Retarded muricans try to teach glorious yuropeans how to racism

61  2018-07-18 by UniverseInH


Racisn was invented in Europe though.



Well, a european country did end up giving birth to the US, but still, don't blame a whole continent for the failings of the British.

It's too late for an abortion now, the best you can do is to self-nuke or something, so we can all move on and try to forget about the thing that used to be between Canada and Mexico.

Nice. Think about how much that would open up the sea routes too.

Make the Atlantic Pacific Again

literally clinically retarded comment.

yeah its not if the Eurpeans are the ones that caused America's only genocide and like 50 other ones.

1) no one cares about america

2) the europeans did nothing that the american tribes hadn't done for hundreds or thousands of years themselves. Europeans were just better at it and came from the outside.

3) "Genocides" by that definition have been going on since humanity stopped living in the trees. Was what Dshingis Khan did a Genocide? what Charlemagne did? what the Han-chinese did (and do)?

Racism is part of humanity. No "race" or ethnicity is responsible for it, just as none is responsible for making fire or standing upright.
The only reason racism and genocide is linked to europeans is because they were the ones with the introspection to name it, and abolish it.

1) no one cares about america

I've been backpacking Europe for 3 weeks. All I see and hear all day (even in fucking Poland) is American music, American movies, American TV shows and people wearing new York or Los Angeles t shirts. I wish what you were saying is true but these fucking euro trash are obsessed with the mind-numbingly stupid shit we crank out over in God's country.

this but unirobically, Americans invented Jazz, Blues, Rock, Rap. R & B, Country, Funk, and Techno. All European imitators need to stop appropriating American culture. We'll take our blue jeans, Coca Cola, and Internet back and you guys can keep Communism and Gary Glitter.

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Lmao most of the team were born in France, and of the two who weren't one immigrated as a very young child and the other was born in a French territory.

What else could you possibly expect from people who think mayo is the same thing as mayonnaise.

Mayo + Malaise = Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise - Finesse = Mayo

B-but they're negroids, s-so they can't possibly be French!

This but unironically.

  • Trevor Noah

Dat magic soil... am I right

am I right

No. About anything, ever. But you already know that.

Imagine thinking about another drama poster as much as you think about me.

Imagine being so racist that you think black people all over the world feel the same about their identity as black people in US.


Grampa is off his meds again :(

Their ethnicity is non-French, though, so they will never genuinely be French. Africa won the World Cup.

Most of America aren't genuinely American by that standard. Their ethnicity is "European".

That doesn't make them French. Just like a white man being born in China doesn't magically become Chinese. Or a horse born in a pig pen doesn't magically become a Pig.

A white man born in China, raised Chinese, and speaks Chinese would absolutely be accepted as Chinese you dolt. China's a fairly cosmopolitan society.

No, he wouldn't. Congrats on making up bullshit.

Says the mayo to a chink raised in China.

Sure bullshitter

Have fun in the mayocide. Laowai.

The French are nationalistic as fuck, and super-mega-invisible-in-the-dark-black French people are not only really common, but just as obnoxiously nationalistic as the lightest, baguettest croissant smokers they share their beautiful country filled with horrible people with. But of course, Americans remain blissful ignorant of all of this, because for them glorious diverse Europe is just a backwards country filled with wypipo that they can hardly pinpoint on a map, and in lieu of drone strikes, aim their cancerous woke identity politics at.

quelle surprise

The funny thing is that you can legit attribute both racism and, in particular, identity politics, to Europe, initially. But the US takes any shit coming from Europe, turns it into a nuclear shit on roids and starts carpet bombing the world with it.

We somehow went from having no large scale nationalist movement to being the mecca of far right nationalism and trying to promote it and export it everywhere in the world (at least where white people are) in like, what, two years?

It's been two years, but I think it all happened in like 2 months.

two things.

  1. americans dgaf about soccer

  2. "national" competitions should source participants from their own fucking nation

three things:

  1. I wish that were the case, Americans are the cancer of /r/soccer.

  2. they did source them from their nation you fucking racist piece of shit.

lmfao how am i supposed to know they got them from france? i dont give a fuck about soccer and am only repeating what ive heard others say.


no u

ur mom gay

i wish she was, bro

Hot af tbh

lemme butter ur toast gurl

three things:

  1. I wish that were the case, Americans are the cancer of /r/soccer.

You know, there's a solution to that problem. A final one

National competition, not ethnic competition.

no shit

From what I’ve seen on social media, black people make or share posts about African origin of the team.

For them, it’s a point of achievement but deep down, they know.

but is it french black people, or american?

They were not specific.

That part doesn't matter

/s, but also not

this, unironically, but also not

bring up the ethnicity of the coaches and see if they freak out

You mean like the darkie equivilent of being proud of your race for the accomplishments of others while you personally are a looser?

I guess there's only one version of that...

wtf I love ethnic nationalism now!!!!

- leftists

honestly, I only saw the "africa won the world cup" stuff in shitposting groups, so I didn't take it serious. But seeing american left-leaning shows, and generally left people parroting it is all kinds of fucked up. You don't get to say "they're french" when they commit a crime, and call them "african" (which is its own sort of fucked up) when they do something good. Either both, or neither.

Fucking 2018 man, leftists act literally indistinguishable from rightists.

concert goers slaughtered and mutilated while the attackers scream allahu akbar

This is not all muslims, you can't blame this on muslims.

Team wins world cup

See bigot? accept more muslims into your countries, they are the only ones to thank for this victory

Trevor Noah is not a leftist by any stretch of the imagination

leftists act literally indistinguishable from rightists.

trevor noah is a liberal cryptofascist.

It's sad to see how Trevor Noah etc are trying to claim FRENCH PEOPLE aren't French because of their skin colour. It really makes me hate identity politics.

Noah's arguments sound exactly the same as any RF/NF supporter.

Bad things happen in France, NF: "Done by Arabs/Africans"

Good things happen to France, Noah: "Won by Africans"

It's astonishing to see how selectively they cherry pick.

And OP of the /r/Soccer thread is correct, my French friends see being French national and being white skinned as unrelated. Most of so called "poc" in France consider themselves French, irrespective of the colour of the skin or their origins. They're generally in touch with their roots too, without the "le 1/8th" thing, unlike Americans.

RN/FN supporter

The correct term is Rassist, as before they were FNist.

But yes, for us french (or at least the very vast majority of them), the only thing that matter is that you are french. There is nothing like the term afro=american here because they are french first and foremost.

I see, "Rassist" sounds like"Racist" and is supposedly the German word for racist

Yeah I'm aware of the French being race-blind

Oh, and t'as un super nom d'utilisateur.

Chats>Chiens quelque soit le chien ou le chat.

Preach, brother 🐈😻😸

"Done by Arabs/Africans"

"Won by Africans"

Aren't those both true?

Blacks can never be French. It is logically impossible. Just like Blacks can never be Chinese.

What's sad is that they need to cling on to European countries and pretend to be Europeans.

Hey gemerr grorious zhongguo not like firthy whitu pigg

Who cares about soccer

Enough people so that, if there was 1 sport to legit have a ‘World Series’, that’s be soccer.

Now go play eggball.

American football is to soccer what the special Olympics is to the normal Olympics.

People that care about sport teams are literally retarded.

everyone who isn't an amerifat

So nobody that matters

when your entire country is so shit at a game you have to pretend to be civic nationalists despite the fact that your country is literally named after an ethnicity