u/david-me, what's it like to be such a colossally inept failure at life that you get wompwomped by your own neckbeard army so badly The Verge writes an article about you?

128  2018-07-13 by shitpost953


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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u/david-me, u/the_great_i_am see title.

Not taking any chances I see.

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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Snappy is the real Last Jedi 😍😍

Snappy hates space capeshit and that's a good thing

Snappy is bae 😍😘😍😘😍

snappy is my waifu 😍😍😍😍

lmfao@harassment campaign

You know you fucked up in life when The Verge and Polygon start jerking off on your face.

i like how they think its a totally serious issue and not just one guy trying to shitpost and cause drama

like they thought he was being a good activist and the evil reddit admins stopped him lol

could you live without kia?

Judging by his post history, we're his new favorite place.

lol find a post from me in there

you post 10 000 comments by day, would be too much work to fact-check this

i spend less time here than most of the regular fags

not to mention the people who voluntarily hang out on the discord lol

yeah, and I've got more money than most of the homeless people, I regularly brag about it

im saying dont point and laugh if youve shit yourself

stop avoiding things you cant win or youll never learn

the irony of captainautism typing these words in drama

nobody that tries to make fun of me actually has anything but their dislike of what ive said though

Are there people who involuntarily hang out on discord? I've thought about blackmailing u/pizzashill by threatening to spam the picture of his ex all over Reddit, but I don't really want anything from him.

That would be wrong. You should message it to me instead

But then I lose leverage. As of right now I hold the cards and it feels great. I'm thinking about posting it on r/amiugly. She's cute enough that it will get pretty highly upvoted.

I refuse to believe this on the basis of his non-stache.

Some women are fucked up.


And some, I assume, are good people.

They're not sending their best.

youre right about the discord weirdos but if anyone is a regular faggot its me and you post here 10x more than me

with zero punctuation or effort

same tbh

What is search?

There are sites for this exact thing

Speaking of post histories, I have a question for you. I swear I saw a comment for you on /r/pathofexile, but I'm way too lazy to actually scour your post history. Do you actually play that game?

yeah its a good game i used to like diablo 2 and its pretty much that but with a million times more stuff

Yeah, PoE is a pretty good game. It's one of the only games I play at this point in my life.

It was just weird seeing you post in a different context. I'm just used to seeing you type two sentences that manage to piss off 8 people.

hah yeah i try not to seriouspost too much, its mainly when someone on there says some egregious shit like "trading is fine" or "its good to balance a game around streamers that never sleep"

im going some op elemental hit deadeye with all the stupid expensive meme items right now its pretty fun

got like 150 bucks worth of those stupid mtx boxes too lol

That's pretty funny. I played some double strike champion and arc trapper this league and I recently just dropped like 25ex or so on an ele hit deadeye. It's pretty fucking stupid, but it is fun.

You're fucking kidding me, David.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Dropping slurs like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another tranny or faggot outta /u/david-me, you'll never post or comment here ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?


How does it feel to be promoting the #walkaway movement. Soys like yourself, bending to the pressures of social media outrage culture, make me sick. If I were so bold as to assume your gender I would call you the F word you so despise.

bending to the pressures of social media outrage culture,

I'm a raging asshole, but I bent to no one. I actually believe what I wrote, even if I indulged in my creative license..

Can I ask how you sleep at night being so smug? Your actions were self serving. You did it for your 15 minutes, you knew reddit would just open it back up. And as much as I hate using this term, it was a virtue signalers, virtue signal. Guess what way more people think less of you, but enjoy the attention form the tumblrinas and blue check marks, while you can..

You did it for your 15 minutes, No

you knew reddit would just open it back up.

No. I knew I would at the time of my choosing.

virtue signal

I tried to make this a drama'y as possible. That was a error. KiA would still continue. Just not in it's current form.

Why didn’t you just bring on board some sjw mods to crack down on ‘hate’ speech etc like every other subreddit does, that goes to shit? I think you definitely brought this on yourself, but it seems like you’re genuine with your intent. I’ll be the first to tell you your line of thinking,while well intentioned, is on the wrong side of history. Maybe take your subreddit back over and over moderate it till few people post their, like any other respectable leftist head mod would do. Come on man ffs

Because I stepped up and finally decided to not be a victim and made to shut up and go away. I got my mojo back and I stepped in it.

But you knew shutting it down would do nothing but cause a bunch of drama, but if you just cracked down with moderation it would have actually made the difference, but wouldn’t have been as sexy. Now things will continue on without you, and potentially get worse!

This is absolutely correct. My ego got in the way. I should have done things differently and I hate that. I get abused by the users and and talked down to by the mods. They are good people BTW. I think they just don't to give away invested time and energy. It's easier to be bullied. I gain enough confidence to do what I've spent years trying to do, and the Admins hog-tied me.

Oh David, stop this woe is my crap. You just wanted the drama and it backfired since the admins restored the sub.

We never talked down to you. You were reached out to many times and you never got involved. You were hands off for nearly the entire 3 years.

Save the admins the trouble and remove yourself already.

Okay, fair enough. I can respect your being humble about this, and sorry for the hard line of questioning. Just wanted to get down to brass tacks.

decided to not be a victim

This is your brain on social justice.


>by choosing to be an unpaid internet janitor

Starving children in Africa have nothing on you.

How many levels of irony is this

too many for you to handle, get out


We are all your victims ass hole. You are the terrible person here.

It is really hard to figure out which one of you in this conversation I hate more

are we stuck with you here now on drama now that the rest of reddit hates you?

Sadly no. This was a one time drama thing. My ego got in the way and I tried to go out with a bang. I've never been interested in closing KiA. I do however wish to change it's focus and allowable content and comments. I only deleted the simple things. Things that would need to be changed anyways. I kept it all in a Word document anyhow. Took screenshots. etc.

Just know you'll always be welcome here. Also, sue reddit

Glad to see you're supporting a fellow lolcow.

So you were drunk?

You were our last fallback against something like what you just did. You were the backup. You were our last hope, and you positioned yourself as such. You were the chosen one. And you betrayed our trust. And you sit upon that high-horse as a self-proclaimed hero among men, calling yourself a champion of the people as you tread upon our heads to climb to the top. You dare to throw up class struggle as a shield against criticism, as deflection of your betrayal.

And yet, your best efforts failed today. A day may come when our courage fails and we bow to those who claim to be our moral superiors, but I am proud to say that this is not that day.

A day may yet come when /r/KotakuInAction falls forever, but today is not that day! Take your momentary victory, it has done you no good to stab us in the back. You struck us down and we returned more powerful than you could imagine.

The queerest part is that you can somehow square destroying one of the few bastions of truly free-speech left on the internet in general and Reddit in particular as a defense of the first amendment, but alas, within this post lie many a contradiction one would not expect a sane mind to create. Farewell, David. And know this...

This was literally the worst possible move you could have made. Doing nothing would have served your purposes better, because now we gird our strongholds closer. You not only failed to destroy KotakuInAction, you have galvanized it.

Holy shit, go outside.

lol, please be pasta

It isn't.

And even if it was it's either too recent or too niche, implying effort - which would be counter to the point of pasta.

gird our strongholds closer

Mon dieu. Not the answer I wanted but the answer we deserved nonetheless.

David was always a part of Drama.

Why didn't you hand the community over to SRS? You tried a surgical strike where Tsar Bomba was necessary.

I'm not like them. Nor am I a SJW.

yeah but it would have been funny

you idiot, you absolute moron

Over the course of weeks I would have gradually eliminated the old mod team while simultaneously recruiting new mods from here. A gradual boil would be more satisfying than a detonation, any meta autist could've told u/david-me the admins would act to prevent another revenue and image damaging sitewide spergout like The Fattening.

I’m sure they would have paid attention to that. They aren’t gonna let mods get removed without paying attention to it

Gradually removing mods wouldn't spark a sitewide REEEEEEE though. Reddit doesn't give a shit about KIA, they just don't want autism all over r/all while they're trying to sucker in VCs or somehow right the ship enough to IPO.

Gets triggered

Tries to delete an entire community because he didn't like what they said

"I'm not an SJW"

>I'm a sheltered baby and the world is black and white

OK but about me?

apparently a coward who deletes his dumb shit when he gets called out

I didn't do it for you you dumb fuck, I regularly delete most of the posts in post history because I want to protect my privacy from lunatics like you.

like 2 hours after posting? k

The fact that you think you made such a great argument with

I'm a sheltered baby and the world is black and white

Is fucking hilarious to me.

glad to have made you laugh IRL 😊 no need to worry now, your privacy is protected, no one will see your REEEing about SJWs

ok I'm bored now

me too, see you around

ok I'm bored now

/u/WhatsupDoc001 why is your form of entertainment doxing yourself?

you're right, I better delete that one too

you're right, I better delete that one too

I mean fuck man it's not like your any interesting so why even bother.

How do you know I'm not interesting, did you read my post history? That's it I'm deleting EVERYTHING. I feel more violated than your mother the night we conceived you.

Don't you remember punchablefaces? God damn you could have given it to u/agentlame

So stop acting like one. SJW's and Evangelicals have one thing in common, they want to silence views that disagree with them. That's a petty authoritarian dickwad way to go through life.

The euphoria is strong in this one. 🙄🙄🙄

Yes you are, but don’t worry you can’t seem to do things right


I don't Twitter. The con's outweigh the pro's

With so much being written about you today, I want to be the one who just points out that you're using apostrophes wrong there.

I know. And I say I know because I always use them wrong.

But by censoring speech(a very not liberal thing to do) you are essentially driving folks into the arms of the people you so despise??? #walkAway

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

I see what you’re saying but it sounds like you are having delusions of grandeur, have zero faith in the safeguards this country as in place, and think speech on reddit holds far more influence than it does. Not discounting the influence social media has, but some bro being edgy in KIA isn’t equal to your concerns above.

have zero faith in the safeguards this country as in place

Um.... What does this have to do with politics?

and think speech on reddit holds far more influence than it does

Again. What does this have to do with free speech?

but some bro being edgy in KIA isn’t equal to your concerns above.

I accept that have the right to have and express this opinion.

Please stop replying with what you think I am thinking.

I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies

Everyone quotes Popper like he was discussing speech but the quote is really about behavior in general. Popper supported free speech. If free speech would cause "the tolerant [to] be destroyed" it should have happened already because America has had the First Amendment for centuries and it has only gotten more tolerant.

suppression would certainly be unwise.

you don't even read the shit you post before you draw crazy antifa conclusions from them

where are the fists and pistols on an internet forum?

If I were so bold as to assume your gender

Wow haha thanks for this I hate trans people now thanks for the red pills

That wasn’t the intent, I genuinely respect trans and did not want to assume something wrong knowing how sensitive he is tbf

Gee you sure post a lot about #WalkAway huh

Hey cucks come on down to our tiny sub so we can have a totally on-the-level talk about how trillions of libs are #WalkingAway from the Demoncraps. When did you #WalkAway? I used to be a far left tankie SJW who loved #Obama and #Hilldawg until one day I saw someone unfairly call someone a Nazi on Twitter so now I'm with Daddy and #woke af

Don't mind the mods who have posted on t_d for a long time and ban anyone who questions the authenticity of your movement that's just disinfo from the shariablue shills

No worries bro my walkaway post was a larp.

Unironically #walkawayfagging.

Lmao spergs pretending to be former liberals.

See, back then you were cool, just pissfarting around making mods spaz out by joking about car blocks. Now you are exactly like the morons who banned you for a tranny joke.

Oh. I'm still an asshole. I have empathy. I still make stupid and awful comments. I just don't direct them at nor believe what I say.

What kind of non-answer is this??

I just don't direct them at...

Hey cirque was your rant against Ed pasta? He’s saying it wasn’t.

cool = asshole

And that's the problem

I'm only pretending to be retarded.

Wait no this is the problem too.

Take a break man. Go on a hike, stay away from social media.

Take some downtime.

Yes not doing too hot here

You should appeal to the admins and ask them to restore your permissions as long as you promise not to shut the sub down.

If t_d is allowed to ban people for mere dissenting opinions, surely you should be allowed to set the rules of the sub you created?

david-me was never cool newfag

No he was. I had a laminated stick-up.

You said in another thread that the admins always sided with the top mod in these situations, this really isn't true. Reverting the sub to its normal state and removing the permissions temporarily of the top mod while they sort stuff out is what they've always done when someone tries this.

It's actually in their mod guidelines,


Reddit may, at its discretion, intervene to take control of a community when it believes it in the best interest of the community or the website. This should happen rarely (e.g., a top moderator abandons a thriving community), but when it does, our goal is to keep the platform alive and vibrant, as well as to ensure your community can reach people interested in that community. Finally, when the admins contact you, we ask that you respond within a reasonable amount of time.

Where moderators consistently are in violation of these guidelines, Reddit may step in with actions to heal the issues - sometimes pure education of the moderator will do, but these actions could potentially include dropping you down the moderator list, removing moderator status, prevention of future moderation rights, as well as account deletion. We hope permanent actions will never become necessary.

this but unironically

Sad, you keep failing in life :(

excuse me spamming this pasta is MY job


The Verge: "Wtf, I love r/drama now."

what can you say? the media loves worthless drama. Really sells how low they've come in the last decade or so.

How did journalists get to be this way, what happened to them?

We made them in our own image

Relevant username

They were always broken, it just wasn't this obvious until Trump started living in their heads rent free. Now they can't help but sperg out and go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

LOL because Trump really improve the situation. I'm sure after Trump gets done with this we will be back to non-partisan, objective news reporting.

I don't think there's any going back after Trump. The media has shown us the Man Behind the Curtain. Their bias is as plain as day now. I don't see how they could possibly turn that around.

I blame Craig's List

24 hour news cycle, lots of time to fill and words that need cranking out. People being too cheap to pay for anything, so they have to write stuff that your average tard will click on so they can make ad revenue. So, now people equate journalism with the "What pizza topping are you" crap news outlets put out so they can make payroll. People aren't going to click on and read some long-form investigative journalism piece so they have no idea how to judge whether a piece of dreck is well written or not because they don't have the discernment. It's only going to get worse.

I never realized how important knowing what kind of pizza topping I am is to me.

Thanks for the hot tip

Oh, I'm a pineapple pizza. I don't even need to check.

I mean a lot of these places are basically glorified blogs. They survive based on who can get the most ad revenue. Any system that depends on ad revenue is naturally going to be biased towards those who consume the most - young, urban people. The internet is even more tilted towards the young.

Leftism and a soy-based diet.

Gamergate told you! It's about ethics in (game) journalism!


Worthless designer degrees and crippling student debt meet the clickbate arms race.

they got bent over by gamergate a few years ago and will never, ever forgive them

Lack of ethics.

I'm not reading any of those but did any of them mention his "transphobic" exit from SRD?

FranKiAstein's Monster

I wonder if these news sites would get in trouble if David killed himself?

his army? 99% of the people on KiA never heard of this guy before this. from his post history though, he looks like some loon.

misogyny and racism masquerading as free speech

Misogyny and racism are free speech you fucking imbecile.

Eh, shits old af - wish we could say new stuff with the freeze peach

Swung for the gussy and couldn't even get bussy

From the article comments:

KiA is a symptom. It’s long past time to think critically about what is the disease.


This title hurts and i have nothing to do qith it