Ontario is rolling back its sex ed curriculum to what it was 20 years ago. Leafs become insufferable as usual debating the ethics of teaching gender identity to grade schoolers.

54  2018-07-12 by EasySchmitty


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Not a single person there read either of those.

Both camps are ideologically driven nutjobs.

On a related note, what moron thinks a 13 year old needs to know about STD's.

On a further related notes, there is no evidence that there is some sort of social malaise affecting youth that they require Marxist-style doctrine of "there is one person needing a cure, let's give it to all".

what moron thinks a 13 year old needs to know about STD's?

I do. I had sex for the first time when I just turned 14. I learned about STD's and contraception when I was 11~12. If it wasn't for that, and my parents not being uptight about sex, I would have a kid now.

No, there isn’t.

Why would there need to be? Kids need to learn about it at some point, why not learn it when they are becoming of sexual age or whatever that's called.

You seem to be under self-imposed idea that YOU are the standard. Why not at 8 years old?

Heck, as soon as they step in JK… fuck books and things to learn about trees and shit…


Well damn GG. Guess I was hungry

At what point did you realize lollipop with no sugar may not be a lollipop?

The 8 year old bit and the smh at the end. Maybe if you had been a little more subtle and argued that it was education pushed that age so low idk, perhaps I had taken another lick and actually linked some teenage pregnancy stats in order to show how not triggered I was

actually linked some teenage pregnancy stats

There is no teenage pregnancy problem in Ontario whatsoever.

There is no teenage STD's problem in Ontario.

It's all just for funsies...

It's all just for funsies...

Not just for funsies at all. After children are made aware where children come from (by adults, rumors from other children don't count), they turn into ravenous sex beasts eager to satisfy any progressive politician that preys on them in pizzerias and the like.

There is a certain trend. For example Syphilis infections for male teens are up over 300% in the last year's.



Here's a quote from a teenager

“I feel like STIs are a scary thing, but a lot of people in my generation just don’t seem to be that scared by them.”

But muah Sex Ed - lol

But muah Sex Ed - lol

But muah old Sex Ed - lol


no, u

Clearly the old one worked wonders.

You are imposing your own standard. Sorry they are people that have had sex at 13

As I said, there is no teen pregnancy epidemic.

STD's for teens under 14 are non-existent.

In fact, teen pregnancy and sexual activity is related more to poverty and culture both of which school cannot resolve.

there is no teen pregnancy epidemic.


Feel free to guess which countries have the most progressive sex ed programs.

Id hardly call what your uncle did to you sex but ok

Fuck off rape apologizer.

I never apologize for rape.

I brag about it

No one blames you for being raped by your uncle multiple times when you were a child. It's not your fault. You don't need to be so hateful, especially not towards yourself.

Says you? :D You come here from another topic where you're being butthurt and calling me a trump supporter :D

Butthurt? You keep calling me "retard" and trying to convince me that I'm a racist who hates black people like you do.

I think it's pretty clear that one of us is butthurt, and it's definitely not me...

comes from /r/publicfreakout to /r/drama to argue with me more definitely not butthurt

You can't explain that


goes on racist rants and then stalks someone's post history definitely not butthurt

lol sad



Have a good night now bby 😚😘😍😚

You've completely lost your mind. You just stalked me into nearly a dozen other subreddits after trolling my post history and attacked me in all of them.

I'll take this as a sign that I've won. What a sad, pathetic, hateful person you are. I feel sorry for you and I hope you get the help you need.

Uhuh. And you're still too being retarded to see what is going on. Did you try whiping that drool out of your eyes?

If it wasn't for that, and my parents not being uptight about sex, I would have a kid now.

miss me with that straight shit

Chad begone


I had sex for the first time when I just turned 14

damn, beat me :(

time to turn incel out of shame

It’s pretty nuts. I was particularly surprised to learn that first graders learn the parts of genitals.

Having worked with kids in the past, we were taught that a sign of sexual abuse was if a kid knows a lot about sex and genital parts. It’s one thing if a kid says “my privates hurt” but it’s a bit of a red flag if a kid starts talking about the scrotum or labia.

It’s entirely unnecessary because it is so subjective – oh, yes, MY kid is going to be a fucker at 14 so, yeah. Plus, did I say he’s a boy! On a flip side, I have yet to see a parent who cannot wait for his little daughter to have at least five sexual partners by end of high school.

I mean, the whole thing is such a bullshit of people disinterested in realities of life and far out on spectrum scale.

However, there are strange forces ta play.

Certain part of the society – including professionals, intellectuals, educational classes and wannabe enlightened hipsters – has grand ideas about confirming the society to the outliers.

Essentially, the plan is, in order for social outliers – say, a troubled teen from a broken home who was left alone to struggle with pressures of society – to feel good about themselves, we will fuck up the rest of the bell curve. No, we’re not going to offer individual attention because that would require nuance and effort. We will make you feel what they feel so that you cannot pass a day in your life with joy in your heart because someone, somewhere has it bad.

That’s what they refer to when they say Marxist indoctrination of social order in North America.

What type of pedos are technical enough to use "labia" instead of slang? It's more likely said child has a plastic surgeon as a relative.

I'd think a kid who'd been abused would more likely talk about their "pussy" than their labia. What's the freak out about kids learning the proper words for their body parts anyway?

Religious nuts being nutballs. Personally I think teaching the medical terms is a great way to educate kids without putting sex on a pedestal.

Right? In what world do we not want a first grader to know what their scrotum or vagina is called?

Also doesn't them knowing that make them less likely to fall to predators?

I think so. I think predators use the fact that we are taught to feel shame about our 'privates'. More likely the victim can be convinced the abuse should be a secret.

Pretty sure my class learned the genitalia in grade 4.

That explains the murder spree 🤔

On a related note, what moron thinks a 13 year old needs to know about STD's?

lol, you can't possibly be that stupid for real.

It has always been a problem in places where kids fuck their relatives, ie. red states:


"The Lost Children of Rockdale County" explores how a 1996 syphilis outbreak in a well-off Atlanta suburb affected over 200 teenagers and revealed their lives unknown to parents: group sex, binge drinking, drugs and violence. Some were as young as twelve and thirteen years old.

This is Ontario, Canada we are talking about.

lol, you can't possibly be that stupid for real.

No, u

Northern Ontario is full of sisterfisters

For reference, Ontario is 918,000 km squared and has a population of 13 million. That's bigger than Texas with less than half the population. It's a very diverse province with urban areas like Toronto and Ottawa and rural areas, so STD education will definitely apply to a wide variety of students.

You obviously didn't go to a trash school. The thot mentality starts young.

Roasties and Chads are having sex earlier and earlier.

Why the fuck shouldn't kids learn about STDs you retard? 13 is right about the time a lot of kids start doing consentual shit. Besides, they learn about the harms of smoking and drinking too despite being underaged retards

Alright, I'm going to give an honest answer. I work in hard neighborhoods. 12-13 is too late. The average age of menarche is between 12 and 13 years of age in the United States. Now consider that it takes time to teach this stuff, and average just covers the midpoint between the extremes. The distribution of ages is terrifying - depending on local fat and hormonal loads, up to 10% of 10 year olds can possibly bear children (don't tell /u/yameteoniichan).

You have to start education before the kids need it. You need to make sure they know that it's not "just pretend" or whatever the pedos lolicons are coming up with.

Now consider that it takes time to teach this stuff, and average just covers the midpoint between the extremes

No condom + sex = baby&|abortion (wait, thats a good thing tho)&|std. An instructional session isnt at all necessary.

what moron thinks a 13 year old needs to know about STD's?

this is even too retarded a comment for me, even if i was drunk and posting stream of consciousness gibberish. see here: https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats16/adolescents.htm

Not a leaf but based on research conducted

Ontario’s government plans to roll back the sex Ed curriculum of students to the standard set in 1998. The new curriculum set back in 2016 updated a lot of the content including identifying sexual abuse, consent, and sexting.

However this came along with controversial ideas such as teaching 1st graders how to identify body parts including genitals, gender identity and sexuality in 8th grade, as well as discussing masturbation.

If you ask me, it’s high time we rev up some leafblowers and start the day of the rake.

Maybe it's because I'm from Yurop but most of that doesn't really seem strange or extreme to me.

I think a lot of people were thinking they were teaching kids how to masturbate rather than discussing it as a safe alternative to sex.

There was some outrage about oral and anal sex too but I couldn’t find anything on that.

Also had European sex ed and same - they even told us what foreplay was

gender identity and sexuality in 8th grade, as well as discussing masturbation.

That's 12-14 years old in civilised units.

I seriously don't see the issue with this, sex ed is given to 11 yo here.

This is in Canada you jackass

>Implying there is a difference.


What, you don’t think Canadians have an obesity problem and eat hamburgers?

Canada is pretty much America trying to not be an asshole while somehow being a bigger asshole but nobody gives a shit because it's Canada.

In my opinion sex ed is lousy in high school. As a kid, no student takes it seriously. As a teen, the teacher doesnt take it seriously. Just show how to put a condom on a banana and call it a day. Unfortunately no one has this radical idea to teach teens how to safely have sex and teaching it to 6 year olds is creepy male feminist behaviour.

My school did that, but the drama teacher, who looked exactly like what alt right people say soyboys look like btw, instead brought in his dildos, one black and one white, and had us put them on it. It was super weird and no one took it seriously. For the record, I'm not being ironic at all here

Hope he washed them before he let the kids play with them.

Um no sweaty, thats how you spread the gift!

please tell me the dildos were comically large

In my school they hired a sex educator to come in for a lesson - it was actually awesome because it was their actual job to teach sex ed to children. I remember it was pretty funny and not awkward. She had us write all the questions we had anonymously then answered them - this was like 8th grade. I wish all schools could afford to hire a pro.

Of all the stupid things liberals have done, the gender wars have got to be the dumbest. The people who really get passionate about this crap are a tiny minority. There aren’t enough of them to win you an election, but they’re obnoxious enough that they can absolutely drive people away from you. We wouldn’t have heard of Jordan Peterson if not for them.



Fagfessor Tardan Memers😂n





Clean your room while I dont clean mine

What do you mean with the gender wars that the liberals did?

You know, identifying as something conservatives didn’t understand. It was an act of warfare that the poor innocent right wing had no choice but to defend themselves against lest everyone feel comfortable in their own skin.

Pretty sure the chance that you're born as a transsexual is just as big when you are a Conservative

No. What I’m saying is it was a stupid decision to defend an unpopular minority that can’t reward you by swinging an election your way.

For people who are obsessed with consent, they sure don't care if the parents do.

TBH if the parents are retards then I don’t give a damn if they consent or not. Their kids are being educated and they can cry in Albertan.

Consent only matters if the person isn't a retard? How many have you raped?

But if we give children accurate information they won't believe the inaccurate information we give them and more importantly they may begin to doubt any information we give them!

Implying leafs weren't already insuffereable

We should be doing whatever encourages leafs to multiply the least

I don't get the point of sex Ed. Kids are just going to look up porn and shit like that anyways so what's the point?

Goddam, what a bunch of fucking prudes. This is what reactionaries do. Can't be arsed to make a new curriculum that updates the old one in a way they find acceptable. Naw, let's just roll the clock back 20 years.

I had a discussion with someone the other day who was glad this was happening because schools were "leftist indoctrination centres"

/u/TheGriffinAlberta Sounds pretty accurate.