Trumptard ventures into r/spain and pretends to be Spanish ayayay!

39  2018-07-13 by rustrust


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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trying to blackpill spaniards to daddy donald and white nationalism is like trying to blackpill eastern europeans to communism and it really shows here

Before there was James Franco... There was Francisco Franco

Tbh Spain would probably be in a better place if James Franco had been at the helm for all those years. Would've gotten some great stoner comedies out of it too

And we wouldn't have to suffer him as an actor

Hey man, Disaster Artist made my flight to Europe very enjoyable

The absolute state of right wing MAGAcels

Not calling Trump hitler is being a trumptard..

I am spanish. I don't know why you people keep questioning it. I don't understand what the point is anyway. Does anyone of you absolute morons wanna join discord? I'll show you. You're pathetic lol.

the only true way to prove that you're spanish is to post bussy

Bussy=chocho en espanol

Judging by his post history, he is an edgy alt-right Spanish kid. Don't he know that Spaniards aren't white?

Shh, he thinks he sounds cool and egdy . Let the kid be

Spanish people are white. Learn history.

In America Spanish people, like actually people from Spain, are considered Hispanic, and not white. We don't care what you call yourself back home.

Hispanics are not spanish. I'm talking about european spanish people. I don't really care what a bunch of losers who make threads about random people on the internet think. I know what I am. Get a life maybe?

It's hilarious that all you guys mock "my slang" when that's literally perfect galician spanish. I can't help but grin. Thank you for the entertainment.

Hispanics are not spanish.


See, your average American doesn't know or care what the hell "Galician Spanish," is. I have family from Spain. Sure, they look white, and can usually pass as white, but to the people who actually care that much about "muh anti-white agenda," at least here in the US, they'll never really be considered white.

american "race realists": race are natural kinds

also: spanish people can't be white lmao

Do they think that people didn't fuck each other in the Pyrenees? It would be more consistent to claim that southern French aren't white either. But then what about northern French? But then what about Belgians and Germans?

Are Europeans really white, when you think about it? 🤔

Racists don't realize that their ancestors most likely didn't give a shit what color the people they were having sex with were.

Yeah; In the Middle Ages the English were way more accepting of fucking a Numbian than fucking a Frenchman.

I don't care about the average american.. What's your obsession with america?

Go over to alt-right subreddits. They all unanimously agree that spaniards from spain are white. You have no idea because you've stayed in your bubble and aren't actually in the alt-right. Here, see for yourself. Check out Jean Francois Gariepy who is a french biologist. Spainiards are white.

Gariepy isn't a French biologist but a canadian pedophile

I actually suspected he is a canadian but wasn't sure. And no he isn't. Stop spreading absolute nonsense. That smear rumour is just pathetic. Those people are overwhelmingly on the left.

That smear rumour is just pathetic.

right on brotha ✊✊✊

those court docs were forged and totally not 100% real haha

Didn't know 19 year olds were children. Or that they are allowed to drive. But i can understand that someone who is cool with 10 year old dragqueens thinks age is all in the miiiind duuude.

Didn't know 19 year olds were children.

didn't know 19 year olds with severe autism and the mental capacity of young children could give consent to guys that admittedly want to use them as human incubators

>But i can understand that **someone who is cool with 10 year old dragqueens** thinks age is all in the miiiind duuude.

ahahaha just making shit up now.

i dig the firey latin passion that completely overpowers your reasonableness , though.

Lol imagien thinking a severely autistic 19 year old can consent.

are you suggesting that people on the right can't fuck kids?

See: Roy Moore.

whoa buddy she was of age she just had the mental capacity of a child


What's your obsession with America

This whole planet is rightfully ours, tbh

Hispanics are not spanish.

The descendents of Spanish immigrants, who speak Spanish, aren't ethnically Spanish?

Spain has been North North Africa since 711 AD tho

Yeah i mean, south african whites are obviously not white. And Americans are really just west west africans too. Amirite? Ever heard of those east east east european japanese? They're funny people.

He's talking about the Moorish occupation you retard, aka when the Spanish got lots of Middle Eastern genes pumped into their gussys.

I hope you understand your people are mixed of Muslims and vandals.

Rome should have depopulated Iberia.

A very small % of it is. Barely any. Italians are more mixed and still barely at all. The iberians fled to the mountains, they didn't mix much with them. If you check the current spanish/italian DNA there's barely any arab/moors DNA left. Hence why spanish IQ is still almost 10-20 points higher than any muslim country.

Lol cope harder.



lmfaooo get a grip /u/PickleInButter

People from spain are white. Italians are white. Greeks are white.

You have no idea how this works.


??? What

whose moors is this?

Greeks are white

Does that mean Turks are white as they're basically the same thing just with a different religion.

No they're not and they're not the same. Go over to r/debatealtright if you're genuinely curious, which you're probably not.

Turks have literally the same skin color as Greeks.

I have white skin but I'm Pashtun. Am I white?

It's a fucking meaningless concept.

I have light skin but I'm Pashtun. Am I white?

Post a picture of your arm beside a jar of mayo (mayo must be visible) and we can find out.

I'm not getting out my camera for /r/drama lol.

Use your phone silly goose

My phone has a shit camera lol.

Well it can't be that bad

This explains a lot. Pushtuns are like the irish of arabs.

We're not Arabs.

And you aren't white, think about it.

No they're not and they're not the same

Well Turkey is a very diverse nation that's why you get black people, gingers, green eyes, blue eyes and so on because when it became a state they did turkification where they just said to everyone living there (apart from the ones who was kicked out in population transfers and what not) "yeah you're Turkish now".

But there are a lot of people descended from Greece there. There were population transfers between Greece and Turkey of thousands of people so there are a lot of people in both countries that are just like the people in the other.

Go over to r/debatealtright if you're genuinely curious, which you're probably not.

I can't be bothered to make a post about this. Just tell me why they aren't, it shouldn't be hard.

Did in another comment. Lol at the turkish ginger.

They weren't as recently as the 70s.

Yes they were. That's absolute nonsense.

Before them the Irish were considered subhuman by whites.

They weren't considered non-white though. Nowhere does it say they weren't white. You seem to think whites can't be opressed. In fact the whole race thing was invented during the slave trade era. They were never considered to not be white. Just hated.

That quote is from the 1500s.

You seem to think whites can't be opressed.

Since when lol.

Yes they were. That's absolute nonsense.

You are a literal retard.

Italians were considered to be non-white. As for Spanish, are Hispanics white?

The organic things—Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid—inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities.

This is Lovecraft describing Italian immigrants in his letters. You may recall the Horror at Red Hook, where he ranted a t length about how Italian and Middle Eastern immigrants were consipiring againstt he white man.

No entiendo que se te pasa por el coco para pensar que no lo soy, lol..

I might be your absolutely disastrous attempt at sounding like you're familiar with Spanish slang.

Maybe if I gave you an English counterexample you'll understand what a fucking moron you sound like:

"Dude, why the extrange fakt that my English talk sound the strange to you? I native talking during many years! Me native Enlighs, do you know? Why not you believe truth?"

Stop making a complete clown of yourself, please. The cringe is so strong with you that my skin is literally crawling right now.

You guys are actually deluded hahaha. Come to discord, what's the deal? Why are you all hiding behind keyboards scared to be proven wrong? What's your obsession with where i'm from anyways?

Stop telling people to join you in discord or I'll tell my mom an old creep is trying to groom me on the internet 😱

I was expecting you guys to be immature teenagers, not children.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast is the oldest user here, and he is around 12

Hahaha you guys are retarded. Not calling Trump hitler is being a trumptard for you. Hilarious. I'm actually banned from T_D. I don't care about Trump. He's a freaking zionist cuck.

Why is it so hard to believe that someone can be educated and spanish? Do you think so low of spanish people?

And what kind of people post to fucking r/drama?



me casa es su casa amigo. fuck los hateros

hola señora ¿estás embarazada? ¿necesitas un aborto? tengo un perchero

This isn't a Trumptard, this is a stormfag.



Only a DRIMPFtard could ever sink this low

Also why the fuck do they speak English in that sub

"ayyyyy DAE wish we could Make Spain Great Again by having a Generalisimo friend some Nazis and kill all the people who want to have elections?"

"wtf no...?"




Paki rape babies

ugly brown washed mutts
