matter- california gets more representation based on numbers in the census, and the census doesnt ask for citizenship status

and they dont ask for voter id

and they want to get rid of the electoral college so their numbers are just flat votes

i wonder why

they don't ask for voter ID

Citation please?

Not from the US so idk how your electoral process works

have you not hear them fight to stop it being implemented because its "racist"?

No I haven't. Source?

Is this the narrative about 3 million illegals that voted in California. The most blue state of all?

the logic here is obviously that black people are too retarded to obtain an id that peasants in india are capable of easily getting

its patronizing and insulting but the purpose of it is to allow illegals to vote, theres literally no other reason to oppose voter id especially if youre so worried about "interference"

Is this the narrative about 3 million illegals that voted in California. The most blue state of all?

lol its only that blue because they allow illegals to vote and promise that voting for dems will allow them to remain in the country via sanctuary city laws

thats literally the reason any of this happens, because dems are a shit party that has to cheat to get anywhere

Daniels, who was semi-nude, allegedly touched some of the patrons' breasts and allowed them to touch her, according to charging documents obtained by ABC affiliate WSYX. She allegedly performed the same act with several officers who approached the stage and forced one officer's head into her bare chest.

holy shit! someone get this monster off the streets!

witness: and happened...Dear God...the memories...

Prosecutor: I understand, please tell the court what happened that awful night

witness: I got....(quietly sobs)...motorboated

entire courtroom gasps in horror

witness comletely breaks down "WHY God! why.......?"

Looks like a good lawyer to me, have you considered hiring him?

I just looked at his website. It doesn't mention serial killer defense at all, so it's probably not one of his specialties.


lol this guy still likes to pretend hes a big player

Accusations at potus have consequences.

The land of free speech, eh.

I do..and I hope law does her justice but it was obvious that someone like trump would go after her

It should be just as obvious that such an abuse of power should be met with consequences but hey, MAGA right don't.

POTUS is a bitch.



I was planning to stop by when her strip club tour rolls through nearby. Will be super pissed if the tour ends up cancelled cause of this bullshit.

Why do you want to see 50 year old mayo gussy?

She's 39

Still too old to pay money to see.


Literally the same thing

Oh shit forgot

Damn, time was not good to her then. Either that or all the plastic surgery/drugs.


  1. I like milfs. Especially blond stripper milfs. I find its good to keep your jerking tastes relevant as you age so you don't wind up in a position where you can only get hard to women half your age.

  2. Seems like a decent opportunity for a cool autograph. Sure, anyone can have a signed poster from some d-list celebrity. But a celebrity that's a porn star and ALSO burnishes your liberal creds? Frame that shit on a wall and you'll never lack for conversation pieces ever again.

  3. Decent excuse to go a titty bar. It's not like she'll be the ONLY stripper there.

solid reasoning my friend

I lost my virginity to my mom's friend. Milfs are perfect fuck buddies for inexperienced men

fake and hetero

Wow, fucked up

4. The history of it all. Like, seeing the cigar Bill stuck in Monica or the lockpicks used in Watergate

I like milfs. Especially blond stripper milfs.

Very subtle.


nothing says "#MeToo" like paying to ogle a woman's naughty bits.

Trump paid out of his own pocket, unlike Clinton whose currency of choice for his prostitute was a nice, $80K/year Pentagon sinecure.

And if Monica Lewinsky was hotter, blonde and a stripper, i'd go check out her strip club tour appearance too.

Trump paid out of his own pocket

Need a source for that, 'pedo.

These priorities are so perfectly aligned you might ascend to the astral plane.

Why do you want to see 50 year old mayo gussy?

From the dusty May sun Her looming shadow grows Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote She twines her spines up slowly Towards the boiling sun And when i touched her skin My fingers ran with blood

i too have seen true detective

where did that come from lol off-topic; unnecessary!


Which one of you dramaturds called the police because a woman shoved her boobies in your face?

Wait the charges were dropped? I'm confused about who got cucked here? Someone think for me!

Cucked her good.

CNN lying as they are wont to do:

Under an Ohio law passed in 2007, an employee who regularly appears nude or seminude at a sexually oriented business is prohibited from touching patrons, except for family members. Because Daniels does not regularly appear at the club, the charges were dismissed, according to court documents.

The actual law:

"Employee" means any individual who performs any service on the premises of a sexually oriented business on a full-time, part-time, or contract basis, regardless of whether the individual is denominated an employee, independent contractor, agent, or otherwise, but does not include an individual exclusively on the premises for repair or maintenance of the premises or for the delivery of goods to the premises.

Unless she was delivering pussy or on the premises to fix a brass pole, she is not eligible to have the charges dismissed on the (fake) technicality that the lying liars at Corpo Noose Network would have you believe

Bte, what happened to the supposed tapes?