Goyess upset at her new master, calls proud Jew a "self-satisfied shitlord"

30  2018-07-13 by costof


This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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Here Are Some Nuclear Takes from Bryan Goldberg, the Self-Satisfied Shitlord Who Now Owns Gawker.com

How do you guys even find "articles" like these?

They're good articles Ed

Hahaha they're all vvvv good 😊

But how did you find this particular one? Story time, daddy? 😁🍿

r/sneerclub is untapped drama mine imo. One of those subreddits with small number of people but large number of comments and dedicated to hating nerds!

Looks good. Thank you for your service, daddy! 😘

They're really really not. This lazy shitbag """journalist""" just took some screenshots of his FB comments.

They’re called shiksas retard

"I'm half Jew and half self-hating Jew." - Adam Eget

All those are 100% reasonable enlightened centrist takes, not a single one venturing in the shitlord territory lmao. Of course tankies are pissed!

Wow, a moderate liberal. I didn't know those existed anymore.

splinter isn't owned by gawker anymore

it's owned by...wait for it...


And they just fired the shit out of a bunch of people who work for The Onion

Saying that capitalism != racism is now considered a nuclear take to these people?