IIRC Sam Hyde went of the deep end on Twitter and turned into a actual alt-righter, that's why the show got taken off air.
That's not the reporting I heard unless something happened after.
He was essentially a glorified shock comic, who tried to do outrage Andy Kaufman bits. AS got external and internal pressure to have the show canceled so they said "fuck it." But the show was definitely canceled from show complaints/pressure and not PR backlash of his twitter.
I mean it's no surprise that outrage Andy Kaufman pulls the alt-right crowd tho.
Though, the fact they think he was making statements on "degeneracy" is hilarious.
It's million dollar extreme world peace or some shit. It was mediocre absurdist humor and would have been canceled by its own accord even if Sam Hyde wasn't a loser.
What if I told you that I was capable of admiring people and their actions even when I don't agree with every aspect of their politics? Wow, what a concept! Pity you don't seem to be capable of it.
Lulz, remember when MDE wished to go back to the "good old days" of diesel fuel and smoking in hospitals? The hell happened with these cucks that they've mutated into clean livin' vegan wannabes?
No i think getting lead poisoning is still one of the main tenants of this traditional lifestyle they are looking for it just also includes lifting weights because thats what daddy sam does
Their whole counter culture is a cope. "I'm not getting laid because women don't value traditionalism anymore! It's not because my views are terrible! I'm not having any pre marital sex but that's OK because its degenerate and I don't want it anyways!!"
i used to be a somewhat normal guy who fucked a lot, now thanks to reddit i am an alt right freak and plan to make pro-nazi art as a career. somehow this is a good thing, thanks guys
i hope to create content with the same level of subversiveness as MDE. I don’t know what platform that can be monetized nowadays given the cucked status of it all. But finding a place like this gives me hope that entertainment can actually be meaningful and not ideologically driven propaganda.
not ideologically driven propaganda
/u/TheDragonCock, do you understand what the words you say mean at all?
I'm not sure what's your point. Any content that primarily promotes some ideology is ideological propaganda. Whether or not it's fringe is entirely irrelevant.
“Women and men are equal parts of a whole. What damages women also damages men and vice versa.“ Unironically a very wholesome comment and if you disagree you are part of the problem reddit ;)
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
/u/TheDragonCock u sound gay.
1 throwaway_999912 2018-07-18
His post belongs to /r/humblebrag
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-18
/u/TheDragonCock go back to drinking
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-07-18
From what I saw from MDE the actual show it was more satire of common culture that is commonly considered faux pas to satirize.
Do the MDE people think Sam Hyde is spreading some sort of Christian message?
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
IIRC Sam Hyde went of the deep end on twitter and turned into a actual alt-righter, that's why the show got taken off air.
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-07-18
That's not the reporting I heard unless something happened after.
He was essentially a glorified shock comic, who tried to do outrage Andy Kaufman bits. AS got external and internal pressure to have the show canceled so they said "fuck it." But the show was definitely canceled from show complaints/pressure and not PR backlash of his twitter.
I mean it's no surprise that outrage Andy Kaufman pulls the alt-right crowd tho.
Though, the fact they think he was making statements on "degeneracy" is hilarious.
1 watermark02 2018-07-18
It was Chapelle's fame among racists that caused him to go off the deep end, cancel his show, and head to africa.
1 bozo_merkin 2018-07-18
That story was about one guy on the show's crew, not about "racists."
He bailed on his job because he didn't like being Dave Chapelle, Inc.
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-18
if they do they're retarded because sam admitted to being an atheist in a q&a a few years back and hasn't said anything to the contrary since.
1 -4x- 2018-07-18
Explain this
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-18
1 youcanteatbullets 2018-07-18
Mayo-rapping = 🤮🤮🤮
1 Osterion 2018-07-18
That sub doesn't really have anything to do with Hydes actual beliefs at this point, whatever they are.
1 watermark02 2018-07-18
This has to be some sort of metastasization from Jordan Peterson's self-help stuff and Alex Jones' transformation into a health food brand.
1 lol_te_gusto 2018-07-18
"post irony" code word for talentless garbage
1 watermark02 2018-07-18
That's basically /r/drama though. Although we're more post-post-post-post-post-neo-irony.
1 LightUmbra 2018-07-18
It was also shit.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-07-18
i doubt you can even name the show
1 LightUmbra 2018-07-18
Why would I want to?
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-07-18
to lend some credibility to you stupid comment
1 LightUmbra 2018-07-18
It's million dollar extreme world peace or some shit. It was mediocre absurdist humor and would have been canceled by its own accord even if Sam Hyde wasn't a loser.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-07-18
1 LightUmbra 2018-07-18
No thanks.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-07-18
lmao click it i promise its hilarious 😏
1 LightUmbra 2018-07-18
No thanks
1 uniqueguy263 2018-07-18
Dafuq was that
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-07-18
one of the "better shows thats still on air" that u/lightumbra might find preferable to world peace
1 LightUmbra 2018-07-18
>watching TV
Is it 1970 or something?
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-07-18
i wish maaaaaan. they had sexy cars and drugs ✌
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
Do these retards realize that Stallman supports is a liberal who supports shit like gay marriage and abortion rights?
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
1 abject-liar 2018-07-18
What if I told you that I was capable of admiring people and their actions even when I don't agree with every aspect of their politics? Wow, what a concept! Pity you don't seem to be capable of it.
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
Nigga we're radically centrist here.
1 abject-liar 2018-07-18
Hope you have a license for dropping N-bombs
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
1 Russian_Bot_737 2018-07-18
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
So how do you reconcile Stallman being wise to the JQ and a liberal Jew who supports gay marriage and abortion?
1 Russian_Bot_737 2018-07-18
How do both of those things coexist? Jq and actually being a Jew
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-07-18
You tell me.
1 RichEvansSextape 2018-07-18
Lulz, remember when MDE wished to go back to the "good old days" of diesel fuel and smoking in hospitals? The hell happened with these cucks that they've mutated into clean livin' vegan wannabes?
1 rawdawg88 2018-07-18
No i think getting lead poisoning is still one of the main tenants of this traditional lifestyle they are looking for it just also includes lifting weights because thats what daddy sam does
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-07-18
Imagine LARPing this hard.
1 WarSanchez 2018-07-18
They gotta fake being better than everyone else know since that's where the circle jerk went.
BTW you should see how well r/drama taught me to clean my room AND display my bussy.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-07-18
Conservative faggotry and LARPing. Name a more iconic duo, sweaty! 👏
1 Therattlesnakemaster 2018-07-18
Their whole counter culture is a cope. "I'm not getting laid because women don't value traditionalism anymore! It's not because my views are terrible! I'm not having any pre marital sex but that's OK because its degenerate and I don't want it anyways!!"
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-07-18
Lololol the absolute state of these tards
1 69big69daddy69 2018-07-18
i used to be a somewhat normal guy who fucked a lot, now thanks to reddit i am an alt right freak and plan to make pro-nazi art as a career. somehow this is a good thing, thanks guys
1 zergling_Lester 2018-07-18
/u/TheDragonCock, do you understand what the words you say mean at all?
1 Rabbit-Punch 2018-07-18
Atheist logic. Are you really going to argue a fringe show is driven by propaganda?
1 zergling_Lester 2018-07-18
I'm not sure what's your point. Any content that primarily promotes some ideology is ideological propaganda. Whether or not it's fringe is entirely irrelevant.
1 Rabbit-Punch 2018-07-18
Ok then you have expanded the definition of ideology to include every set of ideas, making it a meaningless definition.
1 zergling_Lester 2018-07-18
... what's your definition of ideology?
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2018-07-18
1 SpotNL 2018-07-18
Read: "I've become a shut-in for the greater good."
1 Rabbit-Punch 2018-07-18
“Women and men are equal parts of a whole. What damages women also damages men and vice versa.“ Unironically a very wholesome comment and if you disagree you are part of the problem reddit ;)
1 archdukef4gg0talt 2018-07-18
gussy 🤢🤢🤢
1 Spookybooks2 2018-07-18
What's so bad about "meaningless" sex?
1 GuillotinesNOW 2018-07-18
MDE turns people into boring incels confirmed