SRDinne u/FalloutTubes jerksoff to Audio of Cop being Killed, because it's "Artistic"

89  2018-07-17 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome




I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Kinky... but expected.


It's fucking amazing to me that you can recognize whataboutism when right wing retards do it but still engage in it when it suits your own biases.

I hate the idea of whataboutism.

“You need to stop littering.”

“You just killed a man and dumped his corpse on my doorstep”


It’s not usually that extreme, but you get my point.

Your point is retarded.

ur mom is retarded

Your mom drank heavily while pregnant.

Finally, an explanation!

Her body her choice, shitlord

This is one of the dumbest comment I've seen here in a while. Congrats.

You should try reading your own comments, then.

Nice try, but I can't read.

"Whataboutism" is a bullshit term coined by Pentagoons who had no other comeback when the crimes of Americunts were pointed out as the Americunts were posturing as martyrs/saviors.

Does SRD attract regards or does it turn people retarded?

They are very dumb.

This comment made an argument against the autistic screeching against the sample without resorting to autistic screeching itself, which was quite nice to read in SRD.


Funny how angry the Ofays get when the tables are turned. Ofay Supremacists love to talk about "basketball american-on-basketball american crime rates" but when documentary evidence of ofay-on-ofay crime is presented, suddenly you get all upset and start reeeeeee-ing all over the furniture.


Welcome to Doublestandardsville.

Population: You.

did that sound better in your head?

Everything sounds better in his head. The echo in there is amazing.

I'm not white. I'm pro mayocide

I never thought I would see the onset of dementia happen in real time, and yet here we are.

Ofay isn’t offensive to white people it just lets us know that the person using it is a bussyblasted minority.


You are seriously an awful person. Do you jerk off to rape tapes too because "art"?

Wow kinkshaming

I openly kink shame people like u/FalloutTubes. Killing, raping, harming kids/animals are off limits for people's "art".

Which is why we need cops - to protect us from u/FalloutTubes's gorefest.

Killing, raping, harming kids/animals are off limits

So you're saying that the Ofay pig was a literal animal? I am pretty sure that calling them pigs is a rhetorical device and should not be taken literally.

Did the cops bust up your child trafficking ring? Is that why you're so butthurt?

lmao this is some next-level moral hysteria

producers should sample cops dying more just because people like you get so fucking triggered over it

Yes I rape his mom on the daily and send him tweets with links of her getting ripped apart by various strap-ons plz dont kink shame namaste

I rape women


at least he knows the identity of his, you motherless whoreson.

⬆️ Totally tried to molest his stepson and is pissed he was caught.

You're supposed to jerk off to rape rapes because they're hot, not because they're art.

do you rape off to art? weirdo.

Nothing worse than when rape videos try to be artistic

It's the same level of disgust as somebody using a murdered man's pleas for mercy as "music".

Funny how Ofays get all pissy when Ofay-on-Ofay crime is documented.

Bonus points for Vietnam Veteran/"hero" status.

Kinda difficult for you guys, I imagine, having to decide which "hero" to support in this incident since both "heroes" were uniformed Ofays and were, t herefore, according to Official Ofay Ideology, "heroes".

/u/Swedishforestfires dude why you commenting on American cops in your insanely gay white ethnostate? You would crack 2 weeks living in an American black neighborhood, snowy.

I said that I think having the sounds of a cop dying in a song was wrong. I'm sorry I guess?

No worries, "Sweden" is his trigger word. Just let him be.

I see you properly spelled "Muslim Caliphate" with an alternative spelling, "Sweden".

Too high effort for such a shitty joke.

Effort is a sign of failure.

I honestly couldn't tell you if he's a retarded righty or just trolling you.

Welcome to /r/drama.

I remember a Gavin McInnes video where he invited a feminist on to debate and pointed out that she used what are essentially white ethnostates in Scandinavia as examples of better places than America. Funnies were had

Imagine using "white nationalists do it too!" as an argument in support of something.

She's hands down probably the most retarded SRDine. I see her posting incredibly dumb shit all the time, it's fascinating.

u/FalloutTubes probably purposefully posts obtuse and dump opinions so that she can get some attention.

Glad to be of service Ms.Tubes 😘😘😘

Yup. I remember her from the South African farmers thread a while back. She's absolutely fuckin batshit insane.

Could she be an alt of r/thesilvertongue?





I think the people bitching about the sample are being soo lame. I’m so sick and tired of all the people trying to make all media “family/advertiser friendly” and “safe” and “inclusive and inoffensive.” I’m glad there’s still people out there willing to push the boundaries and against this bullshit by doing fucked up stuff like putting audio of a dying man in their song. Yes, I admit its fucked up - but unlike these other people I have NO problem with fucked up media. Especially if it provokes the milquetoast sensibilities of the mainstream. I support the song and the artist 100% and am grateful that some people still aren’t afraid to exercise their freedom of expression.

Something to express not free from consequences....

I bet you were one of the bobbleheads that wanted to boycott Chick-fil-A

something something.....the fact there needs to be """consequences""" over a music sample ultimately proves my point

It's a function of freedom of expression, I thought that's what you were championing?

Or are you advocating repealing that for the segment of the population that you don't agree with?

It's a function of freedom of expression, I thought that's what you were championing?


Or are you advocating repealing that for the segment of the population that you don't agree with?


So what exactly is your problem with 'consequences'?

because i don't think any negative consequences are warranted in this case. it just seems to me that a lot of people's go-to when encountered with something that makes them uncomfortable or offends them is to want to make that thing disappear, which is a sentiment i disagree with. there's people who think he shouldve never made the song in the first place and that's what i disagree with.

Of course the anime lover is supporting something fucked up. Japan melted your brain. Is this your way of getting back at the "normies" who ostracized and bullied you for being so bad at social interaction?

Hey, at least I'm consistent. I wonder how many people who are regularly edgelords are pulling out the fainting couch just because this time around the target is a cop.

Hearing a man beg for his life as he's murdered and then getting upset about it doesn't seem like a fainting couch. It seems like basic human emotion. This is why no one likes you and is afraid of you.

Well yeah, it is supposed to be provocative I admit that of course. But I'm tired of people thinking something shouldn't exist just because it provokes them or makes them uncomfortable.

It's one thing if it's good art and actually challenges you to make you think, this wasn't even a good song or had anything significant beyond the cops death.

i don't really care about the recording of the dying dude, but the song itself is just plain awful.

Especially if it provokes the milquetoast sensibilities of the mainstream.

When there are only slight variations in your incredibly mainstream and globally successful genre of "music" so to stand out you have to have audio of someone dying.

Woke <------yeaaaah Croak Broke Joke

I mean, I'm not a leftwinger, so I really don't give a shit about being "woke." That said, you have to admit (well, ok you don't have to) the way the sample is used is pretty cool. It's not like jpegmafia just threw in audio of some dude dying and called it a day. he wove it into the song in a way that i think creates this really eerie and surreal atmosphere. Frankly, I like the feeling it gives me when I listen to it. I like the song, and I don't normally like hip hop.

Hip hop is unadulterated garbage and I pray for the day that the only sound emanating from clubs and shitty cars is just a loud piercing screech that slowly makes us all deaf, the fitting punishment for an endlessly recycled pop culture bereft of meaning.

The really ironic thing here is that Kyle Dinkheller died because he was too empathetic and kind in the line of duty. He was confronted with an armed criminal and instead of immediately firing and killing him he tried to talk the deranged piece of shit down and spare him. This led to him dying a violent, painful death at the hands of a psycho.

So this poor dude was killed because he tried to spare a life instead of taking one, which is exactly what the leftist dipshits and BLM retards of SRD say they want police to do. And what's the reaction to this bro cop's kindness and his horrible, sad death? He gets his screams used as a sample in some sad sack rapper's cop killer song and a bunch of pathetic libshits justifying it.

Can you tldr this for u/fallouttubes, it'll probably surpass their attention span.

Surpassed mine too tbh.

That's very rude. I demand that you read my effortpost and write a 5 paragraph response.

You actually managed to hold my attention for an entire 2 paragraphs. Not many redditors can pull that off.

And what's the reaction to this bro cop's kindness and his horrible, sad death?

Cops use it in training to make cops more quick to shoot.

Imagine being pro-cop and thinking that using cop deaths to further an agenda was distasteful lmao.

I'm very pro-cop.

It's difficult for me not to find shrillness annoying tbh.

A lot of serious posters in /r/drama today. You'll be the first against the wall crackers.

Wow, 5edgy6me

You have it coming bucko

I hope daddy Russ isn't too ruff. 😱😱😜😱

Ofay-on-Ofay crime


I feel unironically disgusted with that /r/hhh thread, jesus christ.