Twink has tons of gross weird sex with horrible people, comes up with bold idea of not having sex with one of them

52  2018-07-16 by pozzedshill


Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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How empowering!

He was also trying to insult me and call me a whore.

/u/Time6Baron bby why would you get your knickers in a twist over a compliment?!

I mean yeah I’m a whore... but like... we were both doing the same thing. Like... what?!

shh bby you’re home now

The thought of faggots getting into a fist fight over butt fucking is hilarious to me.

Implying you wouldn’t fight over bussy.

Onitan probably wouldn't. He gets off to murdering prostitutes.

All degenerate faggots do is spread AIDS and do meth.

I haven’t done the meth and don’t have HIV. What am I doing wrong here?

Not barebacking.

Come help me out then?

I only bareback girls. Can't get AIDS from a pussy.

This is actually true, I never got AIDS from a pussy.

Girls have sex with you? Huh. Wouldn’t have guessed you could afford that.

They don't really have a choice.

I like this guy, can we keep him?

I second thi motion, we need another bottom.

You bring the meth

We can only hope you're beaten to death by a meth addicted bear.

crosses fingers death is death man. Beggars can’t be choosers and I have been begging for years.

You can always Keep Yourself Safe.

Being clean

Sounds like heteros beating their wives into having sex with them. Well... more like rape.

Wait. That happens all the time. Daily. Hourly.

Not that funny really

actually it's hilarious.

Evangelicals were right

It's only a slippery slope until it actually happens.

Evangelicals love this shit

Evangelicals are pretty much guaranteed to be 3 inches deep in a preteen.

Evangelicals were right

May Allah(pbuH) shine his light of judgement upon the scarred soul of this man. And may He(pbuH) find it unworthy.

"oh wow this thing I made sucks, definitely this things fault and not mine"

t. euphoric

/u/Time6Baron why would you kick out a man who just wanted to pound your ass? Isn't that you became gay in the first place?

almost like he doesn't know what bussy is for smh

Because he smelled like ass.

What a fucking loser. If you don't like something during sex, say so. Who cares what the other person thinks? Its your body. Some people are just complete pathetic walk overs. You are not obligated to provided physical pleasure to anyone.....unless they are paying or buying you a nice steak dinner.

this, you can control your own body except if he pays you lay.

Lol did you read the thread? I did say no.

That on time, sweaty. Better get your old purity ring out, it’s time to dance 💃🏿 with daddy 🍆🍑👴🏻

I’ve seen wooden spoons brighter than you.

Sweaty, you basically told the world you let complete strangers arse to mouth you.....when you didn’t even request/consent such a sex act. I know which life I’d like to be leading, and it isn’t yours.

Enjoy your shit eating

I don’t let people in my ass boi.

I mean... unless you want to, then we can discuss pricing.

OMG sweaty, you really are dense. How old are you?

It’s in the post

Um sweaty, I'm not reading all that garbage again.

Thanks for reading it the first time then

what the fuck else is there for fags to do if you don't do anal?

Lol get a load of this guy who's never had a good earfucking

No meme, but how does that even work? Or is it some sort of family guy reference.

yeah it's a family guy reference.

Here I thougt there was a secret cabal of microdicks with a newfound fetish for earfucking.

My aspirations have been crushed the second it was realized.

yeah it's a family guy reference.

Wait, really? I was just saying the stupidest and most unfunny crap I could think of.



Lol imagine if a girl wanted to have sex with you. (Tough. I know). Before you put your penis inside of her though, she wants you to warm her up and have something called “foreplay”.

A foreign concept to a virgin such as yourself but the multitude of options for pleasuring your partner that you can do without penetration is what I usually do.

so you don't have sex, only foreplay?

Come over and gimme 5 minutes and then tell me how boring it is. I won’t even use my hands.

hmm, well now this i gotta see, i'm in.

It wasn't boring for Aziz.

also, i take the DJ khaled approach to giving girls foreplay, i don't do it, it's not masculine and only fags put their mouth on a girl's pussy.

What did this guy do that was wrong or drama worthy?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

I don’t think that’s what this sub is for but I may be wrong lol

I'm not sure your judgement can be trusted.

And you’re the authority on this?

Any competent adult is able to assess the reasonableness and credibility of another person.

The problem is that neither of us is an authority on this subject. This isn’t about my or your reasonableness and credibility. It’s a subreddit. It has rules. You can read them and find out.

It’s a subreddit. It has rules.

Nigga, do you even know where you are?

Literally the one rule is to start drama... and I’m bored as hell. Bitch fight me you fuckin dweeb

Feminine homosexuals are beneath me. Go help in the kitchen or something.

Good thing I’m not fem then

Praise be to Allah.

You're a faggot op so put up your dukes (ง'̀-'́)ง

(╯ ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)╯

The only thing that sissyboi is doing wrong is not realizing he should get paid to get his rectum rimmed at 4 in the morning.

Because he is a whore. A free whore at the moment.

I have a salaried job. I don’t need $60 dollars lol

Wait is 60 the going rate? I'm being way overcharged.

If you really want to know, yes. A grindr message may come through that says “I’m generous” and the usual offer is $60 minimum. I’ve never been offered less. And the max I’ve been offered there was $120 for the whole 9 yards... or the whole 9 inches in this case. I’ve been offered $500 weekly to be on call though, meaning he gets to do whatever he wants, exclusively his, and barebacking. But I turned it down because of the barebacking specifically.

Ive never been paid for sex though. Don’t need the money.

Nothing. r/drama users just like to bully people to distract from their own pathetic existence for a few minutes. SAD!

This but unironically

OP was the guy he didn't give up the bussy for.

Nothing, I am just jealous he gets more dick than me.

he is indeed living the life

what is with all these zero-drama threads what the fuck

Yeah my thread was pretty calm...


I suspect a lot of women have similar experiences if they hook up a lot (which is partly why a lot of women reject guys for the smallest things).

But we can't, like, teach people (male and female) to say "no", because that's like putting the burden on women to not get raped.

i recommend that he stop being a degenerate twink fag, then he might not run into so many other degenerates and unsavory types of people.

but that is asking too much in our "nobody judge anyone !!" hedonistic free for all, and it's probably "victim blaming" of some variety.

Yeah that’s kinda the point of the thread. You’re adding nothing new here thanks.

you seem personally offended. at least be a top and not a bottom, i mean, that's a step up in the world, being the guy who gets to use his cock instead of the ass guy who ends up with anal tearing. just take that one step first ok?

Wait what? I’m not offended lol.

I usually don’t do anal. I can get out of that most of the time. I don’t top or bottom.

And I don’t too because my dick is too big and it turns me off when they’re like “stop it hurts” and it never stops so I rather just not try.

this all seems to go against your narrative that you constantly get pressured into sex acts you don't want to do cause you're a door mat of a twink slut. if you never do anal, and constantly refuse things you don't want to do, what are you even being pressured into constantly? you said this was the FIRST time you ever said no to someone.

You seem to be having some reading comprehension problems.

From the above comment:

I usually don’t do anal.

I can get out of that most of the time.

From the original post:

I’ve NEVER been able to say I’m not into it anymore and walk away.

Your claims that are wrong:

you constantly get pressured into sex acts that you don’t want to do

That is still true. (See: usually, most of the time)

you never do anal

Never said never. I just had anal like 2 weeks ago with a guy I trust.

constantly refuse things

Never said constantly

you said this was the FIRST time you ever said no to someone.

No. I said it was the first time I was able to “say I’m not into it anymore and walk away.” I’ve said no to individual sex acts and sometimes they’re okay with it but other times they pressure or convince me to do it.

Literally the title was about withdrawing total consent midway through sex.

hooking up with men sounds awful, why do women and gays even bother?

either way, i don't care about this convo anymore, i want that hands free prostate orgasm you promised me in our other thread.

On my way!

Do not let this man speak for the fagosexual community. We are not all as perverted as he is.

What makes you think I’m a pervert? And I never claimed to speak for anyone but myself. And the fact that you call us fagosexuals tells me you’re a bottom tier gay.

I just wanted attention to be honest.

This is reddit, that was a given.

Recommendation: stop acting like a worthless slut and people might respect you.

...plot twist: that’s the whole point of the post. Wow.

In the area I live in, I’m really a decent catch from an outside perspective.

A catch is something you keep. You're a "catch and release" at best.

...Which is what I said in the next paragraph. Can you read?

I dont understand how people get into the kind of relationship where they're treated that badly and still invite these people over.

I’m not in a relationship?