To wave our former mod goodbye and thank him for his contributions, let us all stop and remember a single from his Greatest Hits.

315  2018-07-18 by snallygaster


I tried Sally...but I only got about halfway before the autism glazed my eyes over and my mind drifted to furries and fireball shots.


This is a riveting story.

I see you're embracing the new username

I cant read this due to being on mobile, but if its gallowboob that fat idiot kept pm'in me dick pics nonstop and telling me he wanted me to finance dom him

I hope this is real

Ur da best ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

everything /u/Neon_needles posts is true

Everything posted here becomes true. Gallowboob being an irredeemable piece of shit has been true since the day he was born though, and will be true forever.

Oh, it's real. Once he offered me a bit coin for a video of me trying to eat my own ass.

Isn't /u/GallowBoob a sandperson? Why would they ask someone to do haram things? That's crazy.

How can it be haram if it feels so halal?

Well....did you?

I thought gallowboob was skinny

hes a frail olive skinned dude with a flat ass

bri'll bre brin bry brunk

i have no damn idea what you mean but god be with ye

Please tell me you kept the DMs in some way.

can you rate my cock?

Jfc I can't tell who's who anymore. Are we all secretly(or not so much given that our usernames are covered up) Ed alts?

This is 100% BS.

I choose to believe it anyway.

My dream is to watch all /r/drama mods run naked through a mine field

Only if Gallow leads the way.

The dude is such an insufferable pussy. I reported one of his comments "you are a pedo" and he cried to the admins and got me suspended for 3 days last week. His ego is that fucking fragile. I sure hope he doesn't read these comments and spiral into a suicidal depression. ๐Ÿ™„

Yep, he's such pussy I'm surprised he hasn't yet considered M to F.

He needs that beard to hide his weak ass chin

How is he able to send lewds but that gets you suspended?

For real tho. Do they just bend over and ban and censor anybody who speaks about about that flaming pile of shit? Powermods are the death of Reddit. Russian, if you're listening, changing Gallowfats password so he gets locked out of his account would be amazing! Thank you!

he had gotten shadowbanned before. he appealed and I guess ad revenue spoke louder than any consistency. prolly.

God bless America.

If you wanna watch sweaty naked fat people you could just turn on Girls and wait for sister-fister to show you what she's got. Sadly, there's no possibility of her exploding, but that's the reality we live in.

My Dream is to watch all r/familyman mods get naked and jerk off


Gallowboob is an insufferable twat. Also, /u/gallowboob can you tell us when you became the most thin skinned person who uses internet?

/u/gallowboob on a scale of Axl Rose to President Daddy, how sensitive would you way that you are?

/u/gallowboom, do you try to pathetically try to leverage your reddit celebrity in real life to try to convince people to do things? I would imagine you're the kind of (((guy))) to drop how reddit-cool you are in casual conversation.

/u/gallowboob isn't one of (((us))), he's a raghead queenfucker.

This comment would almost be 100% incomprehensible 10 years ago to absolutely everyone.

I hate that my life has reached a point where I amuse myself by verbally abusing the mentally handicapped on reddit.

/u/gallowboob what do your parents think about your lifestyle?

Why would its parents want anything to do with it?


What's a "queenfucker"?

A crumpet-stuffing, kipper-sucking, tea-sipping, coolie-beating, cricket-playing, bobby-fearing, jumper-wearing island monkey. A limey. A lobsterback. A fog nigger.

He's English.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

didn't he get a job at ladbible because of his obsession with karma

I heard he now just sucks dick for karma.

He'd suck dick for dick.

He just sucks

do you try to pathetically leverage your reddit celebrity in real life to try to convince people to do things?

He did manage to use his karmawhoring to get a guy to give him a job...

U/snallygaster, I think it's wrong to make fun of u/gallowboob and u/n8thegr8.

Bullying is not a good moral quality, and even though it's obviously that they deserve it, we live in a new day and age where just anyone and everyone who can have a computer or "smartphone" can go about spewing their ignorant bullshit online all day, and it's not fair to blame them for their sadness.

Fucking gallowboob alts are everywhere these days

You should see ed!

shut up ed.

Shut up raj.

shut up rachel


GallowShit: I'm being brigaded, please make everyone stop ;;

Mod: Shut up faggot you're not being brigaded

GussyBoob: No I know it's drama REEE

Other mod: No for real, shut the fuck up

ShallowFag: I'm telling the admins


Ad nauseum for another 30 lines

I wonder if gallowboob somehow knew exactly what he was doing...

stop being a sycophant for a guy who posts pictures on a website/stop using your alts to defend yourself. It's not a good look.

I don't think he's defending him. I think he's implying HollowBlob came here with the sole intent of stirring up shit to try and get /r/drama banned or some shit.

Too obvious. The least you could give him is that he is putting on a show here.

That was my interpretation, but a quick use of the mod toolbox indicated that he doesn't ever post her so it's probably one of GB's alts or a dicksucker of his.

I'm very confused how that comment is supposed to defend GB though. The comment sounds accusatory.

Those are two weird assumptions, but I guess I can't blame you.

You came out of nowhere shortly after the thread was posted and suggested that he was intentionally acting like a brat to achieve some end.

at first glance, it may seem like that, but from how he's acted towards other users, including sending unsolicited nudes towards one. he whined about not being able to repost content on /r/4chan, sent unsolicited nudes of himself in order to prove himself in an argument.

Yea, not too versed in gallowboob aside of "he reposts stuff."

Oof I hadn't seen this comment. What an ape that guy is. My lord.

I know we're not allowed to tell people to kill themselves anymore, so I hope he falls feet first into a wood chopper chipper

a wood chopper chipper

You mean a wood saw cutter clipper chopper chipper mulcher?

Owner of the Chipkale Chipperdome?

I really feel like this undervalued /u/geraldo42 contribution to conversation, he's sassy and says what's already on everybody elses mind in refreshing ways.

I just want to point out that I wrote this TL;DR because that shit was too long and I didn't fucking read it.

discopig and BoOc? what isthis 2015 or something?

this was 2015 yes.

I miss poundcake tbh :(

Is anyone in touch with her? I loved reading the shit she would stir up in mua. She needs to keep doing it.

I miss a lot of the old mods, which I know outs me as a fag but at least they knew how to throw shit on the walls with good, precise aim.

yeah we all do. even though most of us have been around a while (even on diff. accounts or whatnot), we miss those who have left, even if we had disagreements. I think a lot of less precision has to do with the fact that the wall has gotten much much bigger.

just three years we barely made 15k subscribers, and now we're closing to blowing past 75k to 100k.


agreed. it was a simpler time.

Me too :(

We all do.

i am so glad that gallowboob and nochothegrocho are no longer mods

That is some advanced foreplay. They have to be using lube invented by NASA to avoid 3rd degree burns.

why did they stop?...

/u/gallowboob right now: REEEEEEE

to give gallowboob some credit, it's only natural that you would go insane if your job was literally just posting to reddit all day

I think you are putting the horse before the cart.

Job lmao

Wow gallow is a bitch. What a surprise. ๐Ÿ™„

On one hand I want to say, "ain't no one readin' that."

But that's a lie, I read it.

I'm a little conflicted. One the one hand /u/gallowboob is a massive chode mongler, but on the other he could have been the new BoOC. We need to funnel the downvotes away from the lolcows and I really can't think of a better recipient than him.

All BoOC did while he was here was say things that GGers didn't agree with tho. He was more of a low-effort pizzashill or high-effort botchlings. If you mod a generic karmawhore then all you're going to get out of it is an increase in self-referential smugposting and in-jokes and annoyed reactions. It's not particularly fun or interesting.

^ best mod


^ worst mod


He was more of a low-effort pizzashill or high-effort botchlings.


high-effort botchlings


Sometimes I sit and think about what my life would be like if I was /u/gallowboob but then I stop when I can't handle imagining what it's like to take a 12" strap on up your arse.

Snappy quote

Has snally ever led us astray????

...An the admins are still investigating to this day

What a fucking nerd

Snally for pres 2024

This is, fucking pathetic. How does someone so thin-skinned get to the point where they can game sites like reddit for a real life income but can't handle avg reddit users on a meta sub?

Is he so addicted to that sweet royal karma that he needs personal acceptance/approval from the power mod squad?

What kind of a fucking loser gets into it this deep with a team of moderators, to the extent of drafting long letters and even playing the "I'd like to speak to the manager" role playing politics?

Imagine unironically taking reddit this seriously. Can we post that pic of his ass?

not sure if its allowed..

but for anyone interested, just google "gallowboob nude"

try not to puke.

Nah I'm good fam ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ

Master Class Milking a Cow ๐Ÿ†—๐Ÿ†’

What a fag. No offense to actual fags.


This would be funny if he wasn't serious. So, its hilarious.

u/gallowboob is this rape?

Wait which cringey pm was posted


/u/gallowboob identifies as a 14 year old. At least that's his defense when sending unsolicited dick pics to minors.

We need to mod that motherfucker right n........ow I remember. Belay my last.

Why do you guys even reply lol

Does this guy have a life?

This actually makes Gallowboob like like the good guy. Those mods were douches to someone being fairly civil.

Swing and a miss

Actually serious. I'm a former mod of r/videos. If this is how these people respond to the average user, they're shitty mods.

/u/gallowboob youโ€™re a (((pedophile)))

r/Drama users are such twats.

r/Drama users and mods are such cunts.

In solidarity with /r/drama /u/gallowboob is banned from /r/familyman

That fact that you let him have the last word is disgusting.

Wasn't able to read since admins shut us down due to redetiquette

Needs more jpeg.

U/gallowboob do you unironicly tell people to impress them that you are a reddit power used? Ever go down to Georgia looking for a soul to steal?

Jesus Christ. Gallowboob is even more of a self-important retarded cunt than I thought.

Can someone explain what the mods actually do here? It feels like the usual roles are reversed: in most subs, users create content and threads and the mods judge them. Here: mods create content and threads, and users judge them.

I know even talking about this is super straight'nt, but whatever. I guess I'm asking what makes a mod "bad" in this context. "Being a dramawhore" would suffice in elsewhere, but then subredditname here.

So who was gallowboob? I faintly remember the name when I first came in.

How did this guy get modded in the first place?

tl;dr is that guy implying we shouldnโ€™t shit up other subreddits

/u/gallowboob acting like a retard? Well I never

I swear to god he had to have taken a class to learn to be such a self-absorbed faggot. You aren't born being able to be that much of a dipshit, straight out the gate; it can only be intentionally cultivated.