"Pls no bully." -Daddy

151  2018-07-16 by TrailerParkBride


Jews did this


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Pls Bobby don't hit me. I won't tell mom about Mr Fluffles. ;(((

Daddy failed the alpha male challenge.

Putin is daddy now.

Putin reeks of Male Vitality™

Putin watches Alex Jones, Trump watches Fox. Perfect.

He can drive his giant tractor

cross the trans-siberian plain

he can power a nuclear reactor

with the left side of his brain

and when he takes his shirt off

he drive the ladies crazy

when he takes his shirt off

make me wanna be a lady

Now? Putin was always the real daddy

Putin knew it too. He had the smug look of an alpha daddy who made another daddy his bitch.

I know and love that look.

But that's the thing. It was So. Fucking. Obvious.

A reporter asked Putin "Do you have anything compromising on the Trump or his Family?". And he just chuckled and gave that look that says "you all know I have people killed". And Trump just fucking stood there, as /u/GovSchwarzenegger put it so god damn succinctly "[...] I was asking myself, when are you going to ask him for an autograph or a selfie [...]".

That question was so stupid both of them were mocking how utterly retarded an adult would ask that question and get a serious answer

Neither one of them gave a serious answer to a single question during the whole summit.

Babbies first trip with politics

This but ironically

Manlets can never be alpha

Compared to a chub they can.

Would you say that to Putin's face lil bitch?

Yeah I could beat his ass just cause I'm bigger than him.

Height doesn't matter when you're one part mob boss, one part dictator. You get niggas to kill other niggas.

Yeah but I could knock him out with one punch before his bodyguards execute me.

Man, Ed, this is one of your worst persona's for an alt.

skirt skirt my dicc hurt

Now putin and trump are gonna work together to abolish traps

Was there ever any doubt? All that "cuck" talk has only ever been projection.

What the fuck is Louise Mensch doing in those tweets and what the fuck is she talking about?

Literally who?

trash tier romance writer who got elected to pommy parliament.

her investigative journalism skills are somewhere around the level of Mr. bean looking for toilet paper in the loo.

pommy parliament.

This isn't well known outside the commonwealth.

r/politics used to really support her but she was wrong too many times.

Basically the democrat version of Q but way less insane.

She was Tory M, not a lib. But some lefties liked her Trump conspiracy stuff at first.

way less might be a bit of an exaggeration

I haven’t heard of her ever since someone intentionally fed her fake info and she actually ran with it.

Somebody who would like to convince you that a Russian spy is currently hiding under your bed waiting for an opportunity to kill your pets and take a shit on your fine linens

She used to be a member of parliament in Britain.

She is literally mentally ill, don’t read too much into it.

I hope trump stayed on his back long enough for the fertilization to take.

I don't

It's okay, Trump got a splint.

"I trust our intelligence agencies, except that I don't believe anything they say." - what Trump actually believes

Remember when they said they weren't spying on all of us?

Don't let the fact that daddy is a bitch distract you from the fact that our intelligence agencies can't be trusted.

So we should instead trust Putin an ex Russian intelligence agency spy.

I bet you could suck your own dick with how well you are twisting yourself in knots.

You say that like not trusting one means you have to trust the other. None of these people give a shit about you. You're a fool if you play cheerleader for any side of this.

The wonderful false equivalence, everyone is bad line. It doesn't work here.

Either you believe Putin is fucking Trump up the ass or you don't. Which is it junior ?

I believe Putin may be gorilla fucking daddy Trump.

I also know that I can't trust US intelligence agencies. Again, remember when they said they weren't spying on us?

Also, I think your tone is very abrasive and if you don't give me three Put-Ups I'm going to have to seriously consider not being your friend.

Again, remember when they said they weren't spying on us?

fake news

this comment reeks of rpolitics

shitlibs out out out


MDEgens out! out! out!

/u/westofthetracks is NOT an MDEgenerate. I'm feeling second-hand defensiveness for him.

ty bb

MDEfugees out out out 👉 👉 👉

im a chapofag retard

hows it feel to get out-horseshoe'd


just like in the Bible

Wow even worst!!!

Go to SRD and stay there

X Files said it in the 90s, Putin said it today: TRUST NO ONE

No idea why you’re including Putin this. Just don’t trust the IC, period.

Remember when they said they weren't spying on all of us?

... Jesus where to fucking start here?

While true it is also their day job. So, you have to understand they get good information but also have an agenda. Like most people.

Don't let the fact that daddy is a bitch distract you from the fact that our intelligence agencies can't be trusted.

Why do you hate America?

Mostly the people I think

Tough but fair

If you think anyone's taking you seriously after yesterday, holy shit wake up already.

Whatchu talkin bout girl?

Remember when they said they weren't spying on all of us?

no, actually, I don't remember.

That's OK fella, almost everyone forgot immediately

mind refreshing my memory?

Yeah it was that time during the first 6 years of Obama's tenure when we were told that mass surveillance of US citizens wasn't happening. Then we found out it was. You could google it or watch an Oliver Stone movie if you want fam.

watch an Oliver Stone movie


No, mass surveillance of US citizens isn't happening. You just think metadata being stored is mass surveillance, which is a dumb thing to think

thank you, that the mass surveillance didn't even happen as it was claimed was a can of worms I didn't even want to open with him.

"Yes we're recording everything you do constantly unlike what we previously claimed. But we totally don't look at it. Seriously, trust us this time."

when we were told

I'll ignore the mass surveillance happening or not, but:

"Being told" =/= the Intelligence community denying it. You said not to trust the IC because they lied about the mass surveillance, so I'm asking you for proof of them doing that, not a politician.

Is there an official statement by the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. where they lie about the surveillance?

Wait, why would you be ignoring whether it happened or not. We know it did now ya dip.

Don't let this distract you from the FACT that in 1998 the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, sending him 16 feet into an announcer's table.

Believe me, nothing ever does.

Trump probably believes them, but his ego prevents him from admitting it.

Maybe they could have had a moment of unity and just admitted that both the US and Russia dick around in everybody's affairs, because that's how global powers with large intelligence agencies like to do things.

He doesn't trust in " OUR intelligence agencies", he trusts in "MY intelligence guys."

Not sure if I have eever seen prime time MSM outlets airing porn before. Was odd watching daddy suck Putin's cock in front of the whole world.

Sean Hannity helps him pick SCOTUS, so that's his guy.

Yall are reacting the same way the right did when obama did his world apology tour and bowed lower than other world leaders 😂😂😂

what a little bitch

How is T_D handling all this?

They are of course exctatic at how presidential he was.

I'm not kidding.

trump bent over and spread his bussy for putin and all t_d cares about is that people liberals are pissed off lmao

when you sell out your country to own the libtards lepic style eggs dee

When you cut off your hand to spray libs with blood.

They are of course exctatic at how presidential he was

T_D is the definition of retarded

how presidential he was.

depends on who they mean :^)

Do you need to ask?

Even when Trump turned on their precious video games, they found something to celebrate

They're quoting Putin who accused the DNC of taking money from Russia. Basically latching onto a more advantageous narrative than, you know, the truth.

Yeesh, the delusion is strong with them.

He must have meant NRA.

If Putin has said Daddy took money from Russia I’m sure you’d be just as dismissive of his claim as you are now.

Are you suggesting I shouldn't dismiss his claims of providing money to someone he hates?

You wouldn’t dismiss his claims if he said them about Trump. Not a complicated comment. No idea why you’re having trouble keeping up.

When a ten times convicted arsonist tells me he shot Hitler, I won't believe him. If he tells me he burned down my barn I'm inclined to believe him.

How is it that I always have to have the same level of trust towards a person no matter the context in your little world?

Context matters.

Yes, Clinton taking money from Russians is comparable to an arsonist claiming he killed Hitler.

The reeeaaaccchhh is real. Wow.

This. This is why we need mayocide.

Straight to the stale meme. Booooo!

Leave our president alone!

Yeah! Vovas tip gets a little sensitive after completion!

What happened to Daddy's Defense Force? Couldn't have anything to do with Twitter deleting a ton of fake accounts recently?

trump is putin's prison bitch, Putin would have him wearing red lipstick made from M&M's and have him sit on his lap on comman like the bitch made mothafucka he is lol

This guy prison fucks.

for a party that prides itself on tolerance they really really really hate an entire country... like down to the center of the soul hate. Doesn't seem all that tolerant

I don't think that even the hardest of core leftists actually hates all Russian people. Just their shitty government and fascist leadership.

fascist leadership

'Fascist' Putin replaces ethnic white Russians with Muslim migrants. We now call our capital 'Moskvabad'.

This is why I support him.

Like when Trump talks about "China", he's talking about each and every one of them. Individually.

Where do you get this from?

I approve of this novelty account

I guess they're not as tolerant as you say they say they are.

no, it's just the criminals running the country

Cope harder!!

The meddling happened on Obama's watch, why aren't the MSM questioning him and his Administrations lack of response?

Jesus fucking christ. Nobody could be this stupid.

He is. He really fucking is.

Shit, brother, hold my Busch Lite

- Trump voters

Russian fire hose propaganda.

Ugh if only the Russian firehose was a sex move.

tfw your daddy's a cuck

Trump just needs to take him to IKEA next

Trump has never used the word however. This was written by an aide.

Why do people try to own Trump epic style in the comments? Do they expect him to read their comments?

Their audience isn't trump but rather everyone else reading the thread.

So it's just attention whoring.

for sure