Reddit User (possibly a troll) proposes a White and Latino ethnostate, sends r/DebateAltRight into a frenzy

33  2018-07-17 by justintruedoe


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Just admit you have beaner fever you clown lmfao

You're goddamn right I do.

u/_he_is_our_savior can you post some nice Latina gussy for me?

Here you go. Better watch out before the politically correct patrol comes out.

Dios Mio...

Premo stuff.


unironic gussy posting will not stand


Oh look a bunch of retards

This is a colored man coping hard after being brainwashed by /pol/

I ain't fucking colored. I'm white as God himself.

Jesus was full Middle Eastern though. And he was the son of God, so...

Shut up libtard, quit buying into that BLM bs.

But, he was born in the middle east

white people understanding history


But we still dominated history.

immediately proves my point

Knock knock, errrr clop clop, its the Mongols and they want to pillage your country!

At least we aren't brutish, mongoloid, slant-eyes like Genghis.

Ah so you're just a plain old racist. Ah, okay. Yes, the British created a large empire that still hasn't set, but China was the technological centre of the whole world for millennia! Britain wasn't even how we knew it for a single millenium (48 years on that one to go)

At least Britain isn't full of commies and pollution like China.

Yesss, yessss, let the goalpost moving flow through you.

If you really think China is a good place, you're a goddamn communist libtard. Maybe even a Chinaman.

I never stated that I think China's currently a good place, whatever good is. I was talking about how, for most of recorded history, China was one of the technological and cultural centers of the planet. Gunpowder and silk centuries before "the West", the Terracotta Army, and a system of meritocratic beauracracy that would be unmatched in Western nations for a long while.

If China was so great back then, why does China have such a shitty country and culture today?

If America was so horrible back then (the same timeframe as Ancient/[European] Medieval China), why does America have such an amazing country and culture today?

Because white people came and introduced Christianity.

Okay... you do realize the fall of the Chinese emperors began because of white people??? In the later stages of imperialism, European powers forced China to open up certain "spheres of influence" (read: ports) to different European nations. On top of that, a republic was created by European nations, which ended up as a weaker government eventually (almost) overthrown by the current Communist party. That Republic of China? Taiwan today. Their last stand.

So why is China "shitty" by your definition? A weakening in geopolitical power caused by the invasion of European powers partitioning key ports among themselves. Even more nuanced, the Europeans (mostly British) introduced the drug opium to Chinese populations, causing a massive drug problem in the nation.

So basically we dominated China? Cool.

Which is why it's "shitty" today, fuckwit. We aren't special because of our skin tone. What make Europe dominate in the colonial period was diseases that we were used to but Native Americans weren't (wiping out 90% of their population, allowing for the conquest of the Americas - if not for disease, I reckon the Aztecs and Inca could have lasted very long against Spanish colonizers), and a technological advantage mostly brought about by the Renaissance (there's many theories as to why the Renaissance began in Italy - anywhere from trade to devastating population loss due to the Black Death).

Trade may very well be at play as well, as we actually traded for African slaves from native African kingdoms. They were usually captured by the selling kingdom, not directly captured by European powers. The reason the Scramble for Africa was in the 1800s was due to a huge environmental challenge, eventually won by the invention of the Maxim machine gun.

As for how Asia (namely India) was invaded by colonial powers, I would have to research more on. I talked about China, and Japan was forcibly opened from Tokugawa's isolationist policies by the American Navy.

TL;DR - Whites aren't a magical race, several geopolitical factors played key roles in European dominance from the 1500s to recent times.

Lol that CNN/BLM shit has really gotten to you huh libtard? Go back to your safe space.

Absolutely 0 of that has to do with liberal idealogies. I don't even identify as liberal - I view myself as centrist. What I posted was a more nuanced view on history than "might makes right" and "West is best". As John Green likes to say, "Stupid truth always resisting simplicity"

At least Chinese people aren't fat, balding, saggy-skinned, pink-colored, cheese-smelling, average-dicked as well as retarded like you.


You understand that from the standpoint of the extreme nationalists in Asia, white people like you would be considered rude, barbarian, loud and retarded right? So much for saying they are "awkward/faggy"


As "brutish" and "faggy" (how ironic) as Genghis Khan was, he almost managed to take over Europe. I suggest you scum of a white trash worry more about ISIS bombing your ass instead of going around parading a "white-Latino ethnostate" like a laughing stock of the world. You are a shame on your parents and ancestors, low-life.

I'd rather be average-dicked than small-dicked like all you slant-eyed yellow boys are.

Last time I checked, the true average penis size of Asian and white are the same, but there are more whites who deviate from the median towards the lower end.

Also, how does it feel like to see minorities and other NORMAL-minded white people surpassing you in every aspect of life while using your sorry “ethnocentric” ass as a form of entertainment, hmm?

Except the 2 most dominant religions on earth are from the middle east

Yeah, but the correct one is followed by white people.

So God wants mayocide?

I think you and u/rejectionrecovery would get along.

Wasn't Jesus middle-eastern though?

God is probably laughing at you right now you pinkoid man-bitch.

You mad Chinaman?

Tldr: fucked some hondurans so Hispanics are cool now.

Didn't even put jews on the list

What a casual

lmao this is a great bit

Reminds me of the time when a Turk wandered in r/altright wanting to be one of them.

And /u/_He_is_our_Savior_ , you're latino, aren't you?

Nope, I'm Scottish and Flemish. I just have lots of respect for latin culture because they share a lot of European values with white people.

Nice try, Josè.

Nice try, libtard.

Asian women are unattractive

Haha okay faggot

No, I am a National Socialist. I want to preserve the various European ethnicities and I believe that they should all be nationalist, which is a form of collectivism. Individualism is good to an extent, where people are able to act as individuals within a cohesive society; however, you should not be putting individualism before group interests. White Europeans must collectivize and fight for their own group interests, just like all other ethnic and religious groups have been, or otherwise they will be breeded out of existence.

Additionally, European values are good, but there are no European values without European people.


I was going to say, u/ardu- sounds just as stupid by trying to use the success of Asian countries to bolster his argument for white supremacy. Doesn't he realize the success of these nonwhite countries completely debunks the myth of white superiority?

This is exactly the kind of stupid flame wars you get when you base an ideology on a flimsy hierarchy itself based on idiotic stereotypes, and then let people fight over their place on said hierarchy.