r/neoliberal celebrates sweet mayocide

33  2018-07-15 by throwawayact69


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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wtf I love /r/neoliberal now




I remember when there was butthurt back in 2014 when a completely white German team won the world cup and it was deemed not 'diverse' enough.

uhuh and?

Jesus Christ /u/Fides-el-ratio

Any victory against "France" is moot because "France" is not sending their "French" their sending their zoo exhibits.

If that’s true then what does it say about Belgium and Croatia’s teams that they got beat by a bunch of “zoo exhibits”?

ach didn't see that.

For clarification when I said "zoo exhibits" I meant it in a way that for a lot of left leaning people diversity is good for the sake of diversity, which made me coin a term, "white people's menagerie" to describe the meaningless to the fiasco. I wasn't saying these guys are animals.

it's only a matter of time until we start caging you degenerate papists.




It's a shame Macron has a less than stellar record on immigration.

(((Hmmmmmm.... )))

Macron, for all that he is hated by retards in burgerland is even more anti immigration than trump.

Like, he unironically said that ONG boat should not rescue sinking boats. Also, he refuse to let boats that rescued migrants come in france.

It's all about perception which is something that Trump doesn't seem to understand.

Kinda like Obama, with his record number of deportations not coming off as an anti-immigration politician.

Exactly. Just do your job and shut the fuck up.

Like Obama was tough on new immigrants but he didn't act like a retard so people forget about it.

Sure this is a step in the right direction and is a big win for multiculturalism, but there were still a few non-white players on the French team and that's pretty disgusting IMO

Just think u/goldenbrowngirl, once we start eliminating all cumskins, we don't ever have to see their filthy pale faces win anything again!

They need to decide if racial diversity is good because immigration policy or bad because imperialism.

Either way, between Greiszman's dancing and French Bill S. Preston Esq, I think the sun has not yet set on the mayo.

Nobody understands that reference

Everyone who posts on Reddit is a shithead (((millennial)))

Might want to check the top of /r/movies right now.

After all the Twitter racism regarding the French team's "African roots", it was refreshing to see them win!

/u/goldenbrowngirl, it's called "Roots, Bloody Roots"