"SHE is a beautiful, brave GODDESS. Take your transphobia elsewear BUCKO!" - Transgender slapfight in r/rage

61  2018-07-18 by Wild_Hunt


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Snappy has ascended beyond mere conscience at this point

Boy, what I wouldn't give to get fucked in the ass by that long, hard, Armenian snozz.

Those honkers are pushing the envelope even farther than the rest of the outfit

Is struck between the paralyzing juxtaposition of whether to stand up for poor urban youths or transexuals.

Dog bless America

America already has a fix for such dilemmas. Intersectionality

This is what Gender Critical wishes they could do if they weren't a bunch of terrified autistic shut ins.

u/kawaiialienouji if the WHO decides what mental illness is like the the dsm then it's about as accurate as astrology. How anyone can watch that dude wearing a dress out in public and think he's not mentally ill is remarkable. Then again it is the current year plus 2

post more pix of ur green belly

I don't want to give you more jerk off material.

pls hunny i'm into bbShrek

I'm impressed ive triggered one of the butthurt usuals into creating yet another alt. I'd insult your masculinity but you creating an alt cause your delicate sensibilities have been hurt would make that superfluous

less talking more cheesecake pix fatboi

I'm sorry my forearm is thicker than your thigh. I'm sorry I can bench more then you can squat, bench, and deadlift. I'm gonna give you some advice

1._stop doing curls in the power-rack. 2. Estrogen is not a performance enhancer 3. Watching porn is not a hobby 4. Video games are not a sport

that's a list of jordan memerson level advice, not belly pix. we want belly pix.

Much like the Palestinians, Jordan is all you are going to get.

that's just bad, try harder

This is great, my lifting partner is going to laugh his ass off tonight about how I triggered a dude to create an alt. I won't be thinking about you when I bench 4 plates x at least 5 reps

lol you talk about reddit irl

post pix


Yeah /u/boyoyoyoyong's opinion on what clothing is acceptable is a much more accurate guideline for deciding mental illness. Transexuality is not a mental illness, transphobia is.

If you had a well run opinion poll in the US that asked about people's approval of trannies, I wonder what the racial breakdown would be.

Ashy Americans can do whatever they want and white liberals are afraid to say anything about it. Truly BASED

That's a poll the pro tranny people don't want to see



This looks like a pretty good study. Reading the results is kind of iffy because the researchers chose to assign a 'temperature' to group's attitudes towards trans people. But, it looks like there's not a lot of difference between white and black attitudes. The biggest difference is between men and women, with women being more accepting towards GSM across multiple studies. Weird to think that the trans community is always up in arms about women and Terfs when men are the least accepting of them.

Because TERFs have the best arguments against them.

Yeah, Terfs know how to counter all the usual arguments that's for sure.

I think really it's that either their dysphoria and/or narcissism gets triggered when people don't share their self-image. I know, though, that most trans people are reasonable and easy to talk to. It's always a few loons that ruin everything.

Its also socially acceptable to shame men for dating preferences and men dont give a fuck and say what they want.

As an aside, having spent some time in some sexually open circles (internet fucking), the number of women who refuse to sleep with bi/tranny hunting men is very, very high.

"Men are all dogs and rapists" - Genius according to /u/allwordsaredust

Never said genius, or that they were without their crazies.

I meant they point out the holes in internet trans discourse like and how backwards shit like "I'm knew I was a woman because I played with dolls as a kid and liked pink!!" and how it reestablishes cultural gender norms instead of breaking them down.

When conservative groups go after transpeople they just REEEE about how scared they are of the idea of accidentally fucking someone that used to have a dick / how ugly transwomen are. TERFs do that too, but they also have rational arguments mingled in.

It'd be shit because anyone who isn't a retard knows trannies are retarded about their junk and need brain doctors not tumblrinas telling them to get surgery and take black market hormones.

Why is this u/reddits_penis guy showing up in so many of these threads?

Not even wearing a wig.

hit the chug jug hit it

The funny part is the angry mayos on MDE would never do this. It takes POC men to call out this insane shit.

I'm white and I harass trannys irl

Stunning and brave

She was prob being racist before the recording started. Why would young black teens just start harassing a white woman.