Britbongs mad at getting BTFO of the Football Cup decide to get back to what they do best: shouting at brown Communist gussy.

6  2018-07-12 by ArlenBilldozer


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Every time I hear about crash and burn of once great Empire i kind of roll my eyes but this... lol

UK is fucked!

I dont care what you call me or think of me but I'll say it... Brits are fucking cucks of n-th order.

This is the lamest seriouspost I've seen this week. Literally worse than t_d tier comments.

You know what... while I don't hold my breath to change your mind, with this video in mind, I'd rather be associated with T_D than pretend that dumbass chick is worthy of even a moment of attention.

I mean, seriously... how can you watch that exchange and not cringe so hard your teeth might fall out?

I'd rather be associated with T_D

It's brave of you to come out as a total retard

I mean, seriously... how can you watch that exchange and not cringe so hard your teeth might fall out?

Implying I actually open the posts here before I smugpost

no, u

Implying I actually open the posts here before I smugpost


...It really was about Piers Morgan screaming at someone and getting called an idiot, but you do you.

It's funny... but can you even comprehend that not everyone takes away same shit from some event?

I mean... in what autistic universe does that little dumbass chick acting ghetto comes out on top is beyond me...

She was far more reserved and articulate than Piers "Chimpout" Morgan, did you even watch the video?

Let me check again liitle ghetto commie spergout … here’s one

Theresa May holding hands with Trump is utter embarrassment


Then, my personal fav with irony detector off

I’m a Communist, you idiot

Yep, reserved and articulate. For a zoo or something...

Piers Morgan:


Balance: Commie is 100% more reserved and articulate. At least she said something more than: "BUT OBAMA DEPORTED" in between Piers shouting over her and sputtering in indignation like a 15 year old's first conversation about policy.


Most animals in a zoo are more articulate than Piers Morgan.

Then, my personal fav with irony detector off

You're barely articulate yourself. Please stop trying to speak English you're really bad at it

Even if the UK does " crash" it will always be better than that shithole Croatia. Our most deprived areas are much better than croatias "advanced" cities

Are you that unorignal and sad that you have to larp as a fat american to feel badass over the internet?

I don't think you get multi-layered joke on you with that clip...

I don't think you get multi-layered joke on you with that clip...

I don't think you get English but generations of inbreeding is going to leave you a bit retarded

How do Englishmen face themselves in the mirror when shrill brown concubines who were polishing the imperial cocks of English conquers for a quarter-sterling only 60 years ago can march up and down the streets in England scolding Englishmen about German-American politicians and shrieking about how important it is to them that the English give their money to all of the dirty ignorant brown people who have claimed a bunch of shitty backward little enclaves in their country?

What have you become, white man, when even your slaves defy you?

Why do communists call all caps bootlickers?

"Jeeezz you guys are such bootlickers. Why cant you just accept a form of government that has absolute power and controls every facet of your life, bootlicker!!"

Maybe communism would be good for the UK tho. After the chavs' and soccer hooligans run the country for a few weeks maybe the world will be lucky enough to see another slaughter of academia hang-ins pleading "Noo! I was one of you! I just cant work a farm because of my fibromyalgia!!" Before being shot to death.

Also PM is a retard.

Wait piers likes trump now?