Mensrights user REEEEES about the biggest threat to men's rights-women in video games

32  2018-07-13 by AzraelUaDuibhne


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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u/TomHicks why are you trying to erase the brave sacrifice of the conscripted woman front line soldier?

Because of the sexist patriarchy, of course. Gotta preserve male privilege, somehow.

video games are created to be enjoyed by children.

that would explain most of the people in that subreddit

Wow I didn't realise mensrights had gotten that whiny. That's the sort of complaint you'd expect to see on gamerghazi

Yeah, while I'm all for a place where men can talk about unfair divorce/child custody/support issues and other stuff, this kind of screeching is just asking to be featured here.

For that kind of discussion you need to go to /menslib /feminism /rage.

I swear reddit is cursed to retarded whining as much as the ch0ns are cursed to faggotry.

I wonder what twitter is cursed with.

Whining faggotry, obviously.

/r/menslib used to be a place for stuff like that before they got all overly cautious and cucked

i wonder if /r/OneY is full of incels yet, that was good for a time


They're the ones who whine about feeeeemales. Ghazitards are the ones for women in vidya

he said the SORT of complaint

Gamerghazi actually whines about games even more than GG/KiA now, who mainly talk about other politics at this point

The sub only proves that men have finally achieved parity and now they too can be whiny little bitches

Where the hell have you been? MRAs were always whiny NEETs.

mensrights got that whiny before Gamerghazi existed lol

man i sure miss the days when Gameghazi was for making fun of nerds

/u/Tomhicks do you think honoring veterans of WW2 with video games is a good idea? Also, would any veteran even appreciate for a video game to he historically accurate, especially in terms of physical aspects like how guns work and fail and jam etc

do you think honoring veterans of WW2 with video games is a good idea?

I think Call of Duty World at War did a good job of this, showed you the brutality of world war 2 with dismembering limbs, and other gore. I think it did the setting justice, remember the opening scene of Stalingrad? Hell that entire mission was intense as fuck.

would any veteran even appreciate for a video game to he historically accurate

I think quite a few veterans would want their stories told, if for no other reason than to convince people of the horrors of war. Video games are one way of telling stories, just like movies. I'd say the Stalingrad mission in World at War can evoke similar feelings to Saving Private Ryan.

especially in terms of physical aspects like how guns work and fail and jam

I'm not sure about that, but a few games have done this. See Far Cry 2.

You're really good at deflecting. I'll give you that.

I think Call of Duty World at War did a good job of this, showed you the brutality of world war 2 with dismembering limbs, and other gore. I think it did the setting justice, remember the opening scene of Stalingrad? Hell that entire mission was intense as fuck.

This didn't answer my question of "is it a good idea?"

I think quite a few veterans

So carefully chosen words knowing that you have no real data to back that up with. It's kinda hilarious in a weird way.

*would want their stories told, if for no other reason than to convince people of the horrors of war. *

Sure but are video games a good medium?

Video games are one way of telling stories, just like movies.

But they're not similar. They're both audio/visual but the fact that you can control your character in video games adds a whole other dimension. And this is where the two mediums diverge

Apart from comedies, I've yet to see a WW2 film that didn't incorporate real weapon physics as opposed to video games whose main purpose is "fun" and not just entertainment. (being horrified by the depiction of a negative historical event is entertaining but not "fun")

Imagine having your guns jammed by sand or being killed with a single bullet or being handicapped in a WW2 video game. Video games are not a good medium because their main demographic is young people who want to have "fun" and maybe, just maybe, learn something on the side especially through voiceover dialogue or monologues etc.

You don't seem to bash video games because they don't incorporate real life weapon/anatomical and physiological physics that will surely ruin the gameplay experience. Veterans didn't have "fun" while fending for their lives on foreign soil but we all seem to have a blast while playing games that are meant to show "the brutality of WW2". You're basically deriving pleasure from the life stories of people who lived through hell and again.

Now i'm not saying it's unethical but seeing as you have many unpopular (to the rest of us) ethical opinions on video games, I'm surprised how you don't find this problematic. Actually, I'm not but that's a whole other story.

WW2 movies can make you feel nauseous, anxious, terrified through out the runtime but you'll still enjoy the hell out of it. You were asking for a real life like experience and that's what you got. Kind of. Most video games don't succeed if you don't have "fun" while playing it. When you encounter almost every single obstacle you will in real life too like veterans did.

But my god if you include women in your video games then all hell breaks loose. It's almost like we're shitting on the graves of these veterans. Because, after all the unrealistic aspects of WW2 games like weapon physics and Anatomical/physiological aspects, we still see somehow including women character in video games as a line that should never be crossed.

How do you even expect people to take you seriously after cherrypicking your "ethically dilemmas" this blatantly?


Also, since when is it the moral responsibility of video games (or any other entertainment medium) to portray the struggles of ww2 veterans with a historical accuracy level to your liking (obviously ignoring weapon physics)? Most people would agree to not actively make fun of that in bad spirit but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed to tweak it however they like to maximize their profits. There is no copyright for the life stories of millions who suffered in that war. Nor does any comedy movie that'll use WW2 as their premise bound by your type of ethics to be really historically accurate (gun physics excluded obviously)

What you're doing is basically what regular SJWs do but on the opposite (or different) political spectrum. You're gatekeeping video games with respect to how they should portray history in their plots.

I'm not sure about that,

More like you don't care. Women soldiers in ww2 video games is a bigger ethical transgression than unrealistic weapon physics which actually makes the game more enjoyable"

but a few games have done this. See Far Cry 2.

I don't care.

This better be a copypasta Ed.

ssshhhh 🤫🤫🤫

All that pasta was just a delicious smokescreen for ed's serious-posting.

What if people catch onto pasta? And they do. Improvisation my brother. Fhat's the key word.

You're really good at deflecting. I'll give you that.

I answered every question you asked? How is that deflecting?

Sure but are video games a good medium?

I'd say a better medium than movies, as you have some interactivity. You can't just sit back and be a passive spectator like watching Saving Private Ryan. The fact that you have to do something, be active, makes this a better form of story telling than movies.

Veterans didn't have "fun" while fending for their lives on foreign soil but we all seem to have a blast while playing games that are meant to show "the brutality of WW2".

I'm not sure all games are fun. I played Rising Storm Vietnam, and that was exhausting. Not fun at all. That is one of the more realistic games, in that it strips out a lot of artificial conveniences that more casual games like CoD provide players.

But my god if you include women in your video games then all hell breaks loose. It's almost like we're shitting on the graves of these veterans.

Because men and only men were conscripted to serve as cannon fodder. They were forced at penalty of imprisonment, or in some countries, execution if they didn't agree to be a meat shield. A few of these conscripts survived and are still alive today.

The issue of consent is important here. Many men didn't consent to sacrifice their lives. They were forced anyway. Women weren't. Women were not conscripted to serve on the front line. The very few women that saw combat were volunteers. By portraying female soldiers on the front line, it implies that men and women were equally forced onto the front lines. It ignores that men's consent was overruled.

I have no problem with female Russian snipers in the game. Or female Russian medics.

we still see somehow including women character in video games as a line that should never be crossed.

I wouldn't have a problem with female characters in any game that didn't claim to be based on history or portray history. I have no problem with developers portraying female soldiers in futuristic games, or in modern military games that feature gender neutral forces like Israel's military.

There is no copyright for the life stories of millions who suffered in that war.

Never said this was a legal issue.

I'd say a better medium than movies,

But every major studio wants to maximize their profits. Games are even somewhat barely as frustrating as real life combat would not earn them the profits they are hoping for because most people won't play them with the same level of enthusiasm.

I'm not sure all games are fun. I played Rising Storm Vietnam, and that was exhausting. Not fun at all. That is one of the more realistic games, in that it strips out a lot of artificial conveniences that more casual games like CoD provide players.

Unrelated to any of my arguments. Why doesn't a "causal" game experience offend you? It's not historical accurate. It makes light of what actual veterans lived through all in the name of "fun". Why not? But you're gonna ignore this question like you did rn with your reply.

Because men and only men were *conscripted** to serve as cannon fodder. They were forced at penalty of imprisonment, or in some countries, execution if they didn't agree to be a meat shield. A few of these conscripts survived and are still alive today. *

No video game denies that historical aspect. Not a single one.

The very few women that saw combat were volunteers. By portraying female soldiers on the front line, it implies that men and women were equally forced onto the front lines

The thing about "implication" is that that is your interpretation and not the absolute truth unless proven otherwise.

And what you're accusing of them implying is not there. They don't do that.

It ignores that men's consent was overruled.

It doesn't ignore that. It's a given that men were forced into war by their "leaders". If you're playing a historically themes video game, you should show the least bit of interest in history. Remember, video games are not class room lessons. It's not their job to eliminate your ignorance.

games should be historically accurate

You say that but

since when is it the moral responsibility of video games (or any other entertainment medium) to portray the struggles of ww2 veterans with a historical accuracy level to your liking (obviously ignoring weapon physics)? Most people would agree to not actively make fun of that in bad spirit but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed to tweak it however they like to maximize their profits. There is no copyright for the life stories of millions who suffered in that war. Nor does any comedy movie that'll use WW2 as their premise bound by your type of ethics to be really historically accurate (gun physics excluded obviously)

This is a question i want you to answer, not just the parts that you have the answer to (i.e the copyright one).

You're making an ethical dilemma out of something most veterans if alive wouldn't even care about since they know video games, no matter how mature they pretend to be, are mere toys for entertainment.

You shouldn't be crucified for not using your video game to teach people about history etc. That's something you should only be expected to learn in a classroom.

This is why people find your social justice war on video games not historically accurate enough for you (except guns), laughable.

I think Call of Duty World at War did a good job of this, showed you the brutality of world war 2 with dismembering limbs, and other gore.

Is that supposed to be respectful to the men who went through that?

I think quite a few veterans would want their stories told, if for no other reason than to convince people of the horrors of war.

That's what movies are for.

I think quite a few veterans would want their stories told, if for no other reason than to convince people of the horrors of war.

Ever played Spec Ops: The Line, i think that is the only game to actually do that in any capacity.

I've met a fair few veterans in mega autistic FPSs like ARMA and Red Orchestra but when you ask them what they did in the service, it usually involves zero actual combat experience. Kinda sad really lol.

Well yeah, most dudes who watched thsir closest buddies get knifed through the anus and gutted like a fish by dudes with mangy beards covered in dirt avoid scenes of combat.

Right but we're talking about dudes who did watch 12 bearded men shoot the legs off 3 guys then hold his arms down and penetrate the knee holes with engorged penises while stuffing sand in their mouths until they suffocated, trembling and spasming like victims of cyanide poisoning.

That is disturbingly specific man, are you okay?

I mean, he posts on /r/drama

so no

I would not describe that as "okay"

Hold me

Can't beer and crotch are occupying my hands.

eugene, aren't you a britbong that weighs 5 stone soaking wet and gets in slapfights about bad metal music? I mean I hate ex-military tryhards too but there's a special breed of hypocrisy when it comes from a flameout like you.



5 stone soaking wet

I weigh 12 stone.

slapfights about bad metal music

Yeah I guess lol.

My dad, grandfather and great-grandfather were all in the Armed Forces so it's just bants man.

Arcade game trivializing one of the worst conflicts in human histories - I sleep Having also women in it - #REEEEEEEE

....But when one writes that reddit's mensrights subs is as shit as menslib and they are both not only worthless but also full of negatives, people start to reeeee.

Piracy hurts the anime/manga industry, which is made obvious by the fact that the anime/manga industry as a whole opposes it. So if you pirate, congrats, you are inferior to me by default and no better than a parasite.

No offense to actual parasites.

If you do any sort of non-prescription drugs or drink until you're drunk then once again, congrats - I am again better than you as I refuse to put that toxic shit into my body and I damn sure do not need to escape the harsh realities in the world by intoxicating myself. Losers.

If you have any felony's, I am better than you. If you have multiple misdemeanor, I am better than you for I have NO criminal record. Not even a citation. I tend to avoid legal issues and I've done pretty damn good for 28 years. Scumbags.


The only problem here is that the game is pretending to be legitimate history

/r/TheMythof_Feminism games that are meant to be enjoyed aren’t fucking history lessons. people played games like Medal of Honor or the early CoD’s or Strikers 1945 because they wanted to kill nazis with old guns or shoot down biplanes, not because they want to learn about World War II.

They tried that with Mario’s Time Machine and look what happened. The only game that really goes for both was Oregon Trail and that game was as depressing and boring as a fun game could be

When were these games ever about historical accuracy, they are about americans and english (pure capitalist mayo or gtfo) and having them kill nazis.

Having a mayo kill a nazi doesn't make your fucking arcade shooter a history lesson.