Yandere Dev gets #metoo'd

5  2018-07-18 by xxretartistxx


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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i left an obvious lie comment to stir the pot and it got loved by the uploader. what have you done for r/drama?

I'm not going to read a video wtf is this 2007

Ugh, weeb bullshit.

This would only be surprising if OP was older than 14.

The girl in the video is definitely over 16

Well I don't watch gamma ray-dodger lolita porn, so I guess I'll have to take your word on that.

Is that creepy ass weeb trash game still relevant?

No, but people act like it is because yandere dev or rahxephon or whatever keeps being a sprg

YandereDev is a fucking nut job?

No, really?