Someone posts an inspirational Louis CK quote. Results are as expected

16  2018-07-16 by nordicangst


everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


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So, here's a story from rape to pee,

You wanna make it in the biz, you gotta listen carefully

We got Weinstein in the place who likes it in his face

You got G's like easy Freeman, who likes it sleezy

George Takei takes the boys for free, he's a real doozy

And as for Louis, ha you'll see (his dick)

They'll slam your body down and grope it all around

Slam your body down and grope it all around

🔥🔥🔥 Lil' Foid 🔥🔥🔥

Buy my mixtape

If ya wanna be a male feminist, Ya gotta be a rapist first.

His body, his choice.

Half of his material ceased to be funny once you realize that creep in his jokes is him.

The other half wasn't that funny to begin with.

Reddit. App. Link


OP was crushed inside gym bleachers for this submission.

I can take or leave the majority of his output, but god bless him for asking if Rumsfeld was a reptoid.

“The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them.”

“You know what, it's not your life, it's life. Life is bigger than you, if you can imagine that. Life isn't something that you possess, it's something that you take part in and witness.”