Shirts are just really short dresses, prove me wrong

5  2018-07-17 by aqouta

You can't


I was speaking to the merch girl at a concert once and she told me she bought large/XL shirts and cut the sleeves off to make dresses.

You might be right OP.

Ready Player One is a mediocre movie tbh. Idk why people are creaming themselves over it. Olivia Cooke is great in it tho. You guys should watch her movie, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl tbh. It's good

I think you replied to the wrong post Ed

No, i wanted to say this to you

Not sure how I should feel about this. 😯

K'ing YS would be a good start

I preferred Thoroughbreds, that one was too quirky and sentimental

Thoroughbreds wasn't bad per say but my overall reaction was "meh". ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

For which my response would most probably be "I look nice." Or "meh"

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Garbage tier movie 😖🤢🤮