womp womp

740  2018-07-13 by lolyougotreallymad




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any word on the Sadiq Khan one yet?? I was hoping they could have an epic sky battle

If you call 98 people watch two cub scouts fly kites epic

I'm a simple man

The word is that some guy on the internet got $50K for a project that will max out at a shitty artist rendering. He literally pulled $50K directly out of the opioid epidemic with a zero effort "no u" comeback.

Everyone on this sub should be a fucking millionaire.

Take Notch and all the regulars and you do get an average net worth of a couple dozen million.

Huh... was kinda expecting bigger. Kinda weak tbh.

It was disappointing.

Lmao this shit was on the front page of CNN and BBC , youโ€™d think it would be higher in the air too

can't be flown higher than 98' due to an ordinance

Hahahahahahahahaha faggot losers

oi do you have a loisence for that insult bruv?

Don't be so harsh on daddy

The ole Reddit switcharoo



That's barely 20 feet in the air

Oi, you got a loicense for flying, bruv?


-Melania Trump



-Melania Ivanka Trump



Melania Ivanka Trump Putin






Jared Kushner

  • Michael Scott

โ€œItโ€™s bigger in person, I swearโ€


if i were drumpf i would be more upset at being portrayed by such a tiny balloon than i would at being portrayed as a baby

the balloon would still look enormous in his hands tho

first guy says drumpf unironically

second guy says tiny hands unironically

The absolute state of leftwing dramacels

Funnier is that rightwing dramacels got really mad at this a couple days ago.

you keep saying the word โ€œfunnyโ€ but you sound like youโ€™re about to cry

If I'm crying, it is because of your weak-ass banter.

>gets laughed at

>"lol ur really mad"


I'm crying because you think its banter.

three definitely not mad radical centrists frantically responding to show how unaffected they are by everything


lmao, just because you were really mad about this balloon a couple days ago, you think we are mad too.

You keep replying....lol

because I love kicking the retard. sue me

only qualified professionals should attempt edposting, injury may result

I do ed better than ed does ed.

edโ€™s dead baby

Like little ants

Maintain personal safety, efficiently

jesus christ you're a limp dick kid

the right can't meme

I am very mad. I clicked and typed all the way to /r/Drama to read some shitposts, the page takes forever to load and I see some retarded ass dramacel libtard say the right can't meme. Baby balloon, American Idiot number 1 on the charts, and wouldn't stop mocking daddy's hands I am literally shaking right now. I offered to show him some of /r/The_Donald's best memes to prove him wrong. Nope. I thought I would have gotten a good laugh if I knew how to find a good fucking subreddit. But Reddit didn't even give me the search tools to do it. Bullshit, just straight up bullshit. Probably will never go to an /r/drama thread that gay ass libtards post in again. This definitely ruined my day.


Narrating everything as seen through your autism-goggles doesn't really hide how mad you are at the balloon, and even madder that people here are making fun of daddy instead of the balloon and the protesters, as you hoped ๐Ÿ‘€

u r retard

I canโ€™t handle banter at this level. Please stop! ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ซ

Impotent rage intensifies

Why don't you throw out a couple more of those failed attempts at condescension? It definitely doesn't make you look bitter and pathetic.

Those flairs really make you whiny ddf members easy to mess with.

Lol as if you aren't completely assblasted by ot/


You do realise TD embraced this from day one. Who can't love baby Trump, he's just so adorable.

I don't think the balloon got as much attention as they expected from either side. Either way it was kind of laughable both ways, the best kind.

jesus fucking christ dude not even the blue checkmarks use the term drumpf unironically anymore how autistic do you have to be assume that was unironic usage

i will have you know that i am genuinely offended by this insinuation and if you do not apologize right this very instant i will have no choice but to report you to the r/drama moderation team


Are you the Alt-Right version of Ed?

Is this Ed's Alt-Right Alt?

says โ€œalt rightโ€ unironically in 2016+2

Year+Number meme unironically ๐Ÿค”

living in your brain rent free



What's the matter bitch, out of old 4chan catchphrases to copy paste? "Sad"

lmao you couldn't help yourself, this kind of shit doesn't work here, you're powerless

Why are you even here?

Why tho?

Just cause everyone ran away from the label after the humiliation of Charlottesville doesn't mean I'm going to start calling you guys by the different names you change each week

Nambla Navigators

๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ#WEE WOO WEE WOO๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ


๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ#WEE WOO WEE WOO๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ

wee woo wee woo copypasted meme alert wee woo wee woo impotent rage wee woo post these to make the tears go away wee woo


The only ones crying about the balloon are daddy and his brainlet supporers๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

And their counterpoint to this is spending even more on a Sadiq Khan balloon which...get this....is PURE vaporware๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I was really upset about the Sadiq Khan balloon. I was planning on popping it, so I went to the protest. Unfortunately I'm posting this from jail. The police found my scissors, AKA my double-barrel knife, and now I'm looking at a 5 year sentence in jail, being forced to dress up like a goat every day. FML.

I'm a supporter and I think it's hilarious that people keep finding ways to milk you guys of your parents money, selling you the empty promise of finally stopping Dromfphgggghtssssssthhhhh.

They spent more money than the Trump blimp, on something which is complete vaporware!

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

The only ones crying about the balloon are daddy and his brainlet supporers๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Well, no shit. The crying on the anti-Trump side was demonstrated when they spent 30K on a baby Trump balloon in the first place.

As opposed to the 50k Trump supporters are spending on an imaginary balloon?

Yes, that balloon is retarded too. Congratulations on figuring that out.

First xenophobia then ableism Next make fun of his skin color and joke how sad it is he give blowjobs

That is pretty sad tbh

Mayocide when?

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

I canโ€™t put my finger on why, but I think the first guy said drumpf ironically.

Holy shit you TOTALLY rekt Trump by using the 18th sentient spelling of his last name! Hold him back boys he's going HAM!


We've got a Lit-uation here fellas! Some suburban white kid is going OFF on the president! He's like a ONE MAN RESISTANCE! Rekt!


Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธonald ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธlumpf

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

skinbald scrumpf

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

Broke ass bitch

if you're gonna react like this, it actually is unironically funny


Donny the cheetohs cheetah.

Brawnald troopmth

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

Don't be so triggered




Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

It's not getting any better, that line you just copied 5 times

Get out mdegenerate

Lanyard Gromph

daaaaaaaaaaymn son, you just got DRUMPF'D

tiny balloon

tiny hands

tiny peckah

take that Donnie

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

tiny peckah

Unexpected chip chiperson...niceee


When the story that they had to get a permit approved to fly it came out I thought we were talking like a blimp. Forgot this is the UK we're talking about though.

It's not the size that matters, it's how much it pissed people off.

Seems like it's making people on both sides laugh, for completely different reasons.

I think the people who got into a huff when it was announced deserve it most, tbh. It was already clear it would be only 6m tall, yet that didn't stop them from droning on about crime stats or financing a Khan doll (with no result).

With all the media attention and funding, I thought it was going to be a lot bigger. I never really saw anything about the size beforehand though, so I guess I shouldn't really been surprised.

It wasn't expensive. I read somewhere that it was about 700 pounds. Maybe 300 extra to set it all up. From what I gathered they donated the rest to charity, but who knows. They might've also pocketed it lol.

No kidding. All the fucking media attention and this is the best they could get? I was expecting that fucking thing to be the size of a fucking city block, not some beta tier party balloon shit.

I think itโ€™s partially bad use of perspective by the photographer. You could probably give at least one person a free hot air balloon ride with that thing.

I would not trust that thing to take me up. Would you?

Show me where I said you could safely get down.

Lol good point.

Bigger and, actually in the sky

Apparently they paid ยฃ35,000 for this

They paid $30,000 for that? Somebody got scammed - nice!

IIRC the money's also going towards a world tour.

Oh shit thereโ€™s a chance I can fly baby trump? Dibs for outside a trump rally.

Someone will shoot it

not to be left out, the conservative response is a ~ยฃ50k fundraiser for an identical sadiq khan baloon. it's nice when both sides can get together over their shared love of ballooning

Lol they aren't even actually flying a Sadiq khan balloon it turns out, they're just computer rendering an artist's rendition of one.

Fools and their money...

... they're just computer rendering an artist's rendition of one.

Every crowdfunding campaign ever.



wait... wait...

you are telling me someone profited off angry incels? no way. not possible!

Sadiq Citizen $10,000 Reward Tier backers can view the balloon in Hangar Mode

The caliph wouldn't allow him, london is a no go zone for whites

Mayocide one step.at a time, brother๏ผ

Lol let no-go zone. Muslims are a literal single-digit minority in the UK, like less than 5% of the population.

Like all shitskins, Muslims infest the cities.

You can't escape from the mayocide, bruv. Mis cegenationw ill end your race.

Nice flair there, the mayocide is progressing nicely brother!


and that's a good thing

Will we see a proper battle over the skies of London perhaps? Haven't seen that since actual Nazis came to visit.

Somebody smart is walking around with 79,900 ยฃ in their pockets.

they should make them fight. just like bang them together or something

Lol extorting 60% more money from rich Tory bastards does make it less lame. Still really lame though.

Trump would be proud

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

On paper they did. I've got a feeling that $29,700 of that got embezzled. Which is a brilliant way to cash in on all of this Trump hysteria, tbh.

Like Jill Stein after the election. Collected lo ike $3 million for a "recount" lmao.

And I thought Bernie cashed in...

Bernie didnt cash in hes nearly dead and people freaked out because he had enough life savings to get a house worth 3/4 mil. P

His whole "schtick" was that he was not part of the "MILLYONAIES AND BILLYONAIRES"

Another lying politician? ๐Ÿค”

having a million dollars doesn't make you a millionaire, actual millionaires have hundreds of millions.

Definition of millionaire:

Aย millionaireย is an individual whoseย net worth orย wealthย is equal to or exceeds oneย million units ofย currency.

No the meaning hasn't changed. By all metrics Sanders is a millionaire. Cant believe people still defend this fucking guy lmfao





Urinal BRAP Infection

inflation cant change the meaning of having a million dollars worth of income at all


I'd wager that if you went out and asked people what a millionaire is, the top response would be "someone with, like, a million bucks". The fact that there are some retards, few and far between, who think that a millionaire must have at least 6 gazillion dollars to be a legitimate millionaire is not an excuse for you to go and say some retarded shit like "having a million dollars doesn't make you a millionaire".

6 gazillion dollars

Having a million dollar house doesn't make you a millionaire you fuckwit by that logic all farmers are millionaires because their property is worth that much.

having a million dollars doesn't make you a millionaire

Champagne socialists lmao

She's spending on legal fees for the Russia investigation.

I think most of the money went for the procurement of loicense to fly that.

This is the least sad photo I've seen of the balloon. Most of them look like this

It's so small oh my God

Just like his hands in real life

Or your limp dick

faggit lil babby hanz.

le tinu hamds

Flair fits




Somehow it looks smaller the closer you get

I find this ironic since Britain has cracked down on silverwear, porn and hip hop

Well thatโ€™s a lot of hot air over nothing!

It's more lifelike that way!

Lol, so much reeeeing over a kite.

I don't get why this even got so much attention in the first place.

You really donโ€™t get why this got so much attention?

Who do you think the employees at CNN voted for last November? How about the latte slurpers in the New York Times newsroom? You think thereโ€™s a single Trumptard in either building?

If it soothes their anti-Daddy butt burn sensations, they run with it.

seriously, if this wasn't in the news literally no one would care lmao. I'm pretty sure the mock ups being shown around showed the balloon covering like half the city. This is weak

now THIS is balloon racing

ConservatED! You noticed me! (หถโ—•โ€ฟโ—•หถโœฟ)


Lol you got really mad

being this assblasted over somebodyโ€™s user name that they picked because it would assblast you


You got him ConservatED! โค๏ธ

sees user doing ed better than ed does

calls user ed


You are doing a much more enjoyable shtick, that's why I love you. Whenever I try to rub the real Ed's nose in it he feeds off it, but you seem actually bothered by everything.

please notice me


Thank you bb!

Yeah and the story was just ignored by conservative news outlets. Ever think Americans and white brits are just dumb

Nah I think people living in rusted shithole shacks caving each others heads in are dumb.

Whites just don't care.

I think humans are just dumb in general tbh

> Who do you think the employees at CNN voted for last November?

November 2017 ๐Ÿค”

Iโ€™m Russian. You canโ€™t expect me to be an expert on US elections.

Kak dela comrade?

Shh. Iโ€™m trying to HACK OUR DEMOCRACEHH

Donโ€™t blow my cover you fucking douchenozzle

Prosti comrade. Slava tovarisch putin.

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Trump Derangement Syndrone is a real affliction.

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

People think they can make one pink floyd reference and be alfonso cuarรณn

They didn't have a loicense for a bigger balloon.

It looks like its only like 30m up?

It's not allowed to be flown higher than that.


That's Australia is it not.

Imagine giving a shit about what the cops say when they don't even have guns to shoot you.

You wouldn't be able to see it if it went much higher


That's it? BritBongs are fucking useless.

The balloon was in parliament square for a couple of hours in the morning, the actual marches of tens of thousands went to trafalgar square in the afternoon

I'm disappointed in the balloon.

Well that's fair, I didn't bother turning up for that part

I thought it was going to be huge

I thought it was going to be huge


lmao that's great

That was just the crowd for the balloon launch mate, the actual protest was about 1/3 mile away.

we're laughing about the size of the balloon retard.




I think we are overlooking the fact that Donald Trump has sex with his daughter.

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf




Continue pretending you aren't completely assblasted by it.


sick memes xD

By bouncing on my dik bby


why would anyone be assblasted over that sad little balloon lmao

And yet Trump isn't going to London because of it ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

you're shook lol

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

Orange man bad.

just at being president

The lamest looking "blimp" I've ever seen.

Khan always comes across as so unlikable and seems to get fuckin roasted by Trump...supporting this kite isn't helping him

Always interesting when there are more ITT triggered people when actually triggered people, have well that /r/politics crew need every win they can dream up

Always interesting when there are more ITT triggered people when actually triggered people

What did you mean by this?


That's even more than the "What is the sexiest thing you've ever sexed?" threads that usually get a lot of attention there. I guess politics really activate people's almonds.

Edโ€™s new Christmas lawn decoration.

itโ€™s like a Ben โ€œZyklon Bโ€ Garrison cartoon come to life

The only medium that can transfer a message to the right target audience.

I'm a big fan of Ben "Unload my Nine into the Welfare Line" Garrison's work

Are we talking about Ben โ€œWhacking Pakkies in my tan docker khakisโ€ Garrison?

A conversation about Ben "Just Hanging with the Crew, After Naming the Jew" Garrison?

Which Ben Garrison? Ben โ€œIโ€™ll be blue unless liberals get the chopper too?โ€ Garrison or Ben โ€œPence is to nice to the gaysโ€ Garrison

Ben "Gas the kykes, even the tykes" Garrison?

The fuck is with these nutjobs and decapitation?

Duuuuh, they're muslim

It is Germanistan after all.

Wow. Next to a giant mid-O redfaced Trump raping the statue of liberty, a sky baby does seem a bit weak.

Both fully clothed nonetheless.

this art is way too heavy handed

Did it huwt your feelings? :(

That looks like it could be from Borat.

The buried lead is that there's so few people there. This was supposed to be a big protest.

Shakiraโ€™s hips donโ€™t lie, and neither does picture evidence.

But it can be misleading and this picture clearly doesnโ€™t capture the entirety of the protests.

Liberal Narrative Defense Force...ASSEMBLE


Trump cock-suck brigade, in shambles!

How embarrassing must it be for you to be this way.

Keep seriousposting on r/drama.

Hillary can still win this!


โ€œBut but but but but I was proven wrong? How can I recover???????? Iโ€™ll just shit post emojis so they can know how laughing I am!!!โ€

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Oh no, it's retarded.

bruh you are posting in r/Drama

Keep seriousposting on r/drama

Seriouspost all you want, but are you implying that you're not seriousposting?

perhaps they should focus on their own shitty politicians?

also dont see any massive demonstrations against actual dictators..


Trump has much more of an impact on The UK than Joe Dictator from Guinea

This is straight whataboutism, otherwise known as the Tucker Carlson approach. You can choose to protest one thing and not another without being hypocritical, you know.

What negative impact on UK poltics are they protesting?

Uk politics or UK life?

I'm pretty sure the most negative influence on UK is the UK

calling whataboutism is a red herring

boom. served.

No it isnโ€™t.

"nuh uh" fallacy


youre dealing with mental giants bro better get used to it


I see this has happened to you before. Perhaps you should stop making such fallacious arguments if youโ€™re constantly experiencing people saying it to you

why are they protesting a first world leader with no war crimes policyโ€™s that only affect the states?

NATO affects the UK mate. So do trade policies.

maybe they should protest their politicians

Maybe they do both ya idiot

thats a concept too yuuuuuge for their small minds :(

No it isnโ€™t, thereโ€™s protests in the UK all the time. I think your mind is having trouble grasping more than one concept at once.

Looks like they are protesting a state politician

Youโ€™re saying: that in this protest, specifically a Trump protest, they should actually also be protesting other politicians and diluting the message? Please, go home.

protesting politicians that they can vote for trump trump is trump


That is a joke.

The British protests are 'significant' because it's England.

Another dumb gaggle of retard liberals in their echo chamber cities gathering for yet another monthly tantrum is fucking irrelevant because this is like the ninth or tenth one and it still hasn't accomplished a fucking thing.

Every single one of those protesters are the same idiots who were out there for the last one - demographically they poll at mostly 50-year old women who have never worked a day in their life and live off of their husband's alimony. Nobody cares what people like that thing.

How many US protests has made Trump feel unwelcome?

Unwelcome from visiting his own country? Your premise is flawed

Seems like it's a pretty easy question.

The answer is 'none'. None of these impotent limp-dick parades of the unemployed have shook Trump at all.

have shook trump at all

Lol youโ€™re saying this under a link where trump has said he feels unwelcome. I guess everyone at the march for life was unemployed too, oh well! Youโ€™re not being very smart, I expect better of you.

Do you have a learning disability? Go read my posts again, slowly this time. Your public education failed you.

Lol, admitting that you didnโ€™t go to a real school

I understand what idiotic point youโ€™re trying to make. He clearly was shook by the London protests, why are you tangentially mentioning other protests? God, how embarrassing for you

why are you tangentially mentioning other protests?

Because you linked some dumb shit about Portland?

Lol youโ€™re saying this under a link where trump has said he feels unwelcome.

Oh no! I'm sure that'll totally accomplish something.

Not only have you guys larped yourselves into thinking your fighting "nazis", you also believe a balloon and 100 spoiled British weirdos will change something lol.

Ha, you donโ€™t understand protests but thatโ€™s ok.


Now featuring Trumpโ€™s crowd size calculator! Forever wrong by a factor of 1000!

Ha, you actually think these "protests" are going to work but that's ok.

Forever wrong by a factor of 1000!

Are you counting each person's multiple genders that they identify as or something? Regardless, it could be 100,000 weirdos and it still wouldn't do shit. Whatever helps you cope with not getting your way tho I guess.

thats a bunch of people that need something better to do with their time

posting r/drama

How funny of you

lol, truth is a "liberal narrative" nowadays.

Boy if this isnt a parody account, I'm extremely disappointed in the right's ability to meme.

It actually was huge, just google London Protests and the first few links have better pictures. This is just a small group of people.

Ur right and I was wrong

Thank you I know

Lol your comment calling the protest small is nicely upvoted, but your correction is downvoted. Looks like the DDF is here

I guess I'll edit it.

that's how fake news always works fam, it's why it's such a big deal

250000 Bongs protesting an American President

not big

250000? What?

you bury a *lede

I'm surprised they got a permit for one that big

I'm in awe at it's size


The left in a fucking nutshell.

Yeah it's kind of funny, I can still remember when the epitome of the UK left was Tony Benn. How times have changed.

I remember when it was Arthur Scargill

AHAHA, free bleeding is still a thing

oof the absolute state of everything.

"omg why arent we appealing to people??!?!? must be racism!"

Jesus Christ. Mitler was right.

This is fake right?

This needs to be on the front cover of 2018.

This is no ordinary faggotry

UK & European Union unite in elevating Trump.

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

I imagine there were people who eagerly moved forward in line to volunteer to hold the guy wires. Everyone involved in this (and the Sadiq balloon) should be plunged headfirst into the Endless Void.

Edโ€™s filthy prolapsed bussy?

Huh. This is pretty much exactly what I expected. When i first heard the news I just assumed they were talking about something along the lines of what you would see at a Roger Waters concert (ie, this).

It's not just small, it's not really offensive either. It's an airborne Trump towering over the croud

On the one hand I find this whole balloon Trump situation hilarious but on the other hand I would be up voting /u/lolyougotreallymad

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

Oh fuck now I know why that stream was playing the Korean egg song.

I legit didn't understand why mlpanniversary did that until this side view

35k for that? This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.

First, this is the balloon that had people in a huge chimp out about disrespect and childishness. Second, this is the balloon that made people part with 50K of their own money so they could have their own balloon and engage in their own disrespect and childishness. Third, who the hell thought a bunch of crazy leftists would be able to get a permit to fly something as big as Barney the Dinosaur in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade over a major city? Fourth, the whole thing is funny as hell, there is no aspect of or reaction to this that isn't hilarious.

The left tries so hard, it's kind of cute and endearing.


Drumpf is surely finished now.

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

No honest paki is going to stop trafficking 8 year olds to come out for this

tru tru

lol there were like 10 times as many protesters when bush visited in 2003. Online echo-chambers are funny as hell when they try to get into the open real world.

Wow! There must be at least 30 people there!

Fucking boring


r e n t

f r e e

Man, I was excited to see a giant baby trump blotting out the sky in London. What a letdown.

Jesus DDF is here in force today

MDEgenerates, gamergoobers from kotakuinaction and other rapefugees are invading our lands.

Mayos were a mistake.

I noticed DDF seems to mean non retard here

How will Trump recover???

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

U wot

It's a joke bruv.

I love that you chose the picture taken from below because all the other pictures show that it's a few metres wide and barely visible from down the street let alone from anywhere else in london


Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

"I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London" said the sad, depressed and bullied Daddy.

lol! So you stickied your little comment to go with the little "blimp". I'm sorry kids, they just don't make blimps like they used to. I'm old, and blimps of old were big and juicy, like old fashioned Italian meatballs. Libtard blimps of today are Swedish meat balls with a touch of soy. SAD!

Don't disrespect small blimps, man. One of them is presently President of the United States.

Blimp? Trying to see how that relates...

You could have stated he was a burning Hindenburg, and that might have been funny, but you didn't. Leftists can't meme.

Who the fuck said I'm a leftist? Lmao.

Fucking MDEfugees, out out out ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰

LOL! Never posted there. You should have mentioned r/t_d you silly. It's late. Sleep it off. You will be stronger in the morning.

We're radical centrists here. Daddy-fellation is distinctly not radical nor centrist.

Out out out ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰

lol! Where did I defend daddy? I tried to guide you in insulting him better. By the way, I like the new flair. I am a very dark skinned man who has banged out 2 children wit da wite wimmenz. It fits, though I do prefer my Ann Frank. Was this supposed to be an insult? Leftists can't meme.

Nobody asked for your fake life story, buttercup.

No, that would not be funny. The source of humour is the fag that small blimp appears in the comment it is replying to. Burning Hindenberg doesn't.

nice sticky faggot next time sticky something worth stickying

Wow they actually made me feel sorry for Trump

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

Trump literally just resigned from this

Dotard ReThugLiDrumpf

You mean anti-Trump people got scammed out of money again?!

DONATE 500$ FOR BERNIE muh balloon.


Anti-khan people got scammed out of more money for a rendering of a balloon.

Honestly I wanted to see if Khan banned it for "muh hate speech" that alone was worth the sticker.

Seriously tho. We are a fucking joke

Haha! Look everybody! Itโ€™s funny because theyโ€™re insulting Donald Trump! Iโ€™ve never seen so much creativity!

what does womp womp even mean



??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?
??? ?? ?? huh ? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ?????? ? ?????

I feel like I explained it bretty wel

It originates from a Trump supporter chasing someone down with a gun. I think.

I thought it was some pundit dissing a mental child.

heโ€™ll never recover from this epic ownage