The Street Shitters are having a sperging

21  2018-07-15 by Derpus_Contagious


This is why we need mayocide.


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I don't think it would help tbh.

Ed_butteredtoast r u ok bby 😢😢?

Hold meeee! 😭😭😭

Shh, shh. Everything is going to be ok

Just another dead sand demon

sand demon

Perhaps we can get you a racist map or something to help your accuracy.

Get out

latest WhatsApp lynching

It all makes sense now

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 80%. (I'm a bot)

Indian police have arrested 25 people after a man was killed by a mob in the country's latest lynching over suspicion of child kidnapping sparked by rumours on WhatsApp.

More than 20 people have been lynched in India after being accused of child abduction in the last two months, according to media reports.

The spate of lynchings started last May in eastern Jharkhand state after rumours on WhatsApp about child kidnappers led to the lynching of seven men.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: mob#1 lynched#2 child#3 rumours#4 WhatsApp#5

Street shitters sound a lot like SRDines, don't they ?

Male feminism is a-okay, but talking to a child is worth a lynching.

If /r/indianpeoplefacebook has taught me anything it's that the entire country needs to be nuked.

India has accused WhatsApp of failing to curb false information on its platform.

Yeah that's the problem. It's not that your country is a shithole filled with subhumans.

The scammer indian that tells me I have a windows error calls me a pussy eater after I start talking shit. Guess the women over there haven't figured out basic hygiene yet.

The problem is the men. The women are okay.