I can't believe this

241  2018-07-13 by BasicallyADoctor


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Gusssyfer πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Just further that bussy > gussy

Ok but what about this soup time? I need to know

He buys soup

Wow very cool!

To answer your question more in detail.

There was an image created where the frog is standing, apparently walking towards a bowl of soup. "soup time" was what this was called, and this was the extent of the meme.

original soup time

However, a different meme merged with it: a rage comic wherin the child asks his mother for money to buy ice cream, but actually buys something else.

two examples of that meme

The Facebook page called "Burger Time" created a different version, where the child asks for burger money, but actually buys "heroin, like a boss"


The "soup time" frog was merged with it to creat this amalgam:

notice the partially visible burger time guy

We should have know, Russians unironically love the shit out of soup.

So this is what those pesky Russians are up to πŸ€” how much does it cost to produce these dank shitposts I wonder?

fucking hell i see why the dems lost now, those dastardly russians

It's true these are posts of the highest caliber. How will they ever recover?

What in God's name is happening anymore

burger time is such a good page. i got rid of fb a while back but i really miss it lol

Somewhere there is a green CIA recruit combing through hundreds of Reddit comments, classifying them as "memes, shitposting, emojiposting, and other," trying desperately to remember the reason he joined the CIA

the cia agents that do that shit are literal bronies that sit scrolling through chans all day and are even more autistic than regular channers


I love how these are always incoherent. Q posting for the youth.

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Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

its only incoherent if youre willfully ignorant and an idiot

wikileaks released a big archive of cia memes that they try to use on chans to shit up threads and demoralize people etc

one of them, "sassy cat", was traced back to ponychan rp, a chan for fags who like to roleplay as ponies and cybersex each other

thats who the cia is, thats why theyre so shit and keep getting beaten by autists on the internet lol

It's only coherent if you spend way too much time on the internet

them computers is too confusin

no wonder you guys think russian hackers and alt right infiltration is a thing lol, youre all like 80 year olds with the internet

I love how every time you get called a dumb faggot you deflect with some completely unrelated sick burn because you can't actually refute that you are, in fact, a dumb faggot.

I guess what I'm saying is I genuinely value your constant idiocyposting in r dot drama dot com.

lol nobody calls me anything of substance, they just reeeee because i do what they do but better

Your shitty chan collage is basically the Emperor's new clothes.

you can believe whatever you want buddy but im consistently right about these things and spiting me by denying it only leaves you ignorant

lmao, no you say you are consistently right. But it is more likely you make yourself believe that.

i already said you can believe what you want, but it looks like youre more concerned with opposing me than finding out what actually happens so good luck i guess lol

Don't play such a victim. I asked you what happens, and you decided to act coy and be all "woe be me" instead. You always do that.

lol im not a victim, im saying you decide if somethings real based on how much you like the person presenting it and thats dumb

the collage is real and you can accept it or deny it but the result is going to be the same, and that result is the idea of ponyfag cia agents spreading across the internet

I know the collage is real, I'm just not seeing what the point is. There is no evidence presented. Have you verified the information yourself?

I know the collage is real, I'm just not seeing what the point is.


do you know how propaganda works

And how do you know if the CIA agent in question personally individually downloaded the picture?

at that point there were no sources for it on the internet except the wikileaks dump and the pony rp forums

wikileaks confirmed it was sourced from the cia

i know it might be a shock to the system to realise that the same guys trafficking coke and giving guns to gang members for no reason might be retarded enough to do this but youll get used to it

the cia has always been neuroticism and failure

also alphabet agency employees know how much people are mocking them for shit like this and they cant stand it

You're not getting my point. You think these guys go on 4chan and hand pick all the memes. I'm saying they most likely have an algorithm that mass downloads all the pictures on the website for whatever their purpose is.

Or do you think the cat is part of a psyop?

jesus christ ill try to explain

the cat picture is op from the cia and leaked by wikileaks, traced back to its only other source which was a cat photo on a pony rp forum

ergo the same person that took the photo and posted it in the pony forum worked in the cia department that had the server that was compromised, theres no other explanation

Or do you think the cat is part of a psyop?

lol its just a photo of a cat some cia fag took to work and also posted on a forum, inextricably linking the two because he doesnt know opsec and is a dumb faggot

it was among their "memes" because obviously theyre shit and dont know how to meme properly, guy likely volunteered his own cat picture to make an image macro out of and never got around to it

either way he left a trail and now lol

Ah, no. I see what happened. You fell for fake news.

click the link for the reverse image search on that cat picture. Tell me it is the only one.

here is a site from 2015

and here from 2014

Hell, even 2012

Looking at the results, the picture seems popular in Russia or the eastern bloc.

The explanation is far more simple than I thought. Serves me right for accepting the basic premise of a 4chan collage instead of taking it as the lie it always is.

click the link for the reverse image search on that cat picture. Tell me it is the only one.

wow! more sources exist for a picture now on the internet! debunked

the picture seems popular in Russia or the eastern bloc.

uh oh closing in on the conspiracy

The explanation is far more simple than I thought. Serves me right for accepting the basic premise of a 4chan collage instead of taking it as the lie it always is.

no you just believe what you want to believe like i said

So I'll doubt you'll respond, but I'm going to save this for the next time you claim you're "consistently right about these things"

im still right lol youre in such denial

life is so much easier when you dont force yourself to believe stupid shit for no reason you should try it

wow, your whole narrative fell apart yet you keep holding on to it. this is hilarious, you absolute delusional retard.

no you just believe what you want to believe like i said

ahahahahahaahahahah this is pure projection

wow, your whole narrative fell apart

lol no it didnt

how is anything in that collage evidence when the basic premise ("this picture was only available on ponychan") is objectively false?

its not false, you read it wrong and assumed a bunch of stuff

AHAHAHAHahahaha how are you still right? You fell for a stupid lie, you freethinker you. Just own it up

its still 100% real and your detective work was badly done

you should go tell wikileaks they were wrong while youre waiting for trump to be impeached

This is what you said:

traced back to its only other source

But it wasnt the only source. The "only source" was from January 13th 2016, but as you can see I have easily found the picture being posted pre-2016.

You also said :

lol its just a photo of a cat some cia fag took to work and also posted on a forum

Which is a retarded explanation after the pre-2016 post I showed you. The picture was around for at least 5 years by then, probably longer.

I shouldnt tell wikileaks anything, because I believe that this picture was included in the image dump they leaked. What I'm contesting (and what you are seemingly unable to defend) is that ponychan was the original source.

There is nothing wrong with my "detective" work, you just can't recognize good research when it hits you in the face.

lol you genuinely dont know what youre doing huh

everything ive posted is accurate

Your conclusions are shit and you know it. You fell for a lie and your ego can't handle it.

your ego can't handle it.

thats pretty rich dude but ok

I have shown you that

you really havent

you seem really smug about this lol, which dudes in here were ex fbi employees again i forget

it's pretty impressive to be this delusional in the face of such clear evidence. None of your points hold water lmao.

you seem really smug about this lol

lmao, of course. you were so cocky and it turned out to be nothing. It is hilarious. You can't even defend your BS anymore.

clear evidence

lmao, okay, amuse me. Why do the websites that posted that pic 5 years before the shitty ponychan posts not count?

Since your evidence hinged on that post being the only source of that picture, it blows a huge hole in your narrative. Explain to me how I am wrong.

lol im not going to start trying to prove anything to you dude, but you should probably realise that nobody is implying the leaks or subsequent searches happened in 2017

that thread where it was reiterated as a chan pasta was in 2017, those reactions were from 2017

goons started infiltrating the state dept and alphabet agencies in the early 2000s

wikileaks has been leaking this shit for a long time, remember when american lefties liked them because they had those videos of apaches gunning down reporters

You are trying to change the subject lmao. I am not talking about the wikileaks so I don't know why you bring them up. Those meme leaks were part of the 2017 so-called Vault leaks in any case so you are wrong about that too.

I am talking about your assertion that the cringy collage was in any way evidence that the CIA posts pony sex stories.

You didn't double check and now look like a fool. Can't you just admit that instead of doubling down? You sound insane at this point.

its not changing the subject lol its explaining a few basic starter level ideas that i thought were implicit

It is very clear that the picture was available long before the 2016 post.

i think you just respect the pony fuckers and are in denial tbh

lmao, you are changing the subject. Wikileaks leaking the stuff has nothing to do with your premise.

you are a sad, delusional fuck, you know that, right? I've shown you evidence that makes it clear that the picture has been around for 7 years and that the conclusions you made are bollocks and all you can do is say "nuh-uh". And I am the one in denial? You're drowning in the kool-aid.

i love how you think youve done some slam dunk case thing instead of just misinterpreting everything and sperging lol

No, you are either retarded, trolling or insane.

this is what you said:

the cat picture is op from the cia and leaked by wikileaks, traced back to its only other source which was a cat photo on a pony rp forum

I've show you that this is nonsense. You can't/won't accept this.

i like how youve really latched onto this as though youve somehow busted a case lol

man you must be really smart to have been the first person to debunk it, what with all those details and information you have that you didnt get off 1 jpeg

I've show you that this is nonsense, because it was online before that pony rp forum post.

before that post, but not before the original

how is this escaping you lol chan shit gets reposted constantly

Also love how you always whine that everyone attacks you personally and no one argues against what you say,

no ill give you credit for trying on a superficial level this time but its funny because youre wrong and dont understand why

man you must be really smart to have been the first person to debunk it, what with all those details and information you have that you didnt get off 1 jpeg

All I literally did was take the jpeg from the archive in your shitty collage and posted it in google image search and tineye. Any retard can do this, even you.

before that post, but not before the original

You can check it for yourself. I've shown you posts from 2011, if you use tineye you can verify it for yourself. The ponychan post was from 2016.

this is not "lol chan shit gets reposted constantly" unless people from the chans can time travel and take a picture from 2016 and post it in 2011. How are you not getting this, are you really this slow?

no ill give you credit for trying on a superficial level this time but its funny because youre wrong and dont understand why

nah, you can't recognize when you are painfully wrong about a thing. It is sad. Instead of facing accepting the reality, you simply deny it. This is so bizarre.

just lol dude why are you still doing this

this is not "lol chan shit gets reposted constantly" unless people from the chans can time travel and take a picture from 2016 and post it in 2011. How are you not getting this, are you really this slow?

cmon man what is that

nah, you can't recognize when you are painfully wrong about a thing. It is sad. Instead of facing and accepting reality, you simply deny it. This is so bizarre.

completely incidentally how do you feel about russian hacking

just lol dude why are you still doing this

because I want you to return to reality. I want you to snap out of this bizarre indoctrination you put yourself into. I thought it was funny at first, but holy shit, dude.

You're not making any sense, you keep changing your story and you are consistently and bizarrely wrong. This isnt healthy.

i havent changed anything you goof lol, i posted a pic and explained what it was about and you tried to go all weird private eye on me to "prove me wrong" based on the dates of the posts? and then you tried to google image it now

cmon man give it up the cia isnt going to suddenly be respectable and not full of goons

How is verifying your claims going private eye? It's not hard to reverse image search.

But you have to ask yourself why you can't defend it. you respond every time, but you can't give me a simple argument on why I am wrong. you try to change to subject, you try to make it about wikileaks but none of that matters. It is easily verifiable that the cat picture has been around for a long while and even the title (sassy-cat-picture) has been around since at least 2015.

I really don't care about the CIA. I care that you are so easily duped.

demoralize people

ponychan rp

Mission accomplished.

Anyways, I knew you were retarded, just not "believe 4chan image post" retarded. They always come up with these when they're playing pin the kill spree and their batting average sucks.

Mission accomplished.

lol you cant just say that, everyone knows feds are fucking retards still acting on boomer logic from their higher ups

"hey computer kids follow this old binder full of totally still effective propaganda tactics"

Anyways, I knew you were retarded, just not "believe 4chan image post" retarded. They always come up with these when they're playing pin the kill spree and their batting average sucks.

literally from wikileaks and is all sourced, its real even if it makes you feel weird inside

lol you cant just say that

Sorry, I forget you're too dense to get jokes.

literally from wikileaks and is all sourced, its real even if it makes you feel weird inside

The wikileaks stuff is sourced. The 4chan detective stuff added to it is Pepe Silva at best

are you aware of how google image search works and how you can find out the origin of a picture if there arent many copies of it on the internet by the dates and metadata

cia memes came direct from ponychan, pretty sure one of them actually took that photo with his camera

why are you so invested in defending bronies lol

the cia has always been a bunch of clueless faggots fumbling around trying to subvert shit, nothings changed

are you aware of how google image search works and how you can find out the origin of a picture if there arent many copies of it on the internet by the dates and metadata

cia memes came direct from ponychan, pretty sure one of them actually took that photo with his camera

Yes, none of that was in the image.

why are you so invested in defending bronies

They're degenerates, you seem very knowledgeable about them tho


The captain is upset! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

the cia has always been a bunch of clueless faggots fumbling around trying to subvert shit, nothings changed

Says the bogan

Yes, none of that was in the image.

yeah it is lol you didnt even look

They're degenerates, you seem very knowledgeable about them tho

you have to know your enemy, thats why people like you keep failing because you just avoid learning

you think you can beat people by just pretending to be better than them, which doesnt work

The captain is upset! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

lol you guys still trying this for instance, perfect example

Says the bogan

says the guy whos watched them fail hilariously on the whims of random people on the internet

its not the 60's anymore, they cant just invade countries for coke and then deny everything

we have the internet now and for the most part are way smarter than them

yeah it is lol you didnt even look

Show me

lol you guys still trying this for instance, perfect example

Is this is your tourettes tic or something?

we have the internet now and for the most part are way smarter than them

Except for the bogans

you really dont have any good responses when pressured do you lol


Definitely tourettes

Anyways, show me on the image

Hey man, can you please puncuate your sentences? I've been struggling to find a proper anology, but they kind of like the image you posted.

It’s not just the lack of punctuation and correct use of grammatically sound structure of his comments, it’s that he never capitalizes anything that irritates me the most. Like you have to intentionally minimize the first letter in your first sentence for it not to be capitalized by default unless he’s using an alpha smart 3000 or some other antiquated piece of trash.


That fucker knows what he's doing.

literally from wikileaks and is all sourced, its real even if it makes you feel weird inside

Seems interesting, is there an article or something that summarizes it?

its just chan posts and archives, the american (((media))) is hardly going to report on anything they cant spin in their favour

the wikileaks resources are prob still up though

Why can't chan tards write it down what happened in a coherent manner? It's not hard. We all have a word processor. Why these schizophrenic collages instead?

I don't think I have ever come across a single collage I didn't immediately close upon spotting.

if you can get obvious partisans to dismiss it based on appearance then its more convincing to normal people

normal people

people who dont have an automatic rage/denial reaction to certain things

people who can look at an image objectively

They'd look objectively and see a smelly NEET throwing digital shit at a digital wall.

lol i mean you say that but thats just your prior feelings

you dont like drumpf and that colours everything you absorb, most people arent that influenced

most actual leftists and the american right dont like the cia already because of their history of fucking people so its an easy transition to believing theyd hire retarded somethingawful kids

What? First of all, how are CIA agents partisan? Second, how would normal poeple make heads or tails out of 4 chan collages? You have to be a bit of a sperg to even come into contact with them.

Anybody posting on a ponychan rp board is already demoralized.

its only incoherent if youre willfully ignorant of 4chan brony lore.

So what you're saying is that /u/captainpriapism is willfully well-versed in 4chan brony lore πŸ€”


Just proof we, as humans, were not easy for the internet

I dunno about that, but I am saying that /u/captainpriapism is botchlings.


Don't sully his good name

Puck, Botchlings, and all of the alts associated with ImagineAllTheGenders. I’m saying it, they’re the same person.

Nah we're all riemann's alt

thx 4 recognizing the hustle, fam

lol at thinking id bother to make two accounts when i dont even bother with grammar

or, if you can read and dont sperg instantly over chan collages

i remember last time i said alphabet agencies were filled with shut in faggots and bronies i got so many angry responses lol

do you actually think the fbi and cia are top to bottom filled with retards because sure they got some speds to work on this chan shit, but saying they are both wholly incompetant is some lightspeed MAGAtard bullshit

Oh, hi FBI sperg

oh SHIT my boss is gonna be PISSED

do you actually think the fbi and cia are top to bottom filled with retards


its boomers that dont know how to computer, getting autists and bronies and sa goons to so their internet subversion shit for them

and instead of working they sit in pony fag rooms roleplaying just like you read reddit at work

but saying they are both wholly incompetant is some lightspeed MAGAtard bullshit

name one good successful non disastrous thing the cia has ever done

The person in question was proven to be a jew. Annoy I am onto, I highly suspect you're CIA. That is the only explanation for your anti-Trump Agenda.

I highly suspect you're CIA

Are you trying to ask if I have any crack for sale?

lol that these tards immediatesly assume a brony tripfag named avedon must be famous, elderly portrait photographer richard avedon

this is what happens when you think youre a defender of western culture but only know about vidya

i just love how passionate you get trying to deny everything

"i just love how passionate you get telling me kojima360 on my playstation forum isnt actually the metal gear solid guy"


I think the usual parlance is "dead".

"Sir, seems like he has a lot of posts that are just 'lol' or 'lmao'."

"How many?"

"Uh, a lot."

"Your job for the rest of the day is to scroll through all 16,000 posts and count precisely how many times this was done".

"It's over 9000, sir"

"Private? Did you just give me a 2003 meme?"

"Sir, combing 4chan 12 hours a day is affecting my mental well-being, sir!"

"Stop talking with meme, arrows, private or else you're getting moved to the r/Drama division"

"I quit"

CIA is a civilian agencies. Entry level employees are not called private.

Surething, private.

Entry level employees are not called private.

It adds to the sarcasm and demoralization when you do tho

If that's what tickles their fancy...

The story of /u/mukumukum

getting moved to the r/Drama division

Evidence of CIA's usage of torture. 2018, colorized.

I hope to god he uses dial soap.

It's like one line of code in R.

Pls don't tell my boss that

egrep '^(lmao|lol)'

R? Fucking baby πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Cntrl + F "Lmao" and "lol" done

No because that counts instances of lmao and lol not instances of posts consisting solely of lmao and lol.

You could do it quickly if you had it all loaded up into a database. I don't know their data analysis tools anyway though.

That's when you take 10 minutes to learn regex and then do a slightly more advanced version of ctrl-F

That's when you take five minutes to write a python script

The cake is right there! Just have some, you... you..


where do I apply for the job?

How much do you wanna bet the cops are more interested in us than they are in CTH?

I'll bet not-at-all unless u/pizzashill shoots up his community college or a baseball field full of senators

Fuck pizza, we have /u/YameteOniichanItai and darqwolff

And serial killer /u/OniTan

The Montreal Ripper

What did I do to deserve being on this shortlist?

Liking petite women.

Clearly liking cute, petite women must be the greatest crime of all

What's your favorite MUM?

Don't think I have a favorite but I've seen a couple and they're really good in general.

It isn't a crime, just enough to get you watched.

seems like a stupid reason tbh.

I don’t make the rules

they post too. there was a unveiled CIA meme collection. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/03/a-look-at-the-cias-internal-dank-meme-division/ personally, i like sassy cat


All the while he's getting red pilled and starts making his own memes.

We are entering a post shitposting era now


All I can find about Borgar is shit like this,


And soup time,


Wtf do these mean and how are they connected to trump?

The last one is funny because of that frog's face the whole time.

Soup Time!

I’m not paying for these

Only on Wednesdays.

Peach time

Russia literally paid someone to do this?

whoever told you that took to much ambien and confused the TV show The Americans with reality

... Never heard of the "Illegals" programme out of Greenwich. Shits. Hilarious. And there's also a got chick involved.

I think it was part of some kind of post Facebook God shared once. Like, not a highly reputable source.

Guccifer 2.0 is a double agent working for the deep state obviously.

the only good russian memes are the ones that are openly propaganda https://imgur.com/a/by7OFi4 try to guess which ones are edited!

There's a Swedish dude I follow on Twitter who posts borgar shit. This state is deep af.

I love Cold War era Propaganda. The Soviet's really had a beautiful art style in a lot of their works. I would definitely put Soup Time up there as a great example.


dont shit it up nerds or I will literally knife you

Korea for the Koreans. China for the Chinese. America for Americans, Negro and white.

Really makes you (((wonder))) about securing the existence of your people and a future for your children πŸ€”

edit: My favorite Commie propoganda was toptier across the board.

Damn, that was beautifully written.



Wait a minute. That soup time image is funny as h*Ck. It has me rolling.

you do know that you can search outside of reddit too?

i do and i did but i didnt want to link 9gag and me.me

lol fake news, that "borgar" meme wouldn't even get you into any of the world-class meme groups. Soup time was burger-related too, he's a one-trick pony.


Maybe the Russian hacker involved just liked posting really poorly made memes during the downtime. I can hardly see these being part of some nefarious scheme to take over the US.

thats what you think, 10 years from now some guy is gonna walk past you and say "Nutmeg 7323" and you are gonna start biting peoples necks n shit.

The international meme community "lmao" looks like those pesky commies tried to seize the memes of production.

This is how drumpf stole Hillary Clinton's White House!



Is this an Ed alt or and Ed impersonator?

I need to know before I deploy the sarin gas on him.

Send me πŸ‘€ that πŸ’¨gasπŸ’¨ daddy πŸ˜³πŸ’¦ mm πŸ‘Œ yes please πŸ‘†

I'm an ed alt. What of it?

I mean either way it's a r/drama poster. Might as well just do it.

I'm an ed alt... What of it?

Either way, he has to go back.

I'll go back when I'm good and ready 😀

i thought i bullied you out of here

I don't know who you are. Who the fuck do you think you are? Don't ever talk to me again. The disrespect I have just received is unforgivable. The thought someone could be so rude irritates me to no end. Talk to me again and you're blocked. βœ‹

My deepest fantasy is for Hillary to sit on my cock while whispering "Das Kapital" in the original German to me in my ear.

You need help.


That ass though?

hillury posting in 2k18


Daily reminder that tay tay is a flat talentless hack.

I hate you

Not as much as tay tay hates working out her glutes.

I'm genuinely close to crying with laughter. This is just so, so.. fucking absurd.

Imagine being a special counsel and charging people for memes, posting memes online, and phishing emails. What a time to be alive.

Isnt it such an unbelievable thing?

It honestly is, I'm staggered by the world right now.

... It's not in the indictment sorry bruv

what is with this stupid fucking world

Wow they made soup time? I love that shit

for real

wait, is this real

Obviously not πŸ˜‚

How can I be sure

Is it Russians

It's a meme

Is it hacking my mind

No it's soup

infiltrate the international meme community






Just what they'd expect a filthy burger borgar to say.


This is truly the best timeline

This is edited, right? Tell me it's edited


It's more fun when you lie to them

:( I can't tell if this is real anymore, and i'm only (mostly) drunk.

When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, β€œCome.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.

Where are these shitposts and can I go there and count them?

β€œInternational meme community.” Nuclear war can’t come soon enough.

f a k e y a a n a a g d

Yeah, I vividly remember suddenly deciding to vote for Trump after seeing a β€˜soup time’ meme from a Russian hacker on the internet.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is Mueller wasting taxpayer money on.

lol I really need to read the whole indictment.

Yeah I already saw.