Dude (30) shares on /r/OKCupid how his potential date (31) cancelled on him because "she found out he was less popular than her in high school". Their reaction is pretty much what you'd expect. Do women like men who are open with feelings, or not? Let's see...

84  2018-07-16 by BananaSmartPhone


Women are so fucking fragile about males complaining about dating being hard, lmao.

God forbid women lose their oppression narrative.

Can't wait for the globohomo gayplex to fall apart and patriarchy to be reestablished.

Uhhhh yeah

it's because the ones who bitch about it also can't get dates. same reason incels lose their shit whenever a woman implies men sometimes also suck.

Becuase women on r/OkCupid are basically femcels anyway. Think about it, why are you on a dating app subreddit? For most of them, it's for advice because they just can't seem to find a good match. (Read: they aren't getting any matches)

That's one of the saddest most bitter subreddits I've been around.

Their meetup pictures look pretty much how you'd expect them to look


OP here. I've actually been to them and I can confirm this lol

they must be supremely ugly. girls that are a 4/10 and above get more messages than any human could possibly reply to, even if they had no job or no life outside of the dating app. imagine how sub humanely ugly they must look to actually need "advice".

Think about it

What are you, gay or something? This is r/Drame - We're MEN here! We never think about anything, ESPECIALLY WOMEN.

In. Out. Repeat if necessary. That's all you need to know about women.

Jesus, what are they teaching kids these days.

not just the subreddit, okcupid the app is slim pickins, mostly fat tumblr nerds or emo black girls, meaning mostly mental illness.

There is a reason these fine women are on a subreddit for a dating app

How sad does one have to be to go to a dataing app subreddit on lessons how to socialize?

to be fair guy got shut down once and immediately started cry-typing an essay on Reddit

Are we reading the same post? The linked OP is a turbo autist of the highest degree

I guess it's not surprising some people here relate to him

At least I'm not a Knicks fan

Uncalled for tbh

At least you're not a Mets fan(I hope)


Cool story, bro


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More like she asked some of their common acquaintances about him and they told him what a pussy he used to be.

Tru if you got bullied in highschool you're either a sperg or gay

okcupid subreddit poster

No need to repeat yourself

I'm sure some of them are just sluts

Making a side comment and then immediately attempting to shift to another subject is pretty much the opposite of "whining".

Nah that's definitely whining, though perhaps passive aggressively. That's even more bitch-made behavior tbh

Almost gives the impression that he doesn't have many friends if he thinks that this is something only women do.

If one of my friends starts talking to a girl that I knew from high school or college then he'll definitely be questioning me about what kind of person she is. I went to college close to my hometown so a bunch of girls I went to high school with were there. My friends that weren't from the area would always ask me which ones were worth pursuing.

asking about what someone was like 12+ years ago and a teenager

Honestly I don't even know who dodged the bullet here but I'm glad we got to hear the shots

Serves him right, should have waited for the AI waifus to arrive like a real man does.

Amen. 2D shall inherit the earth.


... I have an inkling there's more to this story than either he realises or is informing.

Can't quite put my finger on it though...

I can take a screenshot of the conversation where it happened if anyone's interested.

One anecdotal experience = /= universal truth.

I was on that dudes side until I read more of his comments, she dodged a bullet

TL;DR - play it safe, be a man and don't be effeminately open with feelings and make the mistake I made. I know society tries to encourage that and tell you it's okay but it really is detrimental to your dating success

1) He's totally right.

2) It's hysterical how he's getting dogpiled in the comments.

3) Sorta expected because look at who the target audience is? If they understood how date people they wouldn't be on a reddit forum for OkCupid.

Ironically, he's getting dogpiled for opening up about his feelings on the topic.

Women want men to open up about their feelings, until they do. One of those things that sounds good to them in theory, then in practice they nope the fuck out, or want to tell you why your feelings are wrong, or why your feelings on the situation are hurting their feelings.

Well yeah, but first dates are not really the place to say “ohhh I was a totally loser in HS, hope you don’t mind that” imho. First of all, who gives a shit? Apparently the girl here does, which honestly says way more about her than about him.

Honestly what most likely happened is that, since they went to the same HS she asked around about the guy and got some bad news or something. Maybe he was a loser but honestly it ends up making you the biggest loser if you still care about that shit in your 30s, so maybe something worse happened. There’s always two sides to an story.

What I find remarkable though, like everyone else here is saying, is that everyone is dog piling on the guy. But it’s a dating sub on leddit. Of course the guy is wrong.

For sure.

first dates are not really the place to say “ohhh I was a totally loser in HS, hope you don’t mind that”

depends how you say it. 100% he said it in a way that implied he was still that same loser.

has to be more to why she rejected him. no sane girl i ever met remotely gave a flying fuck that i was picked on in high school and hated it.

sane girl

I found it, I found the problem

Yeah, either OP was that super weird kid rocking anime pins with trench coats and fox ears or was an absolute whiny bitch when talking about HS times. Probably a mix of both.

Lol. I just randomly dropped that comment while we were playing the game of throwing out names of people who know who the other might know, and sure enough we found a lot of common ones. It really was more my way of saying I'm not close with them, because I actually did suspect she would ask them about me.

I'm going to hazard a guess he was in the Trenchcoat Mafia.

The quote is in the post is literally how I said it.

Hi there.

I didn't say it during a date. It was during a text conversation where it was relevant to the subject and we were playing hometown geography. And you're probably right that that's what happened, but I really made that comment as a way of saying "I'm probably not close with anyone you know, but I know who they are". Probably should have phrased it that way.

Eh don’t sweat it, you probably dodged a bullet there to be honest.

Women want men to open up about their feelings, until they do

What they want is stereotypical gruff dude, but to be the one that he opens up to, because they're so special.

It works the same way with being an asshole. Why do girls always date guys who act like jerks? It's because of the gap between how we treat other people and how we are "so sweet" to them. They find that attractive, like weeaboos and their tsundere waifus.

like weeaboos and their tsundere waifus.


Tsunderes are typically nice to everyone but the person they like (unless male), or are the hardest on the person they like. The appeal of a tsundere is the massive amounts of raw sexual frustration be directed towards you and a near abusive punishment/reward system.

If I shed a single tear reminiscing about a dead friend, my gf is ready to do anything to make me feel better.

But if I was blubbering about it, I'm sure it would make her a little uncomfortable.

Women want men to have emotions, but it has to fall within a certain range that still turns them on.

The problem with men opening up about their feelings is that sometimes they feel women are flawed, both are individuals and as group. While it's understandable that they respond negatively to criticism, I'm not sure what else they were expecting.

Of course he's right. The opening stages of a relationship are a terrible time to open up. You lead off with your best stuff. You make yourself out to be the best version of yourself. It's not till phase 2 that you start slipping in how fucked up you actually are.

And you don't do it all at once. That shit is terrifying. It's like coming home to that new cute puppy that you got 2 weeks ago and finding out it murdered your cat, shit in your shoes, and sold drugs to the neighbor kid down the block. You slip your crazy in slowly. Like testing the water with your toes.

Now when phase 3 of the relationship hits, that's when you really open up about the uncle that made you watch Monty Python while fingerblasting his saint bernard. But only in phase 3 is this safe. Phase 4 is when you start moving in together and you don't want to wait till then because at that point you're right back to the crack dealing puppy scenario.

boi got rejected once and typed an entire essay on Reddit, you’re saying you wanna hold any conversations with this guy?

nah man, that was debunked by that landwhale who's husband cried on their third date

(ignore the fact that she's still on a dating site to fuck other dudes)

i told the last two girls i went on dates with that i was picked on and a total social recluse in high school. the first one ended up fucking me a week later, i dumped her because she got too clingy and weird. the second one still messages me right now.

i really think it doesn't matter, i do and say whatever i want tbh. though the second girl also related to me because she also was picked on in high school and massively grew up with social anxiety. the one before her however was always popular and seemed super outgoing.

just be good looking you ugly dweeb.

A meme I hear on a lot of my online dates is the "vulnerability" is attractive. But they really mean that in the same way that an interviewer means the question, "what is your greatest weakness." You're not supposed to give a real answer that makes you look weak, like I was bullied when I was a kid, you're supposed to give a fake sense of vulnerability like you have some dark lurking demon and she's supposed to dig down and figure you out over time. "You're hard to read" is the most common thing I hear before she offers up the gussy.

I'm pretty by 'vulnerability' they mean they want to get them naked.

Foids, string em up

I was expecting this to be another bullshit sorry as usual but after reading /u/sexy_in_the_privates other comments in the thread it seems believable. But the real reason clearly was her friends told her he was a giant shitheel not just unpopular.

I didn't go to lunch because they made me go to social skills group counseling for my autism during my lunch period.

Wow women don't respond well to weakness, who woulda thunk it?

if chad is sensitive and has vulnerability, it's cute and endearing. if a man less than 7/10 has it, it's just pathetic and unattractive.

Do you think that the point of dating is to push all the right buttons until the woman does what you want

Dating? No. Asking someone out to a first date? Yeah, that's mostly about tricking them into thinking you're the kind of person worth the effort of getting to know.

Hey ladies, multiple felon (no convictions) with deep emotional issues and a substance abusers problem here.

I was a very popular drug dealer in high school and won two different things in the year book. Please PM my nudes and mod invites.

So I'm generally successful on these things

Being successful at 30 on dating apps is like being successful on monkey bars in elementary school. As long as you're not too fat you'll be successful

Learn to interact with women, cretin. ~ u/Wednesday_atoms

Unironicallg calls OP an incel cretin on a OkCupid sub.

I don't know you. Don't tag me in shit.

you know it's r/drama tradition to tag people right?

I don't care about your messy passive aggressive BS.

So do you like active aggression? Then Stfu whore!

do you talk to the ladies on your little "i'm still a single loser at age 30" dating app like that?

>passive aggressive
This bitch so dumb she can't even recognize an insult

/u/Wednesday_Atoms, I apologize on behalf of /r/drama for pinging you.

Everyone, I think we owe /u/Wednesday_Atoms an apology, right now.

Rather than call him a cretin, perhaps you could enlighten him with your wondrous philosophy on relationships. After all, to be that dogmatic about this must mean you actual l have a dogma about it right?

She's right tho

Linked OP very clearly has the social skills of the captain of the high school esports team

Frankly, I find it a little hypocritical to decide someone's social skills while hanging out on a dating app sub.

That would be like someone ripping on a fast person while they're grabbing their third helping at the Golden Corral.

You can have social skills and be on a dating app just like you can be not fat and be at a buffet

Both are just increasingly less likely as you stray away from urban areas

And this is your professional opinion as a metrochode, right?

It's my professional opinion from traveling to places like the south or Midwest and seeing how gross and obese everyone is compared to the Northeast

So metrochode it is.....

By the way, check your privilege mate.

Nothing wrong with that

What I meant was 'ripping on a fat person while the one doing the ripping was on their third helping at the golden corral'.


This is (partly) why I'm dateless and friendless, not that I care enough to change. Honesty only works if it's something positive.

This is pretty much enough to kill all interest instantly the few times I do meet a woman.

"what do you do all day"


"Don't you have a job?"

Min wage blue collar.

Men I work with tend to get sad looks if they ask me about my life and I tell them.

I mean no shit, what do you expect?

Go be more interesting and less of a loser

You're getting triggered for me?

I can't help it when the only thing I enjoy is agitating others.

No I'm just judging you as a mega autist

Enjoy the loneliness

Oh well, it's not like autism can be cured.

Electroshock therapy was promising but it only caused me amnesia.

I wouldn't mind a little amnesia, tbh.

He's getting blasted, but he's correct.


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that helpline wasn't helpful at all. They kept trying to talk me out of it. 7.8/10

He clearly has unresolved issues. I mean, who's okay with dating a woman older than him? That's just wrong.

Women here:

No, we do not like men who are open about their feelings and emotional. We don't like weak and feminine men, we like strong ones that are stoic. Stop acting like a little bitch, that's my job :)

bitch, if a man was 6'4, had a chad jaw and big lean muscular build, you woudln't give a fuck if he was bullied in high school, you'd swoon over how it's so cool that he is able to be open with his loser feelings and be vulnerable.

No, he would be hot but he would be hotter if he was masculine. Its like a super hot woman with big tits can be a massive asshole to evwryone and still get guys.

i guess i have different experiences. i never used dating advice from any where, but almost any time i ever dated a girl it directly contradicts this whole "men have to be masculine" shit. first girl i ever dated i told her her awkward vulnerabilities and shit about me, i think i even cried. she said something like how awesome she thought it was that i opened up to her.

i tell most girls anything about me they ask, and for context, i was a loser in high school too and mostly had no friends, i have social anxiety and act awkward on dates, and has a history of retarded emotional problems.

not a single girl ever dumped me over any of it. one girl i dated recently kept saying it was "cute" how shy i was. it's probably cause i'm tall and have a decent face and work out alot. i assume that it's just only "cute" cause i'm attractive.

never met a woman who needs men to be hyper masculine, then again, maybe i just somehow subconsciously filter out those women, but basically i'm a huge pussy with shyness and girls still like me.

so hot people can do whatever they want and get still dick/pussy? yeah, i already know that.

Massive assholes are my fetish.

The thought of any man telling a girl he's wanting to impress he was a loser at school is just straight retarded in fairness, anyway men being really open about their feelings is weird anyway grow some balls and get over it, moping around isn't going to help you.

dude is just ugly. i tell girls how much of a loser i am and was in the past all the time, most of them still are interested.

he just doesn't have enough chad features.


> taking dating advice from women

> taking fishing advice from fish

r/OKCupid is a horrible place to get actual dating advice, not sure why anyone would go there willingly. You'll see the same people initially bitch about "uggos" then whine about "toxicity in online dating".

This site is like 98% battling back and forth over dating and courtship. I will never understand how folks dont just understand. If the other man/woman finds you attractive you are probably in the clear. If the other man/woman does not find you attractive there is nothing you can do to wooooooo them. Usually you can't tell if they find you attractive or not so you have to say hello. After that move the fuck on one way or the other. Its not complex at all its one of the most basic aspects of the universe. STFU.

Using okcupid beyond the not tinder swipe mode


I think she was looking for any excuse to not see him and.. picked that lol

The only 100% effective pickup line that works as a response to every possible thing she might say:

"Yeah babe, whatever."


30 years old

still hung up on high school

this guy sounds cool

Someone didn't read the topic...


Mistake one

Using OKCupid subreddit to complain about OKCupid

Mistake two

This actually wasn't on OKcupid, haven't used that in years. It was on a way better dating app.

But back in the day when I used to frequent there, that sub was for general discussion about online dating, even on tinder and the like. /r/tinder isn't really a discussion sub, it's just for posting entertaining conversations.