Incel ventures outside of his safe space to repost heartwarming comic; commenters helpfully remind him that he’s subhuman garbage

123  2018-07-13 by rudest


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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but they're the good kind of incels who make fun of the other incels, point in case: /r/inceltears

IT posters are pretty much all current or future Male Feminists.

Male Feminists

So they won't be incels for long.

Hard to tell how many are DDF types finding whatever they can that sticks, and how many actually give a shit about him being incel.

It's funny how not compassionate those who claim to preach compassion for all can be

Won’t someone think of the incels

All these Chad Dolphin orgies leaving us Porpoises with freaking nothing'

For real though man, they're in a dark place and feel betrayed by society. People shitting on them left and right is only going to further entrench any of their radical beliefs

Incels that actively hate women/are racist deserve to be bullied relentlessly. You sleep in the bed you make. 😂

"Bullies deserve to be bullied"

"Fight hate with hate"

Yeah, maybe they deserve it in some sense, but that doesn't mean treating them that way will actually make anything any better. Shitting on them more, while it might give you a nice false sense of virtue, largely just serves to just make them even more jaded

"Bullies deserve to be bullied"

This is true tho

Why is the only group /r/Drama has any sympathy for incels?

Nobody deserves to be bullied for their beliefs so long as their just beliefs, do you have some kind of brain damage?

Nobody deserves to be bullied for their beliefs


Nobody deserves to be bullied for their beliefs


If you're going to bully people for hating women and other races, then go bully most Islamic people.

lmao incel


Nahh most muzzies I know are nice. But legit question though, why do incels seemingly refuse to buy hookers?

That would require them to escape from NEETville, TN.

Nah they want to be, you know, actually loved

That would require that they have the capacity for love, and judging from the vitriol many of them spew I would say this isn't the case.

Also, do you just search reddit for mentions of incels? This post is several days old.

A week old...

Yes, I said several days.

Man, such a long time indeed

Yeah I mean, I had to go back 10 pages just to get back 3 days ago.

I get that you just search for incel stuff since that is what you form your identity around, but like, dude, I can't imagine anyone would say that it is healthy to spend time on the internet searching through disparate forums just talking about incels.

Hey, it's interesting

I guess that's one way of saying you're invested in confirming your preconceptions.

I have no idea.

Nahh most muzzies I know are nice

Anecdotal evidence, the best kind of evidence.

But that's irrelevant, right? Because it isn't what people do it's what people feel in their hearts, or so you argued before.

Nah I don't find it irrelevant. Instead of actually doing to solve their inceldom, they double down on some unnatural and retarded concept of "purity". Instead for paying for it or becoming attractive, they feel like their owed sex by the opposite sex. It's a like a contraproductive support group which pushes the incel further and further away from normal human interaction.

This is why inceldom is peak retardation

But legit question though, why do incels seemingly refuse to buy hookers?

Return policy is strict

Because it's not about sex.

Islamic people

This phrasing is weird af, why not just say "Muslims"?

tolerancinista ^

How is "are racist" even relevant when talking about incels?

Everyone I disagree with is literally the same person.

*men deserve to be bullied

Since when were incels racist???

Such a position only lasts for so long though. Back when I checked r/incels before the ban, you could find loads of people calmly explaining to incels why their logic makes no sense, only for the incels to come back with their completely illogical and dramatic responses explaining why women are garbage etc etc.

There comes a point where it feels like you're talking to a brick wall, and I don't feel compassion for brick walls.

I respecc wahmen

Who's claiming to preach commission for rapists/child molesters?

There have always been exceptions - you'd know that if you'd ever given the whole compassion & empathy thing a shot instead of just being le edgy logic lord.

Can we all agree that anyone who uses 'cel' to describe themselves is a waste of human genome?

That's Mister Perfect Cel to you.

Dis he actually have any human in him?

I thought he was a Goku/Freeza/Piccolo hybrid.

I mean he absorbed a fuck-ton of humans, plus 17-18 were human at one point.

Goddamn more fetishists

That whole scene of him absorbing 18 gives me a really strange boner.

13 year old me thought it was weird that she was moaning like he was fucking her. Then again, it is Japan sooooooooo

You watched a dub right? Tho weebs and their enablers arent any better.

Yeah it was a dub

he had cells from tien and krillin, which is why he could do their attacks.

I think he got some krillin and yamcha too

he had dna from the human z-fighters.

That's exactly what the incels believe they are

Until they actually keep themselves safe, they are Volcels.

it's over for councels 😞

This is a common tactic among them. Repost something popular that will get them karma, then delete it once they have enough to seem legitimate and go post on their awful subreddits. Same with td

"oh no I was tricked into upvoting something I like!!!"

I don't think I've ever looked at someone's user page just to find out how much karma they have. Is that something peole do?

*scuffs at your sub 40k comment karma

Comment karma doesn't count.

Im not even gonna acknowledge a response from a sub 2k post karma account.


adjusts monocle

I only associate with fellow members of the 100k club, so good day sir.

I said good day Sir, now excuse me. "harumph"

*bows head to show respect

Here, have a valuable updoot you precocious little tyke. Now scamper off to join in some merriment with the other street urchins, go on, shoo now!


or not. Lol@u

No U

Dude 50k lmao


Remember when having "faggot" or "nigger" in your username was no biggie? I dont.

I have a group of friends that get really mad when i say faggot because its a “slur”

Lol. They all have shitty jobs too. I find that the more lower paid 20 to 40 year olds are more sjw than ones fhat make good money

That's because people that make good choices in life don't bother with stuff that doesn't matter.


Reddit has appealed too much to the common brainlet.


I don't get what's so offensive about his username. Transmission Pipelines aren't Pipelines? I mean, he's wrong but why they do mad?

Are they wrong though?

Oh not at all


And then there’s Haskell…

Haskell is like “that girl.” You know the one…

You never really went steady, but you’d run into her from time to time while knocking around in disreputable joints, usually late at night, every several months or so. She looked so hot, so sleek, so sexy, so expressive, so exotic. You’d end up back at her place and the night would just… take off. A complete blur of hot, sweaty, feverish, delirious, fumbling passion. You’d do things to each other… you’d do things to her, she’d do things to you… things that you’re not even sure have names, that you’re pretty sure are illegal almost anywhere. Even her kinks have kinks — and after one of these nights, you’d realize that you yourself had a lot more kinks than you. And it wasn’t just physical, it was — cerebral. Ethereal. Transcendent. But it would all whiz by in a blur, and by morning you’d find yourself lightheaded, a bit confused, and stumbling homeward to your regular gal.

Over the next few days and weeks you’d find yourself occasionally drifting away, thinking about her. Haskell. You’d be there, banging away at your regular girl, and find yourself thinking “you know, if I was with Haskell, I’d be doing this completely differently.” You’d think “I could be doing so much bigger and better stuff with Haskell.” Now, your regular girl, she’s not as exotic as Haskell. Pretty, maybe, if you’re lucky. (Perhaps your regular girlfriend’s name is Python. ;-) But not nearly as — weird. Wild. Cool. Exciting. Don’t get me wrong — your girl, she’s wonderful. You’ve got a wonderful relationship. She’s — comfortable. You can bang away at her all day and night. She’s accommodating. Easy going. You work well together. But — confidentially — she’s, well, maybe just a little bit boring. You’d catch yourself thinking these things, and the guilty pangs would get to you… You’d quash the thoughts, buckle down, and get back to banging away. Comfortable… there’s a lot to be said for that, ya know? Comfortable… just keep telling yourself that.

Months would go by. Late some night you’d find yourself out, disreputable places again. Maybe that hacker bar, LtU. Somebody’d slip you an URL for some renegade paper, you know, one of those papers. You’d run into Haskell again. And the whole thing starts over.

Eventually, you’re going to get the ultimatum. Haskell’s ultimately just like any other girl on some level; she needs commitment. Eventually, after one night of wild, feverish, kinky, abstract passion, she’s going to say to you: “All these times, and you don’t understand me at all! You know, you’re going to have to get serious, mister! I’ve got needs, too. You’re going to have to get serious about my monads, or that’s the last time you’re going to play with them! Got it?”

…and then, you’ve got to make The Choice.

Chances are, you’re going to go back to your regular gal. Haskell’s just too much for any one man, probably. She leaves a trail of broken, brainy, embittered PhDs and former programmers behind her. She ruins you for the RealWorld. You can ride a while, but you probably can’t go the distance with her. Go back to your regular gal and try not to think too much about what you’ve seen. Done. Felt. Thought.

Maybe you can salvage a little happiness; but it’ll be hard. After all… you’ve tasted Haskell.

Goes to show that incels are the true oppressed minority.

Not that's it a competition or anything, but you'd be hard pressed to find a group that is more suicidal then incels.

Stop trying to make incels a political movement. It's just lonely people who can't get laid. That's all there is to it.

They act like there's a defined ideology to /r/Braincels and the like, when it's really just complaining about women being heartless whores. You know what else complains about women for being heartless whores? Songs from every genre conceived, poems, movies, bar conversations and large sum of literally anything that expresses men's feelings.

And that's because women are heartless fucking whores. Every straight man hates women as much as he loves them, even if they won't admit it. I've even seen lesbians say they hate women. That's just how heartbreaking and awful romancing women is.


wow this

i forgot what i was doing for a second in the middle there and started nodding along :/

They act like there's a defined ideology to /r/Braincels and the like, when it's really just complaining about women being heartless whores. You know what else complains about women being heartless whores? Songs from every genre conceived, poems, movies, bar conversations and large sums of literally anything that expresses men's feelings.

And that's because women are heartless fucking whores. Every straight man hates women as much as he loves them, even if they won't admit it. Even lesbians (the not "political", retarded, /r/GenderCritical kind) hate women. That's just how heartbreaking and awful romancing (or trying to romance) women is.

With me as your president, they won't be a movement of any kind anymore.

The idea that Calvin would become the kind of hipster trash that would name his daughter Bacon pisses me off. Reddit was a mistake.

Yes, I get that it's a Francis Bacon reference. No, that doesn't make it clever.


he's a retard who hallucinated that his tiger plush toy was real. it's absurd that he even got married and was able to breed.

After umpteen years on this site I can spot Redditors in the wild now. They are all alike. Comment section was a mistake.

lol that comic is the very definition of copyright infringement. The thing would have no substance or appeal if it wasn't using stolen work. That comic is a perfect example of why copyright was made in the first place.

I thought that would be the drama. Instead people are just hating on a username.

I'm pretty sure the guy had to stop making it for that reason

Copyright is dumb tho

lmao that's some A-Log tier hate, I think inceldom hits too close to home for those people.

Damn, Calvin got laid waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before an incel did