u/david-me, pbuh, reduced to mailboy. Didn't even nuke everything. His wrath amounted to 30 minutes of private. Sad!

194  2018-07-13 by costof


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Real talk, he should have done that shit slow and subtle, kicking off moderators and bringing the frog to a boil. But I am glad at least a few tendies got sperged and gaymers are feeling a little less secure tonight.

If he really cared about destroying the community he should've anonymously doxxed people and blame other mods before kicking them

that's pretty woq tbh

If he was successful we could have had another refugee crisis.

The SJWs are coming from inside the sub!

You are complicit for letting them in, you know.

We need some balance to restore our beacon of radical centrism.

Our local centipedo population is more than enough to maintain this balance. Anything more simply results to our culture and way of life being eroded. You have been warned.

Maybe I'm tired but I thought we were talking about le SJWs

it always comes back to the jews with you people

I honestly think that /r/Drama has been shamed by the amount of pure unadulterated autism that the KIA kiddos brought out in that thread. I mean, what are we even doing?

I mean, what are we even doing?

Being a place where all sides can come in and shit stir up some tasty drama?

the light of our locally-sourced retardation and autism was outshone by the sheer volume of KIA sperging

The huge volume of sperging WAS the light - you were just blinded by it.


I don't think the powerusers of reddit's leftysphere even come here anymore, despite what MDEgenerates believe.

I personally blame that month of TrollX thread spamming for driving the real cows away.

Yeah, the narrative that the MDE and Chapo refugee problem is equal is a fucking joke.

Watching with popcorn as david devolved into even bigger pissbaby and now as a new level of drama comes about when people see KIA is still here.

There's no need for subtlety. Just institute some unreasonable rules, maybe set up AutoModerator to enforce them, and demod/ban anyone who disagrees, just like every other time people band together to hijack a sub. You have to screw up pretty hard to get Reddit admins to care about you, and I do think KiA would look better as a cat subreddit.

That could possibly have been better for dramacoin

He jerked it too hard to soon.

That's the problem with gamers, they are always trying to speed run things.

Was pretty retarded as expected of a KIA poster, should have modded everyone from gamerghazi mod team to achieve perfect radical centrism.

Now I'm sad we never got to see /u/Caelrie or /u/GearyDigit as KiA top mods.

Dragon porn + KiA sounds like a perfect fit.

They would had burn the place down not made it more center

thats how the centre is supposed to be.

>to make something left wing you need to make it a literal burning wreck


That honestly would have been the best way for him to nuke the sub. Just unmod everyone and hand it over to ghazi.

Right? The admins don't intervene in such cases.

should have modded everyone from gamerghazi mod team to achieve perfect radical centrism

/u/david-me If you ever get full perms back, do this.


Our sticky on this was an absolute shitshow. You had a prime-beef lolcow announcing he was about to do what was essentially the Lord's work for r/Drama, and in ,within minutes, MDEgens and unironic goobergators where swarming the thread, in previously unseen numbers, screeching in defense of their shitpile of a subreddit.

Not only that, they even had the audacity to actually talk back when r/Drama regulars kindly reminded them how subhuman they are and that they should keep themselves safe. And the mods just idly watched. Absolutely zero effort at competent border control.

It became disappointing rather more quickly than I hoped it would.

The only thing we can hope for now is that the KiA dorks who flooded here go back to their safe space. They're free to stay here if they want, but they act like complete babies when they get made fun of lol

well now they know this place exists so good luck.

this place is gonna be awful forever

just like always

you cant have a healthy place that revolves around an unhealthy subject.

Honestly I come to r/Drama because I was too retarded for KiA

too retarded for KiA

contradiction in terms

nothing, not even r/drama, is more retarded than caring about ethnics in gaming

Fortunately, there is no way /r/Drama could possibly get any worse.

Is this what they call top kek lol

If it starts to become /r/Subredditdrama, yes, it will be worse.


Wait, we were all just stirring up drama?

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

I thought dem were the rules here?

Daddybot brigading and spazing ain't drama, it's just boring screeching noise.

You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.

Seriously. Everyones just following the rules.

Assimilate to our culture you immigrant swine.

You see dramatic

Looks like it is

Slay kweeen 😬

Lmao what the fuck are you talking about. If you want to screech about a bunch of comments buried at the bottom of a thread you'd be more at home in gamerghazi

headasplodes, we don't need your shit right now

Cry in defense of MDEgens more, faggot.

Lol you're the only one crying you little bitch

Their hopes of KiA being shutdown have been utterly dashed. Let them have their salt mine, lad.


the worst part about having more gamergate autists here will be the way they talk

being this mad about ethics in bussy blasting

i prefer ethnics in bussy blasting scenarios


suicide watch

Are you creatures mass produced or something? I swear, Snappy has a more diverse quote database by this point.


Imagine sperging like this because of 3 words

everyone making fun of me is a sperg


Hold up

He might have a point

I goobered your mom's gator

It's ok sweaty, KiA is a sub for autistic gamercels who screech 24/7. No need for honor defending unless you identify with them 😆

you'd be more at him in gamerghazi

if you're not one of us, you're on of them





Right? Lmao.

border control

Interesting choice of words.

We believe in borders at r/drama. We have a skills-based entry policy, except instead of meritocracy, it’s lolcows, imbeciles, degenerates, and assorted worthless dregs of all stripes, backgrounds and strata of the human species. We’re a diverse community united only in our lack of value to the rest of mankind.

We need immigration to tweak the demographics of this place. There aren’t nearly enough degenerates around here.

Reverse meritocracy

MDEgens and unironic goobergators where swarming the thread, in previously unseen numbers, screeching & reeee-ing in defense of their shitpile of a subreddit.

These are normal everyday drama users you special needs jack target.

Fuck off MDEgens need to be taken out behind the chemical sheds and composted. They aren't funny and have less edge than wet paper towel.

Lol, you are so mean to them. You want to kill them and all they want to offer you is a nice group shower.

Keep safe out there, mdegenerate

Degenerates are a repressed class. We need more degenerates. I say we import them via immigration.

ecks dee

Did you forget how to emoji post? 😂😂😂

What kind of faggot drama sub doesn’t encourage drama in the comments?

theres no drama when its just a bunch of gamerz jerking each other off

a few of them are supposed to come here, the most bussy blasted, so they can be encouraged into the biggest spergout possible

not a wave of refugees here to implement sharia gaming-law

Quit being such a gamer-phobe like they are trying to establish some sort of Gaming Caliphate. Keep pissing them off and they will declare gamer jihad on us all! Better to appease them by opening our borders and offering our women as tribute.

Yeah where the hell did all those gabblegoobers come from?

Mods, something must be done about the MDEgenerates, gamers, and traps of chapo’s house.


Like a newborn walking in to the gym. Just kind of gay, m8. Try again with some chutzpah.

Fuck m8 they're coming in H O T. The sub is being overrun. Might have to take a temporary break.

Gamers are the only dorks who still look like losers even when a massive drama opportunity is handed to them.

Lol who is this fag?

You're fucking kidding me, David.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Dropping slurs like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another tranny or faggot outta /u/david-me, you'll never post or comment here ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?

One of the greatest! In spite of everything I think this pasta alone redeems SRD.

Admins were pretty fucking fast to restore the sub. I can already imagine people already readying up their "/u/spez SUPPORTS ALT RIGHT REEEEEEE" threads.

Honestly though this was way quicker than when subs like /r/MorbidQuestions and /r/PussyPass (or whichever one that was) got taken over by far right white nationalist turds

I feel like him explicitly stating what he was doing and why he was doing it in his earlier post made it a bit easier for the admins. Either that, or an admin happened to be around at just the right time.

This is going to be fun, someone should submit "reddit admins officially support gamer gate" to ghazi and hold fingers crossed that it makes it way to mainstream "press".

Oh it will. Wherever the new CON chat is will be furiously brainstorming how to spin this in their VOX article tomorrow.

Now that you mention it, I can't wait for this to happen.

AHS, Ghazi, and TopMinds were doing that within minutes of the restoration.

I felt a great disturbance in the autism, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in joy and were suddenly ass blasted. I fear something incredible has happened.

I thought topminds was about r/conspiracy ?

They're also a generic retarded drama sub.

After they banned user pings it went a bit too far to the "Trump bad" direction

u/david-me, pbuh, reduced to mailboy. Didn't even nuke everything. His wrath amounted to 30 minutes of private. Sad!reddit.com/r/Kota...Posted byu/costof9 hours ago

The fact that a bunch of people complaining about inter-sectional activism and lying within games journalism are seen as literally Hitler always gives me gas.

Watch the ghazis. If they aren't already doing it, they will be soon.

u/david-me post juicy modmails pls 😋


Good! I hate authoritarian censoring assholes that think trying to silence others will make them think like him.

Quit being a faggot.


If I modded any big subs I'd ban you for acting like this much of a whiney faggot

KiA bans people for wrongthink all the time.

Eh not really

Yes, really. They ban /r/drama regulars on sight.

Not even close to Ghazi levels, which is one of KiA's few redeeming qualities.

(loud farting noises)

When are you going to attempt to excuse your behaviour by coming out as a gay furry, /u/david-me?

nt d00der

Disappointing tbh. I expected a grand feat of radical centrism, instead, we got a shitty rant from a guy with a serious case of TDS.

David's problem is that he just isn't radical

Brainstorming on conversion therapy is needed.

This shit is a huge win for Gamergate. I have said for years that Nintendo was regressive garbage, but people did not listen. This game will embolden the alt-right in a similar fashion as Trump and Brexit did. Zero diversity and blatant misogyny. I am very disappointed and feel incredibly unsafe by the fact that this game is openly celebrated on this forum. To be frank, I would rather allow discussion about JonTron than this. At least with JonTron we can still expose people to his surreptitious white-supremacy agenda that he carefully hides in his videos, but there is very little to be said about this pile of garbage that people with a conscience cannot already see.

These people want to destroy those of you who speak out and control the rest. You've seen them talk on twitter and tumblr, they will happily put you to death if they could and drink your tears while doing so.

This, but unironically. You just know if these degenerates had any kind of political power their passive aggressive bans would be a firing line.

Imagine thinking this is your big moment. WOMP WOMP


Wait, the admins actually did something? I'm dreaming

Drama is a wild ride lately.

This looks like and sounds like a rant. It's not. It's a warning. Free the free press. The 1st amendment demands it.

Now what are the odds that DAVID was doxed and told to ramble about this non sense and shutdown kia?

I thought, outside of defaults, admins don't get involved in subs like that? If the creator wanted to shut the thing they made down, I thought it was fine for them to do that.