Nothing dramatic happened in Helsinki today

10  2018-07-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder

Trump met with Putin and they had a nice chat. That’s all that happened.


Our BRAVE PATRIOT called out our greatest threat today. (((They))) want to keep this under wraps with their LIBCUCK narrative. Russia is not the enemy! They said so themselves you fucking fools you fucking morons.

Was a very pleasant press conference. Went very well. Everyone in the US is pleased with the results.

Definitely not bipartisan meltdown worthy cringe. That definitely didn’t happen.

maybe theyll protest again because it does so much

protesting is a fundamental part of democracy fyi. Why do you hate free speech?

His head of state is the Queen. He doesn't live in a democracy. Also, he loves Elon Musk, and he loves Daddy more than Melania does, so there is some evidence he's a pedo.

this is awesome reddits going to fucking break down

putin also mentioned soros and hillary how funny is that

He also didn't deny having kompromat on Trump when asked directly. Instead, he deflected.

do people still think he has pee tapes or whatever that was a funny conspiracy

whatever gets americans angry enough to mince and flail at a trump punching bag i guess

trump sold out his own country today to prop up a dictator.

You cheered for it, because you believe what you're told to.

Turns out everybody was right about Trump eh?

And who needs the pee tape when Trump is just stupid enough to hand over everything to Russia without any compromat? That makes him seem even worse, and you seem even stupider for supporting him

What the fuck are you even talking about. Copypasta?

I'm talking about what happened today in Helsinki.

Sorry, i'm a strict seriousposter. it's what /r/drama deserves

Drama tard postersdeserves the dinosaurs 🦖 joy. Serious posters deserve the dinosaurs’ 🦖 jaws around their necks


When will the dinosaurs return to deliver ya from our hellish existence oh prophet?

Some day soon enough to satisfy my followers but far enough away to not worry about it right now. Just know the dinosaurs 🦖 are coming and that I’m their messenger!

Glory to our scaly and feathery gods! How can we hasten their return, oh wise one?

Giving the charity of knowledge to your fellow man! Let them know they’re all inferior to the dinosaurs 🦖

I don't want to lose you so please edit your comment. Some retard might report you to the admins for inciting violence and you'll get suspended. Admins don't factor in sarcasm/jokes esp. from subs like ours.

Edited 😘

Naw just proof he's a broke ass bitch. Which he most certainly is.

Please we all know they made out.

I saw some drug addict with FCK NAZIS stickers all over his bike tweak in a corner. It was beautiful

Then explain the cum stains.

What about the servers?

Agreed. Trump is so insecure about his election victory that he can't accept the possibility of Russian election interference, however indecisive, and has a weakness for him given his shared desire to project an "alpha tough guy" image (and maybe some shady financial and real estate dealings) but materially speaking this summit is meaningless, the same being true of the North Korean summit.

Every president seems to have tried to "reset" relations with Russia to little effect, save perhaps for the closeness between Nixon and Breshnev and Clinton and Yeltsin respectively, the latter of which constitutes a heaping dose of complicity in the original sin against democracy in the Russian Federation, crushing the Supreme Soviet by sending out the Taman Guards in 1993.

Nothing's really going to change, though. The GOP is orienting away from the EU amidst a return to its isolationist roots and the extent that it benefits Russia is but a coincidence. Even with that, America was never going to fight for Syria or Ukraine, just like it didn't fight for Georgia in '08. Beyond that, Russia is still a demographically dying nation with a pitiful economy and all those tanks and nukes are just enough to suffice for bullying insolent neighbors and ensuring that their coming subjugation by the Chinese will be soft rather than violent.

I'll present my final piece of Apostasy: Reagan and the 1980s neocons had far less to do than they like to think with the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union fell victim to the same thing imperial Russia did, an ascendant intellectual-political class that held little to no faith in or loyalty to the old regime.

Nah, capitalism beat communism

Yes, but I'd argue that had the transistor been invented by a Soviet citizen instead of an American the world would be a very different place.

Couldn’t do it without capitalism, freedom and democracy.

This is a well thought out analysis.

Why are you ruining drama with your reasonable es.

IMO nothing triggers lolcows harder than dispassionate reason raining on their parade. Really though, my autism/history major/contrarian triggers are involuntary.