As a thought experiment, what would it be like if men had a say in their children being born? Two X explores.

58  2018-07-16 by vast_rape


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Hey rajesh.

Fake and gay.

Good post™ 👍

Do I know you?



Once it's been delivered, it's no longer male.

Oh yea another single mother, that's what we need in the world right now

That guy talking about compelled abortions really is terrifying.

Just allow us to sign a paper saying we relinquish all parenting rights over this child in return for freeing us from child support. If the mother chooses to keep it, so be it.

No true feminist should have an issue with that :)

Sure r/menslib loves that idea

Fuck that. Single parents are a huge enough drain on the rest of us without giving you parasite makers the chance to opt out.

Only women should be allowed to opt out.

Neither should be allowed

Army. Conscript those kids into the army. Conscript the moms into the army too.

Why should society have to pay for the kids of idiots who don't know how to use a condom?

One of the idiots was trying to do something about it. It's the other idiot who decided to keep it. Punish the idiot who prevented correcting the problem.

The mistake occurred when the dude insisted on finishing inside her without a condom or birth control. Once the girl is pregnant, he carries responsibility not for the good of the girl, but for the good of society. This is the most pragmatic solution.

If you don't want to get fucked by the law, wear a fucking condom.

If we're enforcing for the good of society, we would mandate abortions ala China.

Remove all the emotional appeals and she sounds a lot worse

He keeps saying “Leave me Alone” “you’re obsessed with me” “ I don’t want anything to do with you, I don’t love you, I don’t want to see you, I never want to see you again” he never wants me to be in contact or see me again, and I told him I can’t do that. I want him to be here for his child, I pleaded and cried. He sees me as this crazy ex girlfriend and not a expectant mother pleading for her child. And that hurts...He says hurtful things about not loving me, about never having feelings for me,

I do admit I told him to walk away if he wanted too, He keeps saying I’m trying to force him, and he’s right. I am trying to force him, I want him to be involved. ... He told me I am incapable of giving him space and leaving him alone, and he’s right.

This has all happened in the span of like four days. He dumped me the second day he found out I was pregnant. .

u/ScammerC with a familiar argument

He does! He's 100% in control of where his penis goes. And who it goes into. Think of sex like a reverse lottery, if it please you.

Would you say the same thing about women and abortion?

Don't be silly. Expecting women to keep their pants on if they don't want children is "slut shaming", and since no form of contraception is 100% reliable to the fifth decimal place all women must be allowed access to abortion on demand. It's all about equality, you know.

she was too spineless to not let him cum in her raw constantly, yet it's only his fault, cause women are such strong and independent beings, and that somehow makes sense.


TwoX getting btfo the fuck out in their own hugbox

Beautiful ain’t it?

I just want him to come around and stop acting so cruel.

... She is literally the crazy ex girlfriend. Holy fuck.

Thank fuck I'm a faggot

2 day old account creating drama there?


Women doesn't want a kid: Strong empowered woman who don't need no man.

Man doesn't want a kid:

Yeah, but it's also woman doesn't want a kid: too bad you're stuck with that shit, man doesn't want a kid: eh you're not the one who carries it.

I'm completely on board with the idea that the court systems fuck over fathers and completely ruin lives by always deferring to the mother regardless of whether or not she's a psychotic cunt who has no business being the sole caretaker of a child. But that only applies to fathers who want to step up.

If a guy knocks a chick up and then decides to bail, fuck yeah she should lawyer up and take him to the cleaners. If you pick gussy over bussy, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

You can't complain about how fucked up boys and girls who grow up without fathers are and then also sing the praises of a dude who bails on his kids.


You just want to be a le to get your dick wet with no consequence.

I feel like I've heard something like this before from the anti-abortion crowd 🤔🤔