"stop downvoting me" cries lad dedicated to bashing the fash without knowing what fash means

62  2018-07-17 by archdukef4gg0talt


/u/ShoePidgeon You're either a troll or just a dipshit, either way you need to shut the fuck up.

U mad bro?


Is that room clean yet?

Have you gotten laid by any lobsters today?

They won't put out. Selfish IMO.

Sorry, you aren't high enough in the dominance hierarchy. 🀷

I polish my carapace regularly and I don't even have any ectoparasites!

Why the fuck didn’t you say β€œshellfish IMO”?

I was giving them an obvious opening but they didn't even take a swing at it. Why do I even bother?

Posted in r/drama, checkmate commies.

Is that the best you've got?

Ouch, I'm so offended, r/drama hurts my feels so bad I don't know what to do about it. I'm utterly broken up inside. yall are mean.

/u/shoepidgeon is definitely obsessed with HRC in a way that only aut-rightists are.

This fucking guy probably thinks Lee Kuan Yew-senpai was a fash as well.

Posted in r/drama, checkmate commies!

You’re repeating yourself

I know, it bears repeating because of how funny it is that you think anyone would be insulted by your little echo chamber for capitalism.

I’m genuinely curious. Do you consider Lee Kuan Yew fascist?

I don't know much about the politics if Singapore, other than I wouldn't want to prosecuted for chewing gum or forgetting to flush a public toilet.

Well, if you forget to flush a public toilet you’re a disgusting ape whose parents must’ve really fucked up.

Posted in r/drama, checkmate commie!

comeback status: epic

fash status: bashed

to the gulag with me

'u should care what my right wing buddies think' ha ha I don't, make as many posts about me as you want. Waste your keystrokes.


right wing


You're not fooling anyone, anything remotely critical of markets and capitalism is relentlessly downvoted here. Hillary Clinton shitlibs are right wing too.




LOL that you think people can't see through your little safe space for capitalism. Enjoy your delusion.

LOL that you think you can learn philosophical concepts from the dictionary

Nooooooo Hilary Clinton is not fash! Fash is racism! LOL

doubling down


Emojis! You're a genius, totally good at mocking people. NOT! LOL

not joke

what's next, take my wife? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

maybe the aristocrats? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

More emojis!


Emojis again!


Clean your room!

safe space for capitalism

the world?


anyone with a triple digit iq over the age of 17?

There are people who disagree with your views, just not in your echo chamber. Breathe.

You sure throw around the word "people" lightly

A socialist almost won a major party primary for president of the United States. Breathe. Checkmate commies, posted in r/drama! LOL You people are so stupid.

Ted Cruz?


nearly won anything

should have been bernie

Please share your πŸ’¦special juiceπŸ’¦ with me comrade

Enjoy your delusion.

said the user who is certain that the revolution will work this time.

Let's test this out:

Classic capitalism is doomed to fail as automation increases. The goal of automation is always to lower productions costs by having to employ fewer people, either due to the efficiency of the production process increasing, requiring less supervison or due to machines becoming able to perform tasks that were previously performed by humans.

Long term, this will lead to a reduction in available jobs in all sectors. Historically, due to automation in farming, a lot of jobs in the first sector, resource gathering were lost. Whereas in the 1500s, you would have had to employ dozens of people to farm a field by hand, you're now able to do it with just a couple of people and machines. Similar things happened in the mining industry, etc. although there is was largely counteracted by demand of ores rising, leading to more mining overall happening.

Luckily, a lot of those people were able to move into jobs in the second sector, resource processing. This sector contains the classic factory blue collar jobs. This is the sector that is currently most affected by automation, as lots of tasks previously only possible by humans can now be handled by machines. These machines do not need to exceed or even approach human intelligence, because the tasks performed by the average worker in this sector is - no offense - fairly simplistic. There are currently ongoing efforts to migrate lost jobs in the second sector into the third sector.

The third sector is services. This includes everything from serving food to creating software. Automation is currently not affecting this sector too much, due the average tasks in this sector being too complex for a machine to handle (yet) and due to people largely prefering service industries with direct customer contact to be handled by people. However, advances in AI technology have already replaced jobs in this sector and are likely to continue and culture is shifting to people becoming more acceptable of being serviced by machines instead of humans (i.e. chatbots, ordering on screen) due to it often being more efficient.

The danger here is that a fourth sector has yet to be invented, so there is no place workers in the third sector will be able to migrate due to if large amounts of jobs are lost due to automation. This will also have an effect on businesses of all sectors, as demand is largely determined by how many people are able to afford a product. As more people become unemployed due to automation, demand for products will go down due to more people being unable to afford them. This will overall lower income of corporations.

The only solution to this problem will be to make fundamental changes to our economic system. The system can no longer work if only people who work are wealthy enough to purchase products. Therefore, people will either be given a universal basic income, that will give them enough spending power to keep the economy - and themselves - alive without working or prices of products will drop drastically, to the point where people will be able to afford them without work.

Downvote away, fellow r/drama users!


Even your left-wing buddies think you're wrong. Stop before you unite the political spectrum in making fun of your grasp of political science.

Sad that so many in CTH defend Hillary Clinton, she is disgusting scum. But hey, a lot of people are weak minded.

Ahh, you got me for a second. You used to troll /r/neoliberal too, right?

Yeah I used to mess with those retarded kids.

Glad you got to spend time with your peers

Ouch, right in the feels.

cth is too right wing if ya ask me

Oh my god you're still here πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

Glob me with your commie cummies daddy πŸ’¦πŸ˜

A never ending fountain of tard cum, for our enjoyment

No drama here just an idiot or baitpost

thinking r/drama is about drama and not milking /u/archdukef4gg0talt and /u/ShoePidgeon of all they got


ShoePidgeon just does not learn. People try to help him. They tell him "stop being a lolcow" and he just can not stop.

I think it's funny that you think your little r/drama sub is anything to anyone but your stupid little group of followers. I get entertainment out of it.

Better but I can still smell the serious post/salt on that comment. One more layer of irony and you will be right where you need to be.

But you posted in r/drama, how could I not be hurt. It's like the ultimate weapon against feels.

Perfect now go find a MDGfugee and let the lolcow become the farmer.

Stuff I don't like is fascism, and the more I don't like it the more fascist it is.

This, but unironically

All whites are fascist got it

This confirms my theory that The Big Bang Theory is literally Hitler.

more like a literal Hitler clone

Translation, "I don't know anything about fascism so I will make a stupid comment in r/drama, I like pretending"

Said the guy that thinks Hillary is literally Mussolini

In Mussolini's government the state held ultimate power over everything, including corporations. In our current government private corporations are above the state, they will not allow anyone unfriendly to their interests to be in power. It's slightly different but the outcome is the same. Hillary has talked about droning whistle blowers and starting wars with major countries. I'd say she's pretty damn similar to Mussolini, but when you're an idiot and you don't know anything you won't realize that.

in fascism the state runs the corporations, but in America, the complete opposite situation is true

thus, they are exactly the same

Would you deny that it's a similar setup? A corporate state?

You don't understand what the corporate state is. Corporations in Fascist corporatism isn't referring to businesses, but incorporated interest-groups of everyone involved in an industry, from the CEOs down to the consumers, similar to a guild system.

You'd know this if you got your knowledge of Fascism from proper sources or basic reading of Fascist literature, instead of the shitposts of communist NEETs on chapo.

I'd say she's pretty damn similar to Mussolini, but when you're an idiot and you don't know anything you won't realize that.

and yet you call others idiots.

Glib response with no facts. LOL That's supposed to prove you have half a brain in your head? Try harder shit stain.

What facts did you present? All I see is screeching about legal electioneering activities. Does Hillary have blackshirts? Will she end elections? Restore the Monarch and declare the Monarch an Emperor? Commit some ethnic cleansing in North Africa?

You know that corporatism, fascism, and mercantilism are separate things right?

Fascism is just a system of top down power, typically coming from a dictator. Look up the word. The only difference is the source of absolute power is corporate America and high finance who are above the state.

Mirriam-webster disagrees with you.

No it doesn't, I read it just last night.

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

And what part of Hillary's platform had exalting nation and race?

See where it says often race, meaning not 100% of the time. Exalting nation absolutely without any doubt. Reignighting the cold war, US centered ultra hawkish foreign policy.

these goalposts are moving so fast not even Vinatieri could score on them.

So if you take out everything except the nation above individual part, you can argue that Hillary is fascist, got it.

How old are you?


jesus christ lmao


I'm not fond of fashionists either.

Thats just conflating the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie with Fascism. Youre pulling a reverse Bordiga.

wtf i love CTH now

also they interviewed Mike Reiss so I listened to that and I didn’t wanna kill myself

is CTH actually good?

Lol u/shoepidgeon of course you posted this

I got into an argument with CTH users yesterday who were defending fascist imperial Japan, so go figure.