New Board Game Comes Out With The Same Name As Long Awaited Fallout Mod. Mod Maker and r/Games Shit a Brick.

19  2018-07-18 by BootsofEvil

Game developer Bethesda announces a new board game based of the Fallout series; Fallout: New California. F:NC just happens to be name of Fallout mod that has been in the works for 7 years.

The mod creator calmly reacts to this on Facebook.

So they either never googled the words New California or they knew and just didn't care, because they have the bought and paid for license and we don't.

r/Games calmly reacts

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You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


  1. The mod creator calmly reacts to th... - Outline

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How about they change the name of the mod and shut the fuck up? It's not that hard

It was called Fallout Project Brazil a while back too iirc.

Is there ever an example of Bethsoft sending a C&D to a modder that is trying to add free content to their dry ass games?

well if we break this down, a free mod makes Beth nothing, compared to a paid mod for which Beth takes a share, so I could totally see them trying to shut down free mods in the future

so I could totally see them trying to shut down free mods in the future

It's possible but the optics last time they even attempted to implement a paid store caused a shitstorm that blotted out the sun.

The future is now, nigga

Creation club is a joke though. It's dumbass mods like horse armor and shit or really basic stuff for people who don't understand how to read a modding guide themselves. It's also asking for CTD if you run any Nexus mods in tandem.

just wait for the next game which is gonna be as mod-proof as possible so goys have to buy shit in CC

I don't doubt it. Reason I'll probably pass. FO4 was a mess, with essentially just radiant quests, and I don't suspect them to change much for 76 or the new TES.

a free mod makes Beth nothing

Consider something like Skyrim's unofficial patches: Beth saves money and time on bugfixes because modders will deal with them anyways.

yeah, and imagine that Beth starts selling them! make room for the profits!

That would probably get Beth out of business.
Selling overpowered spell packs is already not good publicity, but selling fixes for their own dumb typos would be much worse.

Seriously, the amount of bugfixes that only consist of replacing "not equal" with "equal" or the other way around is astounding, and that stuff slippled through several official patches.

dude let's be real. there's no mods for consoles and these games still sell. besides, what percent of people even knows what nexusmods is? normies will gobble it up and at worst they just won't buy anything in CC

A big point of skyrim special edition was that consoles could get mods, and the traffic on beth net shows it wasn't a flop.

Also the unofficial patches have unique DLs in the millions, even the merged edition got to a million and half and that was well past the game's prime.

Free mods are the only reason 50% of people buy their garbage games.

They let the sex mods stay so I doubt it.


Day late but whatever.

Peak white people nonsense.

The mod dev chooses a very generic name and now is bitching lol.


Apparently companies hypothetically protecting their IP is worse than pugler

It sucks but just change the fucking name of your mod