A few weeks ago Magic: the Gathering forced a content creator to change his name. He did not take it well.

36  2018-07-15 by torkoal_lover


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This is peak autism.

This is art.


Anything involved with MTG is.

Having just watched the Joe Bob Briggs horror movie marathon, this segment is a clear reference to a Tourist trap. Pretty insane movie actually but this youtube crap is a poor satire of a much better horror film.

I am impressed by the production quality.

What was his name before that and why did he have to change it?

He was Magic_Aids (DAE love South Park references from 15 years ago??), and he actually was kinda liked by the community for his deck brews. He was kind of an edgelord but it seemed more like a caricature than a legit thing. Anyway, his username on MTGO was magic_aids and one day Wizards of the Coast temporarily banned him for his username (honestly an overreaction of their part imho) and he was forced to changed it online, and since then he has non-stop sperged out about it and it seems like he's spiraling


why does the Magic community seem to be nothing but crazy edgelords and the ultra-PC.

Wizards of the Coast is pretty awful in recent years.

Planeswalkers were a mistake

And they say MTG is not art.

Why is this so long...

Why is this so gay...

Probably the most interesting thing I've ever seen on MTG, though that's not saying much...