PSA to any MDEgenerate refugees once y'all migrate here full time

53  2018-07-17 by Boring_normie


Inb4 mayo fragility

Videos like this keep MDEfugees in the confines of their own home when it comes to LARPing, and that's a good thing.


Disgusting. /r/drama must remain radical centrist, which means turning away MDEgenerates and Chapo babbies.

The MDE influx is the greater problem, so allying with Chapo momentarily to drive out the MDE incels makes sense doesn't it?

Then you get an influx of Chapofugees. There’s already been at least two or three shitting up threads with seriousposts along with the DDF.

Fuck that. No CTH, no MDE.

Out out out with them all.

A few are fine but only the most bountiful.

Four of our mods are regulars there.

name names

pimm, shitpost, donnius, serial

They're the good type of commie from what I've seen

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I really only go there when there are threads about them

imo we should just get DP'ed by both

Ed's alt and Ed are commie scum, didn't you know?

/u/captainpriapism stop posting on ur alt

K Ed

You talk about your male friend an awful lot.

How do you pay the rent?



(((allying with chapo)))

But chapo hates israel!

you aren't thinking woke enough. Israel is merely a distraction, while the real work is carried out from within. trust me this is totally correct

The MDE influx is the greater problem

End yourself.

nah bish

Yeah, we get it, you're totally centrist.

Your opinions are worth nothing, mdegenerate

Fuck off retard jew

Hey now, your veil is dropping 😉

Wanting to turn away homegrown drama milk makes you part of the problem.

But it isn't home grown. Its imported, fake, and full of soy.


Let them fight.

He moved on him like a bitch.

I’m sure that’ll help change that guys opinion /s

Well it'll certainly change his opinion about dressing up like a nazi.

blumpf supporters RESIGNED 😂 😂 😂

Scared whyboi?



It's wypipo. Get your nomenclature correct, mayo.


White dude committing a hate crime and black dude committing a regular crime. Why is this supposed to be exciting, again?

Par for the course



Alright now somebody post the video of Kekzilla sleeping that limp wristed Antifag

I think there is a resurgence of anti-MDEgeneracy because at this point in time /r/Drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/Drama is not going to be the radical centrists they once were in the last century. MDEgenerates are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for /r/Drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and MDEgenerates will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, /r/Drama will not survive.

This is what happens when you trust blacks to stay calm and peaceful.

Srsly, the dude went into the ghetto of this city (can't remember it's name), then sat on the sidewalk shouting racist epithets at passerbys wearing a Nazi armband. Like what were you expecting bro?

50 years ago he would've gotten a lot worse than that.

that mother fucker never saw die hard 3.

I miss the 90's when black and white protagonists would come together to disrespect women.

Obviously he's some mental case. Of course I expect the chimpout, what I'm saying is that he didn't, and that was his fatal mistake.

So black people are so fragile words trigger them into violence?

Talk shit get hit.

Nazi larpers

Guy was probably a literal schizophrenic with no idea what is going on around him.

probably a literal schizophrenic.

How do you know?

nogs riot in the streets.

No u is not a rebuttal.

How do you know?

I don't know. But usually when people wander around the streets muttering crazy shit at random people (showing total disregard for their own safety) it's because they're schizophrenic. Or otherwise mentally ill.

No u is not a rebuttal.

It's not "no u" at all. I'm just pointing out how perhaps you've made a mistake by characterizing this race as "tough but fair" as opposed to just uninhibited in violence.

characterising this race.

Knocking out someone nattering at u isn't a race thing, it's a human thing.

Knocking out someone nattering at u isn't a race thing

Crime statistics show otherwise.


You can look it up yourself.

Of course, those statistics only confirm what every person who interacts with them can observe directly.

Lol le rational alt righter going "educate yourself".

No, like I said, you already know. You've already seen this data. It's common knowledge.

Lol le personal disbelief fallacy. Post stats or fuck off.

I'm talking about you, not talking about my own beliefs.

Also, you don't understand what a fallacy even is.

Lol. "Everyone knows that" isn't an argument, m8. Personal incredulity fallacy, m8.

isn't an argument

Exactly. That's why it can't be a fallacy.

Personal incredulity fallacy

You really need to learn what a fallacy is.

You really need to learn what a fallacy is.

A fallacy is any non sequitur.

Saying an argument is wrong because you personally don't believe it is a non sequitur.

Stop trying to look rational and intellectual, m8.

Saying an argument is wrong because you personally don't believe it is a non sequitur.

Quite right.

I didn't say that, of course.

Here, read this:

That's an amazingly retarded webpage. You're seriously arguing that logical fallacies aren't a thing.

The most troubling aspect of logical fallacies is their use in suppressing uncomfortable ideas and viewpoints, and this can happen whether they are invoked correctly or not.

Like imagine being this fragile.

That's not what it's arguing.

Here read this one:

(It explains what is ad hominem as well as what isn't.)

That is exactly what its arguing. Its arguing that logical fallacies don't matter, and its wrong to dismiss arguments because they're fallacious.

I never claimed to have presented any evidence. I even went so far as to explain why I didn't. That's why it's not a fallacy.

You should read the link and learn, then you wouldn't keep on saying stupid shit for the rest of your life.

There's no fallacy becuase I have no argument.


No. We've seen this shit already. It's common knowledge.

So, you're claiming that your argument is correct because of common knowledge? that's a textbook case of personal incredulity fallacy.

Nope. I'm claiming that the reason I won't post it is that it's common knowledge.

Kay, so your claims have no evidence. Goodbye.

Alright I'm about to blow your mind here.

Also, it's common knowledge that your mom's a slut. I won't post proof because it's common knowledge.

You're only able to write this, and to imagine that it is making a point, because you implicitly rely on the common knowledge that you don't (wouldn't) even know who my mom is. That has to be already known, for your smug attempt at a point to make any sense.

So you see, you can't make any kind of point without relying on common knowledge. It's impossible.

Therefore idiots like you can always demand proof of things -- there will always be something to play dumb about -- and think you're making a point. Meanwhile, you're actually just saying dumb things in public. Real clever!

Things accepted by both involved parties can be treated as common knowledge.

However, when you make a claim like "Blacks are more predisposed to crime", you have to back it up with evidence.

You already do know it's true though. You wouldn't say something like "dindu stats" if you weren't already familiar.

you have to back it up with evidence

That's not the way the world works. You asked for proof in a rude way, that indicated you wouldn't listen, and even that you're familiar with the information.

There is no way that I would ever show you evidence of anything if you asked like that, unless you first apologized. The fact that you already know is not even the only reason I don't satisfy your request.

You already do know it's true though.

If I did I wouldn't be asking u to prove it.

You wouldn't say something like "dindu stats" if you weren't already familiar.

I'm familliar with the retarded stats people use; I just want to know which particular retarded stats u use so I can refute them properly.

There is no way that I would ever show you evidence of anything if you asked like that, unless you first apologized.

Imagine being this fragile.

If I did I wouldn't be asking u to prove it.

I don't believe that.

I'm familliar with the retarded stats people use

See, there you go.

Imagine being this fragile.

You keep using that word... you don't seem to understand what it means.

I don't believe that.

Anyone who knows what kind of retarded statistics I use must agree with me.

See, there you go.

However, I'm not familliar with the particular retarded stats u use, and therefore need you give your evidence so I can refute it. Elsewise nod ebate can take place.

You keep using that word... you don't seem to understand what it means.

Is asking retards online to mind your hurt feelings not fragillity?

Is asking retards online to mind your hurt feelings not fragillity?

Asking for things does sound fragile. Telling people you won't do what they ask is quite different.

Man, you need basic shit explained to you a lot. Do you think it's clever to be stupid in this way all the fucking time? I don't get it. Are you legitimately incapable of making this kind of distinction?

I'm not familliar with the particular retarded stats u use, and therefore need you give your evidence so I can refute it. Elsewise nod ebate can take place.

There's no need to debate the fact that niggers are more violent than whites. It is a well-known fact. I can show you a video where the nigger-in-chief Obama himself acknowledges the fact. It is common knowledge.

The only argument to be had is over why the niggers are so violent. Is it their genes? Is it because they are so oppressed by white supremacy? Is it dey culta?

In the context of this thread it doesn't matter because I didn't rely on why they're more violent, only that they're more violent.


You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

Lol mayo fragility.

Retard, your claim was that blacks are more predisposed to violence, not that blacks have higher crime rates.

They have higher rates of violent crime. They're more violent.

Aha, ambiguous terminology.

What do you think it means to say that they're more violent?

I think it means that black people are intrinsically more violent than whites, independent of environmental factors, which is not synonymous with higher rates of violent crime.

I think it means that black people are intrinsically more violent than whites, independent of environmental factors,

LOL "more violent" doesn't mean "intrinsically more violent," that's why you need to add the word "intrinsically."

You literally used the phrase "more violent" within your definition of "more violent," and just added a bunch of conditionals to it.

Blacks are more violent means that they are more violent, like if you're in a situation where you're trusting a black guy not to be violent, that's more dangerous than a situation where you're trusting a white guy not to be violent. Which is what we were talking about.

"OMG not intrinsic though!" has absolutely no relevance to that situation. It has no relevance to this context.

If you didn't mean intrinsically more violent (which is what you were implying), then what's the point? You might as well say that poor people are more violent, or that men are more violent; technically true but it means jack shit.

OMFG you forgot what this conversation was about? Really?

I was pointing out how the guy in the video made the fatal mistake of trusting a nog not to chimp out. Look how he holds out his hand, as if to reason with the beast. He is clearly lacking in appropriate caution, he should already be on guard when in such close proximity to that thing.

Lol wure fragile af.

They weren't the one triggered to violence over words

Black people were just rioting in Chicago over a black guy getting shot after trying to draw a gun on cops.

Who is fragile?

Who is upset over a Reddit comment?

We should build a wall to keep them out.

this but unironically and in real life but non-violently

68% upvoted

lol MDE fragility

Or people tried of this Tumblr bullshit

Don't get banned now. Some might see this as inciting violence. 😳

This was not in the least bit justified and should not be tolerated in any free society. Now that that's through...

sigh unzips

My borders are open. MDE is welcome. Get used to it, bigots.

You need to go back

I'm a reddit citizen. No borders.

I just realized. Antifags wouldn't be so bad at bashing fash if they weren't all mayos.