Retarded commie thinks 9/11 was justified.

3  2018-07-16 by Mr_Eagle


You are another culturally programmed millenial internet dude with this weird bitterness towards women. One female accuses a guy of mansplaining incorrectly and you come here to “delight” in her downfall. The culture is sick and it makes me sad.


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u/omegacoo 3,000 innocent people deserved to die? If you think the WTC was a military target why didnt they use rules of engagement first?

I never said anyone deserved to die. I was asserting a parallel between the 9/11 attacks and many "sanctioned" state actions by various autonomous governments. I do not think that a government has the moral high ground in killing their enemies where smaller organizations do not.

tl:dr if one group gets a pass on killing indiscriminately, then it must be given to all groups.

Pretty sure the whole reason the US went to the war in the first place was because of 9/11. It was done by jihadists from Saidi Arabia and Egypt. What did America do to them first?

If their act was retaliatory then it is justified?

well cant have goverments like the Taliban breeding and supporting terrorism. At that scale no it wasnt justified beither was Iraq. Still they shouldnt have poked the bear.

I don't think we disagree all that much. My only issue is the concept of "terrorism" being a derogatory title given to acts against our state. It is a very top down view that does not account for the situations these acts are arising out of.

If any movement of people against a government is terrorism, then the term loses a lot of its edge, right? I mean, I'm sure the Taliban called their political opposition in Afghanistan terrorists too. And the american revolutionaries in the late 1700s were absolutely terrorists.

you are retarded. The American revolutionaries threw tea in the water Al Qaida flew fucking airplanes into buildings. The US at the time was in its longest time of peace in its existence. The attack was in no way justified.

Im glad you have it all figured out.

None of the history you just cited is correct, just so you know.

who did 9/11? Al Qaida, they cite The last time the Americans deliberately stayed out of war was 1935 to 1940. I count the End of the Gulf War in 1991 to 2001 as a longer period. Yes the revolutionaries dropped tea in Boston Harbor. everything I said was correct. you must be read]ng propaganda to have such a flawed view of the history of the world.

What did America do to them first?

We don't want to exterminate the Jews. You know, hardcore infidel shit.

FBI honeypot right there, lol