Drama when a repub #walksaway because of daddy D

54  2018-07-17 by ineedmorealts


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The question isn't why today's post (which would have far and away been the top post of all time) was locked and removed by TheNewRight (including perennial lolcow u/warofthefanboys). That they would renege on the supposed deal was foreseeable. The question is why the above archived post was deleted by u/deltagear.


The question isn't why today's post (which would have far and away been the top post of all time) was locked and removed by TheNewRight (including perennial lolcow u/warofthefanboys). That they would renege on the supposed deal was foreseeable. The question is why the above archived post was deleted by u/deltagear.

The whole deal was probably sketchy from the get-go.

That does not even make sense /u/PitoStinko how is a story about a Republican #walkaway from a party run by a President who puts Russia first and is basically a traitor have anything to do with Hilldog? Like, are you that obsessed with her? Jerk off every night to her picture, wishing you were that Snuke from that south park episode?

Jerk off every night to her picture

Cherie De Ville was pretty great as her. Easily the hottest milf in the biz.

u/PitoStinko We aren't talking about hillary we asking why you removed a post about walking away from the walkway subreddit.

Sure it isn't ;)

Suuuuuure. LOL good luck in 2020 guys! I am only here because my name was mentioned, so I figured I'd pop in and say hello.


And again you dodge the question. Are you really that afraid to admit that you're mad that there was a liberal in your larp sub?

Why not let a post ride? It didn't break rules.


From where was it linked?

good luck in 2020

i guess they know 2018 is gonna be a bloodbath

I made it very clear to the mod team that I didn't want this to become another the_donald or politics sub
I have decided to hand the head mod position to /u/rashe1980

"I want this to be a place of thoughtful discussion. Without further ado, I want to introduce you to the new head mod, a person so mentally impaired, he has legally been declared unable to function."

Btw, /u/rashe1980, how much did you pay the guy to relinquish the sub? You guys are either flush with cash or your leadership is braindead if you have money to spend on this transparent attempt.

Wow, adding passive aggressive flairs to people who disagree with you has to be one of the softest moves I have ever seen. This u/PitoStinko is one cowardly, bitch ass mother fucker.

ikr our flairs for retards are super aggressive bull daddys.


When /u/PitoStinko sees America, he turns around 360 degrees to #MoonWalkAway into Russia.

LMAO the absolute state of Republicans. 😂

How does it feel /u/PitoStinko that your narrative may be crumbling?

Surely THIS is the end of Le Drumpfth!

Woah nice original meme there friend. 😴


Surely THIS is the end of Le Drumpfth

TRIGGERED like a bouncing betty in a Nam rice paddy

Conservatards truly cant meme. You guys were alright for a while but this shit is pathetic

Pokemon Go to the Polls XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

How pathetic, still trying to latch onto shit from a failed campaign. You know this doesnt make your bitch daddy look any better right? Truly sad

It is relevant though because she is running again. And she will go unopposed by democrats. Trust

What does she have to do with how pathetic your conartist daddy turned out to be? I also dont believe shes running again

she is running again

"I don't read"

but my le deep state!

Is it hard for you to type with Daddy's cock tickling the tip of your tongue?

Hey why is it you can post memes but you can't answer questions like why did you lock the thread? If it because you don't want even to know how sensitive and emotional you are? Because we already know

breh, you're trying too hard. these """people""" can only communicate through buzzwords and frog memes.

you have to lower yourself to their level, and then become even dumber. ironically, they're too slow to understand how to speak with retards

How does it feel to make yourself and everyone who thinks the way you do look this fucking weak? You punk bitch

It feels pretty good because I know for a fact Hillary is running again, I know for a fact that you will bend at the knee again, and I know for a fact she will lose again. It feels really good.

I’d say “imagine being this retarded” but I can’t and you don’t have to

In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability; without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Le Drumpfth

Further proof that trumpies are literal subhumans: they have time and time again shown that they're incapable of original thoughts.

What's it like having the linguistic capacity of a parrot?

Lol sub human. I love the leftist fascism talk. Your great comrade, grand daddy of National Socialism, taught you well

Imagine being so mentally incapable you call people in r/drama socialists. Or thinking national socialism is socialism. I don’t believe a person can be this fucking simple. You have to be purposefully ignoring the truth to feed your hunger for daddy’s cock

You use insults to cover up your ignorance. Typical leftist tactic. Without using insults from your Onward Together handbook, tell me the difference between Socialism and National Socialism

tell me the difference between Socialism and National Socialism

Stop pretending you listen to facts. Fuck how can you be so fucking fake. At least owe up to what you believe in and stop being such a coward. Pathetic

Ah there we go. The abandon thread tactic when you dont have an answer. What is that line 8 or 9 in Onward Together: Handbook for debating people who are smarter than you? Line 9 or 8?

You literally just asked me to explain why national socialism isn’t socialism. Stop pretending dude it’s weak.

Did you hear? The DPRK is a democracy!

No I asked what the difference between the two was. There is a difference, but it is more complicated than those quick google searches you are doing now.

Run along now. Go tell your friends in discord to come upvote you and downvote me. Deep down inside though, they know you have no idea what you are talking about. You cant even answer what you are arguing. Later Bussy

National socialism had strong ethnonationalist elements, a call to restoration of a country's supposed past glory and return to tradition, retained the support of the church (and even its anti-christian members just wanted to switch to a different religion), was anti-union and agglomerated industrial power in the hands of a few privately-owned corporations such as IG Farben and Krupp rather than collectivizing/nationalizing them.

Granted, I'm not retarded so I know this won't change your mind but I'm curious since I've never seen anyone reply to this dumb talking point.

Go tell your friends in discord to come upvote you and downvote me.

You're saying this because this is how you use reddit.

Sweet Ninja edit! Still not swift enough for the Stinko, friendo! Here is what his comment originally said.


My guess is someone in discord who is far more intelligent than you fed you that last line you edited in. Otherwise, why would you have edited it in? And that answer is still wrong by the way, when you compare it to my question.

Haha damn dude wtf is a ninja edit. I just came up with something extra, that’s what people do.

Anyhow you’re not going to actually be convinced. You’re also weirdly dedicated to this comment chain. Why would someone need to feed me such a dumb ass comment?

So national socialism isn’t directly opposed to Marxism? Woah my history books have all been lying to me I guess.

What do you think national socialism means?

Don’t refer to yourself in third person. It only highlights how retarded you actually are.

Does your caretaker know you're being a retard online?

Onward Together: Handbook for debating people who are smarter than you

Tell me more about your bible 😂😂😂

And you use what? Reasoned arguments based in fact?

You use insults to cover up your ignorance.

Still better than the shitty memes you're using.

You use insults to cover up your ignorance

Is that like giving people salty flairs to cover up the fact that your entire "movement" is just a bunch of Trump supporters LARPing?

you know who else called their political rivals subhumans? i kind of think you don't.

I like how morons like you always say that Nazism is socialism, offer zero evidence to support your retarded claim, and then pretend you """won""" the argument when people point out how stupid you sound.

Hitler Nationalized the banks and controlled prices and inflation. Lets start with that. Shall I name a few more?

Lol no. Hitler actually privatized tons of state-owned businesses, including the major banks and the national railway company, banned labor unions, had massive support among rich industrialists and threw actual socialists and communists in jail by the thousands.

Also, controlling inflation is literally a core principle of neoliberalism lmao.

Which is why he was targetted within his own party for not being socialist enough. Even so, he still controlled prices, inflation, and wages.

also. He left ownership to the individual, but businesses were still under Nazi control. Meaning they produced and manufactured what Socialist Hitler told them to. Even the far left website Wikipedia cant hide this fact.

Hitler was more socialist than he was capitalist. He wasn't a Bolshevik, he wasnt a Marxist, but he wasnt a capitalist. In fact, not only did he go with the name National Socialist to attract workers from the communist party (sounds a lot like an old man with purple fingers who ran for president recently), but to distance himself from western capitalist. Now go hit the books a little harder

Holy shit... Not only are you completely wrong on details of facts, definitions of terms, but the historiography of your talking points is discredited amateur level research made and promoted by neo-Nazis literally designed not to inform but muddy the waters. It's literally in-debatable because people like you don't understand how historians work, how words work, and don't argue in good faith.

It's impressive how much pure idiocy you managed to pack into a short comment chain.

Your comment is full of hot air and no substance. You dont explain why you just insult. That is a leftist tactic

Your comment is full of hot air and no substance. You dont explain why you just insult. That is a leftist tactic

Arguing with your made up points is like having a discussion with a parrot. It might say words, but it's merely a parlor trick and has no comprehension.

Not every point is worthy or rebuke, some stand on it's own idiocy.

So Hitler did or didnt control wages, prices, and inflation? Its funny because even Wikipedia, a website ran by lifetime communists, says he did.

Did he not? Well show your proof

Those are all normal operations of nation states at one point or another, dingus. Are you also arguing then that Bismarck was a socialist, then? Smgdh

That said it was all done not for the benefit of the Reich's victim-subjects but rather to pursue the goal of a single European Empire of expansive German territorial control and control over it's need for vassal states. Any sort of socialistic projects that helped everyday Germans was an after thought.

The only reason d'entre of Fascism is the consolidation of power. That's it. No bigger goal.

Haha so you do admit that the Hitler controlled prices, wages, and inflation. And no sir, those are not normal operations for countries. Maybe in Socialist Europe, but not here in the US. When has the US ever controlled prices wages and inflation to the degree of a socialist nation like Nazi Germany? Even in war we didnt. So you quit muddying the waters.

And it should be clear that you are muddying the waters because you dont deny my claim but then say its wrong and give some bogus unsourced fact or opinion.

Bwak bwak.

That's you.

um... minimum wage, the fed adjusts interest rates to regulate inflation, and gives subsidies to farmers to regulate prices.

Are you stupid? Like, for real. Are you a moron?

Which is why he was targetted within his own party for not being socialist enough.

Take a wild guess what happened to those people. I mean, I'd tell you to read an actual book, but it's pretty clear that's not how you operate.

Socialist Hitler

That other guy may think no one can be this stupid, but you literally mod a Trumpie roleplaying sub, so I'm not holding my breath waiting for your hands to type non-retarded drivel.

Hitler Nationalized the banks

Lol no. Hitler actually privatized tons of state-owned businesses, including the major banks

Which is why he was targetted within his own party for not being socialist enough.

Hitler did socialist thing
Actually he didn't, he did the complete opposite
Well, that's why the nazis hated him, he wasn't socialist enough!

You argue like a retarded character in a comedy.

If you're a Trumpie and you know it count your chromosomes

You know what happened to people criticizing Hitler while he controlled Germany, right?

Everyone that I dislike is commie!!! Waaaaa

Just looked at that sub, are you really ex-Dem, or just Repubs pretending to be ex-Dems?

Russians trying to convince Democrats not to vote so they can continue to gut America with their Republican puppets.

Russians don't need to do anything to convince us not to vote. We're already not voting.

That is what I strive for.. and pray for when it comes to most.. but when it comes to these people.. I pray Gods will be done.. and it finally is.. although I dont think they will ever be sorry for what they have done, only that they got caught.. I cannot wish nor pray for mercy on child rapists, who like to torture and dine off their flesh.. you are right.. that's what the good book says, so maybe that's a character defect I need to work on, but I'm gonna take great pleasure in knowing these people are locked up and unable to do anyone harm ever again.. also knowing that they are suffering about 1/billionth the suffering they inflicted.. Thank you for your post.. good stuff.. I been looked at as a wacko for almost 20 years.. now everything I believed and suspected is coming to light and its beautiful to watch it unfold.. Mastery of the matrix.. @ its finest.. ;)

Gagin is a former staffer to ex-Democratic U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson who switched parties in 2013.

Democrat walks away from the GOP. And people say Trump isn’t literally Hitler. Ha.

#WalkAway is emblematic of the right’s long-lost grasp on memery.

what will they do in 2020 without that?

what will they do in 2020 without memes?


Hey /r/Pitostinko you ragelocked the thread before I could get my own personal flair too. Can ya do me a solid?

Would you mind taking a gander at my posts and project some of your insecurities onto me as well?

I gave you a flair already. You're welcome :)

Imagine being such a passive aggressive bitch. I gave him a flair!! Take that, you commie librul faggot !!!

Gagin is a former staffer to ex-Democratic U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson who switched parties in 2013.

Haha, what a fag

Tell us about how Ed made you mad enough to delete your own account, /u/leftist_degenerate.

After pretending for months to have a Based Black Wife, /u/pozzedshill transitioned and is now the Based Black Woman xe always was https://old.reddit.com/user/WakandanPrincess

Which numbered alt is this for you, Magamemnon? It’s got to be at least your sixth.

Somebody's in love!

Look, /u/ERADICATETRANNIES, you’re pretending to be a black woman now. Is there something you need to get off your chest?

I'm actually Ed_ButteredToast

Much more likely than you having a black wife, actually.

It pleases me that very normal life experiences seem like unachievable fantasies to you.

Being both a black woman and a white man simultaneously isn’t normal at all.

reported for transphobia

Your jokes are shit. I unironically prefer people from MDE over you and your army of alts.


As a black American man, I have to walk away. Mostly, I do it because of MSM. Yesterday was the final drop for me. Every single major news network suddenly, randomly began broadcasting hardcore porn in our homes? What am I supposed to tell to my children?? Yesterday, I had to watch prime time show where our president, Donald Trump sucks cock of Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Even though Trump clearly loves eating Vladimir's manmeat, corrupt MSM really should broadcast it after hours, or leave it for actual porn channels. I do not have to see Putin's ejaculation and him asking Trump to clean every last drop. I do not have to see Trump bending down and licking Putin's cum from the floor. Brief mention of this having happened should have been enough; you don't have to show it! It wasn't even some..Playboy channel tier of porn, this was hardcore D/s business.