bootlicking coploving drama abounds when user says "police are friends of fascists"

40  2018-07-13 by AchtungMaybe


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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All this is why I'm surprised liberal protestors haven't realized that when you come armed and ready to fight, neonazis back down real fuckin quick.

Lmao u/PelagianEmpiricist just look at how fast that guy backed down when he got swung on with the baton.

Sup dude, do your thing

What's your top 3 sexual fetishes?

Breath play.



breath play

is that just blowing on one another

Choke me daddy

I can’t white until whites are a minority almost everywhere so there are no more fascists

Is that what happens when you ask Amelia Bedilia to blow you?

Amelia Bedilia would be a great meme


You sound obese, are you obese?

You are kinda boring aren't you ? There is not a single illegal fetish here.

If you wouldn't mind, I am interested in hearing your rationale for that comment, especially in light of the now infamous video of baton boy vs roid dude.

See, to me, it looked like the antifa guy with the baton backed down much faster than the alt-righter did.

backed down right into the pavement, lmao

Haven't seen the video but sounds to me like the dude shouldn't have backed down.

Here's the thing. Fuck the Alt right and everything they stand for, but they are still Americans. I firmly believe that I should never start a fight (unless my life is undeniably in danger) but I will finish it.

I expect people to not back down from morons who think an American Holocaust sounds kinda fun and cool. If antifa were smart, they would ensure their people never ever swing first or back down if they have the numbers.

The left makes for some shitty and weak allies.

If antifa were smart, they would ensure their people never ever swing first or back down if they have the numbers.

Col. Mayo, reporting for duty and HRT pills, sir!

You better have a very feminine penis or I won't accept you in my degeneracy division

You're a pretty cool guy, man

I can't believe you just correctly assumed my gender but thanks

Welcome to /r/drama friendo (a/x), enjoy your stay

I expect people to not back down from morons who think an American Holocaust sounds kinda fun and cool

Except 99 percent of the people antifa fight aren't neo Nazis or Nazis. Lol

If antifa were smart, they would ensure their people never ever swing first or back down if they have the numbers.

There is plenty of evidence to support that even when Antigua are beating people up three to one or bashing people over the head with steel objects because they are trying to break up fights they still lose. I think you are betting on a lame horse fam.

Most of the far left anacharcist groups (not including some of the Europeans) are non violent by nature they simply don't have the experience to fight with people that actually enjoy violence. They also need to stop being anemic vegans eat meat lift some weights and learn to actually fight. (Rather than read books on violent "direct action" )

The left makes for some shitty and weak allies.

They aren't. They also look to start shit. It makes them unlikable.

The name "Proud Boys" just conjures this image of autistic boy scouts who do things for Goodboy Points and tendies instead of merit badges.

What are they "Proud" of actually...being retards?

I honestly have no idea. With a name like "Proud boys" I partially expect googling it would lead to something like or or put me on some kind of list.

The whole thing is totally homoerotic.

They claim they made the west great, but most of them are young and unemployed.

As far as I know the "proud boys" are supposed to be champions of upholding and spreading Western ideals/values. Of course, the irony of them failing at upholding any values of any sort is lost on them.

Being boys. Not men, boys

Apparently it's a reference to song from the stage version of "Aladdin."

OP..let me guess, it was removed from SRD for sulprus popcorn aka "this drama will create inside drama and make our users look bad"?

right on

I’m pretty sure surplus is an attempt to do this. It's just not working in any way at all

Daily reminder that /u/IAmAN00bie is responsible for the boomer meme autistic neo-nazi shithole known as /r/cringeanarchy, all because he couldn't handle people cringing at weebs and autists and deleted anything actually cringeworthy

If you are drawn to order and authority then the step to Fascism isn't far.

/u/monopixel, how is summer school going for you?

Fascist fukken calculus teachers using integrals to keep the working man down.

Dude, acab. I'm dealing with some shit right now where the sheriff's department and ordinance control are trying to shut down my farm by making shit up. I now have to spend money on a lawyer to show up in court with permits that I have that are in their records so they can't shut my shit down

Says the people who want more power for the government.

Damn, what an insightful observation. All "power to the government" is actually the exact same thing, so net neutrality is fascism. Also cops should be judge jury and executioner, blue lives matter, etc.

Indeed. They need to seize the means of production, and redistribute the wealth fairly. More government is the answer! Trust them, no abuse would come of that ever.

More government is the answer

I literally just explained to you why this dichotomy makes you an imbecile, but you doubled down by calling me a communist. You have trillions of communists hiding under your bed, right now.

Just checked his post history guys, he's a t_doofus bot. Downvote and move on

Oh noes! He disagrees! Must be russian bot!

Someday you will realize you have a log up your ass.

I was making a sarcastic comment I don't think you're a Russian bot

Theyre also against capital punishment but think being tortured and raped by other inmates is AOK

No kink shaming please

Holy shit the amount of downvotes for people saying that some cops are good people. Is this chapo 2?

🐷🐽oink oink🐽🐷

These people are deranged. The guy who punched the antifa is a neonazi? He was whipping a baton in his eyes and threw fireworks into a crowd burning women.

Fuck white people, fuck cops lol