White knights and flabby manlet Gallowboob show up to glorifying potentially putting a man in a coma or paralyzing him.

1  2018-07-16 by Fuzzy_Oil


If you get your ass beat by an average sized woman after copping a feel, you deserve it.

I think the dude should have gotten slapped in the face and arrested for sure. He sexually assaulted her.

However retaliating in an action action which has resulted in the deaths of people isn't going to win you any points.

potentially putting a man in a coma or paralyzing him

lmao yeah, that slight impact to his shoulder area is gonna turn him into the next Stephen Hawking 100%.

Only if you're as fragile as /u/Fuzzy_Oil.

ok lol

Thank you for confirming it.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016

I voted for Trump in 2016

White male fragility exposed. Keep you fingers of that fentanyl baby. You can't even remember who you voted for in 2016.

I'm actually Asian but I'm glad I have a fan who likes to peruse my body of work.

Welcome aboard, friend. :)

I'm a fan of retards.

I'm sure you are. <3

Since you're Asian, on a scale of 1 to Elliot Rodgers, how many shitpost do you have to larp as right wing retard to make up for you small dick?

to Elliot Rodgers

Is that you /u/DevaVrata17 ?

Did the mods give your main account a little boot again?

Little boot? That's racist against Asians.


I absolutely should. If you don't pray at the church of iron you mine as well be a woman... or xir, or w/e you faggots call yourselves these days.

Drop the soy pick up whey/casein instead.

My wife is an RN and she's seen people paralyze from something as silly as tripping backwards and slamming the sacral region of the spine against a "bar like surface" i.e. edge of a table.

Consequently one can also die from brain hemorrhage or suffer concussions from even the lightest tap on the "Danger zone" of the skull.

Seriously. The human body is insanely fragile and the least likely of culprits can result in life changing damage.

My wife


He mispelled Waifu, or body pillow

Ok, then she could have gotten startled from having her arse grabbed, tripped backward and slammed her spine against a ""bar like surface"". If the human body is so fragile, don't grab other people then they won't feel the need to defend themselves from the lightest tap. You know all you are saying makes her behavior more understandable, right? Like, he literally put her a death's door by touching her ass so she had to lay him out in case he decided to touch another one of her 'danger zones'.

This reads like you're using a thesaurus as you type it out, I'm embarrassed for you. You picked the wrong thing to white knight for, and the even wronger sub to do it in. God speed

Ur mom ate out my ass

Did you link to a wrong thread, OP? Because i'm not seeing anyone being hurt there, let alone being in danger of getting put in a coma or paralyzed.

Well, unless the egos of fragile m*le cumskins count as 'someone getting hurt'.

That man has 2 children and a wife waiting at the police cruiser, wont you think of the children?

Are you a very low effort troll or just actually retarded?