Drama from beyond the grave: In final interview, Anthony Bourdain called Bill Clinton "a piece of shit, entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, [and] disgusting."

256  2018-07-16 by IllustriousQuail


You and your little "drama" buddies are too busy staring at men's bussies to know an attractive woman if she swam up to you in anthropomorphic-shark form and let you fuck her on a cold, windy cape cod beach.


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Bill will become one of Hilldawg's victims

/u/wildfireonvenus the witch shills are at it again.

Well, he's not wrong.

literally none of these are actual active hillbot subs, you idiot, you utter fool

no u

nerve. it was interacted with


Democrats is enough bernie spam has hillary on the banner, an you woke up inside a man's delicate ass an discovered you're gay.

a) there must be better sources for this than dailyfail

b) he criticized both Bill and Hillary. Now trumptards will launch themselves on this (they already did lol)...but also imagine working for let's say Jezebel and not knowing what to do now.....lol

imagine working for let's say Jezebel

no thank you

He said terrible things about Trump too. It's more likely that Trump is behind this one.

Or maybe he was just a hedonistic nihilist that came to the logical conclusion of his ideology

Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism but at least it's an ethos.

So is anarcho capitalism.

Behind what?

Not that anything happened, but there are people theorizing that this should be added to the list of the "Clinton body bags" conspiracy theory. It's more likely that if there was foul play it was daddy or Donald Jr. behind it.

Does trump have a body count like the clunton's?

that’s a really stupid question and i’m looking forward to seeing a really stupid answer

Yes but no one cares about Polish Illegals and the other bodies are corporations who are only legally people.

Well there's this one (Bourdain) and Alex Oronov to start with. Who knows how many there are really. He straight up said he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it, so that's kind of how his mind works obviously. If you want to count the tens of thousands who will be killed yearly by the Obamacare repeal you know that could be added too.

OP delivered

if clinton and trump were interested in killing everyone who called them a despicable piece of shit we’d find ourselves suddenly underpopulated




That was a close one, whew!

c) Who’s Anthony Bourdain? French soccer player? British Chef?


And this is why he was killed. Q predicted it.

anthony isn't dead, of course. he's just been secreted to a place under some anonymous cornfield, were JFK JR (at least this one) is still alive, just waiting for their time to shine.

i hope our time to shine comes from a direct bomb blast, but i'm ok with living in a bunker, too. fuck everything.

I've got a sudden urge to re-watch Bubba Ho-Tep.

I’ve got a sudden urge to mention Brisco County Junior, and call you a fucking retarded asshole

...retarded asshole


No shit. I mean, Jesus Christ

Sounds like something a filthy mayo would say

Save us, R!

Mommy strikes again. She's an ice cold super assassin like Jason Bourne. She is so cool 😎😎😎

Bill Clinton Is A Rapist!



🚨⚠️🚨RAPIST ALERT!!!🚨⚠️🚨


Leftist_degenerate why did you delete your account?

He forgot to include that he was of sign mind and body. He was NOT suicidal. Deadly mistake.

Bill Clinton is a murderer!

Norm MacDonald

what a coincidence that he killed himself in rural france a month later.

Yeah, everyone who insults Bill Clinton gets whacked. That's why Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich, and Kenneth Starr are all dead.

Yeah, everyone who insults Vladimir Putin gets whacked. That’s why Petro Poroshenko, Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau are all dead.

Putin doesn't have enough Novichok for everyone. Russians first! Westerners can get their own nerve agent. MRGA!

Found the Blyat.

Back to Chernobyl, shoo now. Shoo.

Heh! Wow, straight up racism.

How much does Vlad pay you per comment

But Chernobyl isn't even in Russia you bellend.

Daddy Vladdy has shills all over Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine you chumbis.

Putin only kills Russians and Brits

Is he literally hitler then. 🤔

w o a h

Did someone say Petro Poroshenko?

Hillary didn't want to, but she had to order the strike after that.

"This PROVES HRC had Bourdain MURDERED just like SETH RICH!"

-/u/GreatAwakening, probably

This but unironically.

Incoming smug “I’m not glad he’s dead, but I’m glad he can’t hurt anyone anymore” posts.

who the fuck

Too bad when he offed himself like a pussy he left his 11 year old daughter an orphan.

Though I did hear that he was about to get #metoo-ed by the girl that was cucking him so this may be less embarassing.

Did he really? That really is selfish for a guy who talked so big on his stupid fucking show

Yep, dude was a total piece of shit


are we gonna see a Daily Mail article here every day now?

if you’re gonna post shit sources at least use some with loud agendas. like WND or theroot

This level of trumptard agenda setting

imagine being so fragile that you ignore trump pleasing his wife's boyfriend, vlad the implier putin, in favor of ironic Q posting in a thread about some dipshit who pointed out that Bill Clinton was obviously a rapist

Literally worse than Ed

grandpa ticktock is that you??????


Damn do I miss that guy