Femoids at niceguys finally admit their man hatred. Apparently a man looking for a foreing women is objectifying

15  2018-07-18 by butwomenarejustpeopl


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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The people who shriek about the word "female" being used instead of "women" are the same dumb cunts who constantly whine about male privilege and male entitlement, and who invent words like manspreading and manterrupting.

Tbf it sounds really cringey to call people females in a casual context.

Depends on the context I suppose. The overreacting is far more cringe inducing.

I mean if the context isn't "academic paper/discussion" then it's cringey. It's really that simple.

Have you considered the possibility that you're a giant baby who overreacts to simple words?

React? I'm just saying it aounds cringe, I'm not like emotional or anything.

calm down please


Seriously, calm down


You are dumb.

I know women who use the term "female" in a casual context as a replacement for women. This really is just one of those things that the internet obsesses over that doesn't actually matter.

Not really. If I talk about female employees at my firm, it's more natural than saying women employees

"Women at the firm" you're using female as an adjective instead of a noun though.

Yeah, but if you refer to the females at work then it's super cringe

Yeah but "female japanese female" though? That's pretty bad, come on.

It might be cringy but it isn't a grand conspiracy meant to equate women with animals, which most of the posters in that thread seem to think it is.

Doesn't need to be a grand conspiracy to sound fuckin' dorky as fuck.

Anyone unironically using female only count as an human being on a technicity.

Once again mayo women being salty about superior East-Asian gussy.

What the fuck is a "foreing women" you inbred?

White man seeking demure Japanese golfer.

Asian fetishists are 99% the creepiest people in the world though.

Source: am Asian fetishist

You aren't wrong, but I'm missing the connection to my comment.

I was just going for a golf joke with fore-ing.

they're just the worst

This is an example of someone using third person pronouns incorrectly. In fact in this example, the first person plural should have been used.

Gas the neckbeards

Why do they like Japanese women so much? Have you ever heard someone speak Japanese? It’s got to be the most insufferable language in existence.