"I'm so confused... so we're against people who are against fascism? What fucking dimension did I wake up in?"

72  2018-07-12 by QueenOfTheIncels


Why in the fuck is the actual drama linked down here? And you're not even OP?

Mods plz ban OP

/u/interestedinthings2 there are plenty of rapists that are against rape.

I believe the PC term is male feminists

I'm actually against wasting money but I have wasted money

It’s like Americans just discovered the word “fascism”.

The protesters shown are missing a vital component needed for them to be fascists: well designed uniforms.

America is too casual for fascism. You’ll never create a white ethno state in baseball caps and cargo shorts.

Sorry, not sorry, sweaty.

To be clear its mostly people under 25 who REEEEE fascism.

Orwell complained about this in the 40s.

"It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else."

Cismale detected

That Orwell sounds like a fascist to me

Radical centrist fascism now!

You're really going to post an Orwell quote? He was a fucking fascist!

I need to read more Orwell.

All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.


the problem is that they see "fascism" as a complete, identical synonym for general "authoritarianism".


I just discovered this word. It's like the Discover channel used to do videos about it but now all they do is reality shows. What do competing sets of housewives think about it?

Every country has a vocal minority of nob heads who want to fight. Here it was football fans. make it legal, in a large arena and to the death. I'll buy a pay for view ticket.

Are you not entertained?!

10 years ago, i would have been horrified at that thought. 3 years ago, I would have tried to find a pirated stream on the internet. now? i'd buy season tickets for that. in a few years, who knows... I might just want to play.

Ideology wars. Watch as two sides Duke it out to find out who's ideology is right more correct!

ANTIFA? Oh you mean like they guys that stormed the beaches at Normandy? Got it.

/u/Dragongala Remember when world war 2 began because Germany said some things the allies didn't like.

Or was it because they invaded Poland you absolute twat.

ANTIFA? Oh you mean like they guys that stormed the beaches at Normandy? Got it.

This shit unironically pisses me off. Far leftists hate the military but will try lickety-fucking-split to co-opt heroic actions to steal legitimacy.

Those guys who stormed the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima? They didn't like black people very much, thought women belonged in the kitchen, and would beat the shit out of a tranny if they saw one. They are exactly the people Antifa would call 'fascist' and throw M80s at.

Those guys who stormed the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima? They didn't like black people very much, thought women belonged in the kitchen, and would beat the shit out of a tranny if they saw one. They are exactly the people Antifa would call 'fascist' and throw M80s at.


Thats how previous generations work in recent history though every single one would call current mainstream conservatives liberals. and their previous generation would call them liberals etc.

Military is overwhelming conservative including at their current timeframe.

Militaries are almost always conservative compared to local politics except in rare circumstances where the locals are backwards as fuck and the military gets foreign training and education like in egypt & turkey.

Far leftists dont the military on principal though thats where the whole meaning of fucking tankie comes from supporting the soviet military coming in with tanks to suppress people.

In context, we're talking about the US military, or at least the anglosphere.

Everyone knows that Tankies jerk off to the fantasy of shooting dissidents.

eh, to be fair, most of them thought women belonged in the factory.

And the people they killed weren’t even “nazis”, but German soldiers drafted into war who didn’t necessarily support the cause. I fucking hate this cartoonish good vs evil simplification of war. Do these people think the Germans were inherently evil themselves?

And even with the nazis themselves (meaning members of the actual nazi party) you have someone like Schindler who did more good than any of us can hope to.

Most people who stormed normandy still believed in segregation and a primarily white society. I guarantee these same people would call them fascist for being a little more nationalist than your average mayo hating liberal.

How many German women got raped at WW2 by ameritards. Lol

Well Belgium...

Both Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland before they invaded Belgium.

Which no-one really did shit about... It was the incursion west that got France and Britain to join the frey

But the war in Europe began with Germany and the Soviets invading Poland.

... Kinda? The support from France and UK was limited and they didn't get into proper war footing until the western expansion of Germany.

Do you think that World War 2 began when Germany declared war on the USA? Of course not, that's absurd. A war can be raging even when a particular country isn't yet involved in the fighting.

Oh. You're dumb.

Germany and the Soviets invaded Poland on 1st September, 1939. France and the UK declared war two days later.

The Soviets invaded Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and somewhere else whose name escapes me right now. Germany invaded Poland. Japan was allied with Germany and raping its way across China.

If you think that that's not a world war just because France and the UK weren't "on a war footing" yet, then you're a fucking retard.


That's the one, thanks.

If you think that that's not a world war just because France and the UK weren't "on a war footing" yet, then you're a fucking retard.

But they didn't really do shit for months. Kind of my point.

... Kinda? The support from France and UK was limited and they didn't get into proper war footing until the western expansion of Germany.

There was no ground fighting on the Western Front until then, but there was some air and sea fighting (the Battle of the River Plate was in 1939, also the sinking of the Royal Oak at Scapa Flow) and the short and unsuccessful Norwegian campaign beginning in April 1940.

This stupid punch is pretty played out. Everyone involved in these retarded street brawls should be punished by law [not killed because saying that earned me a ban last time I talked about these protests].

Violence is the ultimate form of justice

"What do you mean you don't support the PATRIOT act? I'm so confused...so we're against patriotism? What fucking dimension did I wake up in?"

Are you telling me National Socialism is bad?

You have something against the Socialist Republics?

Are you telling me that you're against the People's Republic?

What dimension is this where the Democratic People's Republic is considered the bad guy?

That was such a fruity punch to die from

When you think about it, anti-humans are the real humans.

When you think about it, anti-antifascists are the real antifascists 🤔😂

I can't really imagine a better way to recruit fascists than to join antifa.

Seriously though? You're trying to claim that the left is the violent one? Come on... they're not the side running people down with cars...

I mean

pepper sprays old woman

That one time

assaults person with bike lock

They ran someone over

beats up man lying on the ground

With a car

gathers a dozen friends to help beat up innocent person

Isn’t that awful?

I find it fucking baffling that the same people spouting "#NOTALLMUSLIMS!" tier shit after the weekly islamic terrorist attack in europe are still parading that Charlottesville around as proof that the US has been taken over by literal nazis.

That is somehow used in an argument against everything. Even things that have absolutely nothing to do with Charlottesville or Nazis.

You could be arguing about orange juice and someone will find a way to bring up nazis running people over with cars and it will get gilded 18 times for being so woke.