/u/PoorLilMarco patronizes a local coffee dispensary

25  2018-07-16 by fuchitive


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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/u/AggravatingVanilla do you get your jollies defaming the blind anonymously online?

Classic ableism, to be honest

No. Recording conversations is risky both from a legal as well as practical perspective. Its also not all that useful. No one likes listening to recordings. Its time consuming and they're often incomprehensible to the person listening.

Fucking. What.

Morons! If you are in a state where you can record without consent, record. Because hey guess why, it beats he said, she said evidence hands down and if it’s not a crime, guess fucking what? You won’t get in trouble.

God fucking dammit. /r/legaladvice should be exiled to voat.

Florida is a two party consent state.

Florida is a two party consent state.

Unless there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. OP could arguably record the creeper or ask the manager to do something when there are others around.

On a scale of 1 to having to spend a day with darqwolff, how disgusted are you with that thread?

Having to have tender, loving, candlelit sex with darqwolff. For a day.

That is the level of disgust.


Dude probably fuck his poor dog

He does not seem to be severely mentally ill

But he is a furry 🤔

As usual, u/joanofarc5, describing her experiences of getting sexually harassed by a box of doughnuts


Glazed, jelly filled or sprinkles?

Frankly, her fursecution and bigoted reaction ruined the rest of my Disneyworld vacation.

The only thing worse than a furry? A mayo furry.

Uh, how about a straight furry?