Ariana Grande is a TERF!

421  2018-07-14 by DramaticSpecial


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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So dissapointed by the title #GodIsAWoman bc it's not complete. "God is a Trans Black Women" 🤷

Is this satire? I can't tell.

It is ya silly goose

wait wait wait. god isn't disabled? fuck off with the ableism

God is an HIV+ trans black woman, who grew up in a poverty stricken household with no father

That explains reality, then.

nah xhie would have to also be an active drug addict with mental illness


We are all God on this blessed day.

i know this is /r/drama, so we cant really hide the fact that we're autistic, but cant we at least make an attempt?

*counts how many of each characters are in his username

Two 2', three 3's, four 4's. Why you so dumb.

That one was probably satire.

It's not.

That one has to be. It's too specific.

When you have imaginary friends, they can be whatever tf you want them to be. 🤷‍♀️

Shit like this creates more TERFs

That’s good for them, it helps them extend their victim narrative

The world unironically needs more TERFs.

Tbh a lot of their arguments make lot of sense- it's just the all men are evil and all sex is misogyny stuff that makes them come off as batshit

So you want just trans exclusionary with out the radical feminism?

I don't even know honestly the whole thing is a PR mess

I am.a reef without the rf

We need TERMRAs

Couldn’t hurt.

Shenis exclusionary <whatever> would cover the whole tent

Also known as being right-wing or conservative...

Or sane. Rational, even.

Nobody likes radfems, including radfems themselves. They’re deeply unhappy, neurotic people.

If they had their way, feminine benis wouldn't even be considered straight.

No, we need more trans exclusionary radical centrists.

So a TERC? Sounds like a t*rk to me


Cenk Ugyhur

Prometheus Maximus

I'd rather remove this dead meme tbh

Shut up t*rk.

The irony is that TERFs don’t even exclude trans people – trans men are totally welcome, because they’re women.

I thought they do because they look at them as traitors who abandoned their womanhood.

Not traitors. Women who have lost their way but need support.

Nope, terfs are women who don't believe that men (male to female trans included) should be in women's only spaces.

Often trans male to female individuals attack lesbians because many lesbians are not attracted to those who used to be male. Kinda like how straight men probably don't want to be with "females" that used to be male, but lesbians are attacked for it and called terfs as a slur.

Accurate! I'm a lesbian and I got called a TERF and banned from the LesbianActually subreddit for saying neovaginas (inverted penises) are different from vaginas.

I appreciate you adding a new word to my shitposting vocabulary. Have a great day.

Join us over at /r/truelesbians fam. Actual lesbian subreddit that does not allow nonlesbians.

I wonder if a neovagina can even feel real, we have muscles in the right places, how does that work when they operate? Do they operate some muscles around it to or something?

I was just thinking about how you could be able to tell it wasnt a real vagina and thats the first thing that popped up in my head, how do they do it nowadays? I know the not getting wet naturally bit would give it away.

I have no faith in that a neovagina can fool straight men with experience that get to go to town on it without being almost blackout drunk. Even then wouldnt you be like, wtf why isnt the getting wet?

There's like a thousand differences between an artificially created body cavity covered with flayed penis skin and an actual vagina. The total absence of muscles is one big difference.

What the fuck is wrong with the mods of /r/lesbianactually? Of course women who like pussy don't want to fuck a man who cut his dick off.


That's a real term lol? Sounds like the name of a shitty, feminist punk rock band.

That's all good, but many of them def consider trans men traitors.

No, this is 100% not true.

Trans men for the most part are lost souls looking for some acceptance in the world; often times they’re gay women with a lot of internalized homophobia. Trans men are always welcome in women’s spaces because they are women.

Does welcoming and accepting trans men but not trans women make TERFs radical centrists?

No, lesbians are just annoyed at losing some potential pussy to the trans fad

Not so. The Gender Critical (ie "terf") view of transmen (TIFs) is that they are women who mistakenly think that they can escape misogyny and the Patriarchy by trying to become men. We think they are confused and deserving of support and help to detransition, not traitors.


The RF part of terf is pretty retarded though.

Seriously though. "BUT WHAY ABOUT MUH GIRLPENIS?" Uh, no. Stop. If you had gender dysphoria you wouldn't want to talk about said penis.

What the fuck is a TERF?

I guess I should be thankful that I dont know

Trans exclusionary radical feminist- they believe that men can't be women and vice versa and that if gender is a social construct then there's no need to transition. Also the whole "you can't feel like a woman/man you just are" thing. They have a point tbh as unpopular of an opinion as that is.


At least 90% of the world agrees with that, it's only unpopular to retards on Twitter.

But even non radical feminists get classed as TERFs for exhibiting any gender critical opinion, even if it’s a really wishy washy one.

I’ve seen a pandering libfem get called a TERF.

I can think of a situation where gender can be a social construct while trans people still get surgery: Body Dismorphic Disorder.

A feminist who believes that female is a biological term and not a change of clothing, and who is sick of things like men dominating in women's sports competitions, and lesbians being told they're a "vagina fetishist" and kicked out of LGBT groups due to wanting to date women instead of men.

basically feminists that crossed the horseshoe and are now puritans who want to exterminate degenerates with gurl power

Go to r/gendercritical for a good time!

Wait is this satire

Lol, no

If you don't agree that women have penises

I just dont undersrand feminists who want to act like a trans female is exactly the same as a born female, and has just as much right to their spaces to talk about female issues etc. These same people will also tell you that a big reason peoples voices in certain spaces are more important is because of how they are raised, i.e. a girl being raised in the evil patriarchal society, who is conditioned from birth due to social norms and whatnot. Yet they will say that a trans female, a dude who decided to transition at 25 and have their penis inverted suddenly deserves just as much of a voice and their perspective should be just as valued as a normal lady. It makes no sense.

Because women are naturally submissive to men. That's why trannies (with their high testosterone) end up dominating every feminist group and women's space.

Trans people are garbage.

You can still express your opinions without being rude you know

Man who posts on crypto currency subreddits accusing others of being mentally ill

You literally listen to metal 🤔

isn't this a sub for mentally ill garbage?


Just normal garbage

Yeah but we're just semi-threatening autistic people who will never be loved for what we are so we project our insecurities and rage under our edgy personas. Nigger.

We must use time creatively.

How rude

why do you think there's such a high population of them in this sub lol. they found the garbage heap.

it's funny how just by saying shit like that tho how quickly you can identify who's either a tranny or a heavy tranny sympathizer (i.e dating one cause they cant get a real gf) because they'll get assblasted as fuck lmao

2 things that never fail to upset a certain subsect of this sub: mocking trannies and the word nigger

why do you think there's such a high population of them in this sub lol. they found the garbage heap.

Wait, really?

Ok, just googled lyrics of this song.

How tf is it a female empowerement anthem?

Imagery for simple people.

Add a bit of infamy and idolatry.

Mix in some porn-level references and video with direct messaging and voila... talk oft the town.

In the meantime, in a parallel universe, Florence makes this and it reaches views saturation within two weeks.

Neither of these songs are good

But that Florence video has gorgeous choreography.


Sure, at a certain spectrum point, everything is just a noise.

"While all the sheeple are listening to Ariane Grande, me (a sophisticated gentleman of refined tastes) listen to this entry level hipster garbage:"

NSFW warning

simple people


Dont love her music but ugh that video was great - I love the strength but also vulnerability and emotion. Makes Ariana Grande's videos look like weak sauce.

You do realise you are sounding like a huge fag right now right?

Im a woman?

Because muh vuginuh

Dunno. It is literally about pleasing a dude sexually. Also wtf is with the prairie dogs in the video?

Florence rocks tho.

Florence rocks tho

I feel like this is some pol meme

It has woman in the title. Same with Black Panther, because it have "black" in the title.

The title is enough

It's a weird direction post-4th wave feminism has been heading, where as long as you're doing it for personal gain or 'cause you want to, you should totally turn yourself into a sex object (e.g. the rise of the "Sugar" lifestyle) whose sole value is in pleasing a man, because turns out that's easier than working a 40 hour week.

Like tons of ((((woke)))) 20-somethings are taking on 1920s era roles as mistresses who get paid to be pretty and get fucked. Somehow, even if it just reinforces the gender roles previous waves fought so hard to break down and undermines the entire original basis of feminst theory (objectification which emerged from Kantian philosophy), it's still totally feminist.

Or just a catchy pop song about some dude laying pipe in Ariana Grande.

I think this new wave of feminism has set equal rights back decades

it has

you have dudes unironically wanting to repeal our voting rights n I can't blame em tbqh

Idk, I think maybe young women (teens) are overrepresented online which gives the impression that things are more vapid and stupid than they actually are. It explains instagram and a lot of these pop stars. Its unfortunate to see grown women though act like those teens. That I cant even explain.

I wish you were right, but this shit has become almost universal. I'm not even exaggerating. The "default" stance, the one that doesn't cause controversy, is now annoying liberal feminist.

Universal with mayo women? I dont see too many other non-white girls do stuff like that

Lol are you kidding me? Black women even more so have universally adopted this idea that they are basically still slaves "casting off their chains", and blaming everything that happens to them on "racism".

I mean, when it comes to the U.S both sides are tying to claim stuff from the past. Like - if slavery can't be "claimed" then white people have to stop talking about creating western civilization or inventing stuff. So Basically all nationalism? Idk it's weird- but I really don't think black people are the only ones doing the "the past affects today" thing. I live in Egypt and people still say "we built the pyramids". Either we all tie our past to our present or none of us can. That's the fairest thing imo

Eh, it's just the same as any ideology that gains prominence. People will use it to justify shitty behavior, or get so into it that it's all they ever talk about.

I kind of see it as selling out - I think their logic is "I dont owe anyone anything I just want lots of money without doing hard work" which tbh... fair enough. I hate it and I think its a case of women being their worst enemy but I get their point of view.

Hmmm since when did the fourth wave end cause #MeToo is definitely part of the fourth wave and that still has steam

That's the funny thing, is that it's still going strong.

Feminism has gotten big. In the United States, it's bigger than Catholicism and on its way to surpassing Protestantism. It has gained massive market-share in the world of ideology. That didn't come without growing pains, splinter groups, and all sorts of contradictory dogma.

The particular corner of feminism I'm talking about has a bit of a generational gap from the people who are notable in 4th wave (30s and 40s) and clearly is more of a schism than a proper next wave. Hence, post-4th.

#MeToo started over a powerful man coercing women to fuck him in order to get/keep parts.

This group is all about marketing oneself as a sex object to achieve their goals. Fucking powerful men to get what you want seems pretty clearly condoned.

objectification which emerged from Kantian philosophy




Immanuel Kant = a manual cunt

whats your doge adress?

/u/normie_girl as the resident TERF ambassador in this sub, can you please outline your opinion on Ariana Grande?


tfw an actual man is considered the TERF ambassador of this sub

I need to step up my TERFposting game tbqh.

She's hot.

Pussy power. Pussy rights. We must secure the existence of our pussies and a future for pussies.

Ew gussy

She's hot.

She looks like a little kid with no TnA. I hear her concerts are a blast though!

Thanks for the detailed reply sugar tits. 😘

Oof too soon

Can you imagine waking up, seeing all of the fucked up shit in the world, and saying "This. This is what requires my attention."

I mean r/drama is no better but at least we know we're tards.

I was only pretending to know.

I'm pretty sure most of us are more retarded than we already think we are

I know exactly how retarded I am you fucking retard

Son In Law is the best Pauly Shore movie.

Bio Dome.

Fite me irl

He sure made some trouble in that bubble.

Rest assured, if it rhymes, he can cause trouble in it.

I guess theyre both better than dying of cancer. buuuuuudy

Speak for yourself loser, my mom said I was smart as a whip.

smart as a whippet

I just want to watch the world burn. Is that so wrong?

Being on /r/drama I feel like I'm watching the world through a car wash window, laughing at things as they slowly pass behind thick glass.

Speak for yourself pussy I have an IQ of 95.

Almost a perfect 100, incredible

God is a trans retard

Yeah but we do it ironically so it makes it ok

This, but unironically.

Literally nothing is ever good enough.

Twitter was a mistake.

Twitter was much better back in the day



Ganesh aproves

Fuck you Modi you Islamaphobic piece of shit

Imagine creating problems out of nothing.


ngl it gets boring after a while and I'm a bit old for this.

🅱️ussy 🅱️ower

Imagine being retardedly overworked and still not woke enough.

Vaginas are nothing to do with women.

lol u incel

Lol wut

lol fag

wtf i love ariana grande now

I see stuff like this on the internet and think how far stupid trolls take shit just to troll...but occassionally run into them in real life and see they are dead serious.

Its really astonishing

i bet god got a juicy fuckin pussy

The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created by a woman. This has made some chicks with dicks very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

God is a cis man who burned Sodom and will destroy you too #itsinthescriptures

I'm so confused. They say that trannies are indeed women so how is this trans exclusion? Because she says pussy? I thought we were bigots if we focused on genitals? I'm glad to see the mentally ill are all on the twatter.

Because she says pussy?

Probably because most of the ones getting upset are probably transtrenders with absolutely no intention of going as far as having surgery to get their own pussy.

Surgery can't actually create a pussy. MtFs have inverted penile and scrotal tissue and it's technically called a "neovagina" but has almost nothing in common with a real vagina, other than fuckability.

That they have to insert dilators into regularly to keep them from healing closed... it sounds fucking awful

Fucking scar tissue is cool i guess

i'm gonna throw up

almost nothing in common with a real vagina, other than fuckability.

What else is there lul

If that's your opinion then an anus is practically a vagina too.

Implying it isn't

Don't see how, unless a mouth is also included, and nostrils and ear canals since they're all fleshy tubes

Implying they aren't

Because they are retarded

Ok but if God isn't a black trans woman I don't think I want to believe in a higher power

For me, God is a trans woman.

Fuckin' LOL.

Terfs are now labling non-terfs as terfs.

What is this timeline

Trannies are the opposite of terfs.

Feminist Exclusive Radical Trans.

Can we go with:

Feminist Averse Radical Trans?

No, trannies are labelling anyone who discusses vaginas at all as terfs

Their practice of doing this is unironically great for our recruiting efforts tbqh.

I wouldn't have ever heard of gendercrit if I hadn't been called a TERF for benign shit like mentioning periods or whatever.

It certainly recruited me

I only want to have sex with women


"oh btw here's the name of a group that shares your views and abhors mine. totally don't go seek them out tho."


Those links are not working for me

Turn on subreddit CSS

How do I do that?

It's just style for the comment to appear as 4chins meme chevrons.

Same, lol, but gendercrit took it a bit too far, I wish they'd water themselves down a little bit with the whole "sex is internalized misogyny" thing. They would attract way more people that way.

Right? Calm down a lil pls.

I disagree--for me, the whole subaru-driving softball-playing lilith-fair-listening man-hating thing gives them cred.

Respect to the OGs, even if they banned me for watching porn.

Perhaps it was a strictly patriarchal Mohammedan blowing himself up in the audience at her concert in Manchester and killing lots of little girls to take with him to heaven that convinced her that "God is a woman".

This is the most childish generation, isn't it? They throw tantrums whenever they are not included in the smallest things, like a toddler would

They're a contender, but it's a tough fight against the current title-holding champions, the Baby Boomers.

At least the Boomers fought in Vietnam, so we know they can fight. These people look like they will faint and start shaking when the Nation of Peace comes to take their lands and make them thralls.

> so we know they can fight.

So you either mean "fight at all", which, you can draft any hapless idiots and they'll puree into meat slurry just as nicely now as 300 years ago, or you mean "fight well", which is the option you just disavowed.

Today, we are optimized for shitposting and getting too angry at everything. It's the militarily useless thing /r/drama has in common with purple-haired Tumblr radfem otherkin. We're all the children of peace - that and the internet.


who knows how earlier generations would've acted if they had the visibility and traction people nowadays can have. but since they didn't: yes.

Liberals: God isn't real!

Also Liberals: God is a woman!

Beautiful strawman right there.

Pretty sure everyone knows pussy runs the world by now, what a stupid video also.

I fucking hope so she has nice feet


"God is a woman"

That would explain a lot of the Old Testament.

Trans women help me out in life so much

Men give me headaches

Gah these people are mental.

How are "women" with dicks women? That makes no sense to me.

They aren't

Most of the world agrees with you, it's just woke twitter that REEEEEEs the loudest about it

I wish.

These men need to get on their knees.

I love watching their reactions degrade.

Ariana Grande posts a picture about female empowerment. "Ariana Grande should be more inclusive to trans people." "Ariana Grande probably dislikes trans people." "Ariana Grande isn't a feminist." "Ariana Grande isn't even latina." "Ariana Grande is a TERF!" "Ariana Grande actually hates trans people and is a real Nazi."

If God is a female, she will have to beg me for forgiveness.

Yes how u doin

I have waited years to busty this nut.

I mean, the actual problem with this is the blatant misandry, not the "TERF"iness.

wtf where do these people live ? i cant believe they exist.

Says a lot about how people baselessly idealize the concept of "Woman."

I'm progressive but draw the line at transgender.

Fight me irl

You can't draw a line. The whole point of being "progressive" is to go "forward" forever. Once you draw a line and say stop, you are a reactionary.

Can too!

The revolution cannot stop, you Nazi. Ever.

What if not drawing lines is the status quo?

What if anarchists are actually moderates and progressives are actually conservatives and the true progressives are the Human Extinction Movement?

What then?

“ once you draw a line and say stop, you are a reactionary.”

Which is exactly why we are now getting pro-pedophile articles being published on the Huffington Post. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and for me it is pedophilia. I don’t care if people call me a reactionary but other folks do. It’s a problem.

Things really can go too far and I think as a society we have reached that point. The gay rights movement successfully kicked out NAMBLA in the 70s and 80s, but now they’re back again. Time once again to draw the line.


A permanent revolution is anarchy.

Now you are getting it. :D

OMG, I thought this was a starbucks cup size at first.

For me, God is a trans woman.

That's how we know there is a 45% chance that God is dead.

At this point I'm only 80% ironic about mayocide. White people (all Westerners really) are fucking nuts. This is what boredom and an easy life does to people. Why can't you nutters just enjoy the peace and have fun with your life instead of sperging out over nonsense. These people have the world at their fingertips but they choose to freak out over some disgusting thot's album art or whatever the fuck that unsightly thing was.

I'd mayocide the fuck out that

I have no idea what a TERF is

Trans exclusionary radical feminist I just looked it up myself

Oh jeeeeeezus.

God is a gay man, he created life with no woman and a man for company first.

This is why God doesn't talk to us

The images of these Twitter retards made me a TERF. I'm a terf now

Standard female. Loves worshipping women's nasty body and objectify men. Trash gender.

Tbh the rest of that hashtag is hilarious too.

"Ariana almost absorbs the insults in this scene as she sits in the "Thinker" pose and it just makes her grow stronger. So poignant."

You mean that iconic pose from a sculpture of the ideal form, man, made by a man.


Ariana embodies ten different Goddesses in the “God is a woman” music video

Yeah nice cherry picking of the male dominated pantheon, including erasing the identity of a twin-gendered (not trans, not female) god to fit your narrative.

It's just sooooo important though.

these mentally ill fags can vote

So pussy power is transphobic now? God what is with people and literally trying to seek out offence from as much as they can and throwing a hissy fit about it?

Stuff like this makes me agree with the TE part of TERF

I object to this video because this song sucks ass.