Totally not a pedo white male OP wants to adopt a Chinese kid! He is single and autistic by the way.

113  2018-07-18 by ReichSmasher2018


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Im so retarded that no women will touch me , so I want to force my retardation on a blank slate...and for that blank slate to touch me.

Ah the ol' Tabula Rasa molestation trick. That stuff creates Albert Fishes

Woody Allen a redditor confirmed.

> I can't help it. I want a girl and I would kill an entire country to get one. I have money. I have everything, but I just cant get a girl. It's racist to deny me a child simply because of something that is out of my control.

oh wow

If you look through his post history he frequently daydreams about nuking China and killing hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Maybe somebody ought to get the FBI involved here, anybody remember that Alek Minassian dude who killed ten people in Toronto with a van?

" That is racism. Discriminating based off of a disability IS racism. And you know what, why bother going through the process when I can just easily steal a child when I go to China? I am strong enough to take care of any male Chinese punk who stands in my way. Thanks for nothing, idiot. "

holy shit lol.

Christ, I missed that comment somehow.

Yeah, this freak is apparently going to Japan tomorrow. I sincerely hope I don't read a news-article over the next few days about a deranged perverted sociopath kidnapping some little boy from his home or wherever.

he'll soon find out that Japanese jurisprudence ain't what he expects. probably around the time they beat the confession out of him.

oh and they love gaijin who come for their children, it's so cultural.

they beat the confession out of him.

They do that?

yeah it's common, as is psychological abuse like sleep deprivation. keep in mind Japan is a country with a 90+% conviction rate, since almost everyone confesses. wonder how that happens huh?

Huh. Neat.

More like 99 conviction rate.

99 problems but a not guilty verdict ain't one

good. crimecels deserve it

Japan gets feudal real quick the moment you run afoul of the law.

I do :)

That's funny, there's another guy also going to Japan asking awkwardly how to treat the m'lady-folk -

I know it's trendy for normies to self-diagnose with Aspergers, but I didn't know some people with the retarded type of autism to self-diagnose with it too.

Discriminating based off of a disability IS racism

i hope it's bait so some kid doesn't end up in his basement, but hope it's real for the drama

Paging /u/devavrata17. I know how much you love submitting tips to the FBI. You're welcome.

O shit ur on his kill list now

He's already banned me. What's he going to do?

Yeah. I saw that. He even came to the drama thread. It was amusing.

jesus christ, just looked at the first page of his comment history.. that person has some serious mental issues..

He may be totally unhinged, but he is an excellent pasta chef.

You posted to the wrong sub, you teen trumpjugend fuckwit. 😂 Why don’t you stop huffing gold paint until your greasy, zit-repository of a head clears enough for you to know where you are, Elliot. Lol. And you weren’t “having fun.” You were getting your pede-o ass handed to you, little dood.

.... Wow. Even a mail order brides would run.

my twisted world 2: the revenge of lao tzu

Laozi you Wade-Giles using swine.

He's talking about a romantic partner, but I'm pretty sure you glossed over it due to lack of reading comprehension.

Seems like an obvious troll tbh 😒

How can we tell at this point? Maybe he wants us to think he is a troll.

Too on the nose

I'm honestly just sad that people are saying that autistic people can't adopt. Sure, this guy is pretty insane, but most autistic people aren't like that.

They're not saying that. A married couple could adopt a child, even if the man has autism.

Its that his autism provides more reason he can't adopt.

no, he cant adopt. autistic people can adopt if they get through the process which isnt even easy for regular people depending on the country. but he in particular, the guy saying he can just kidnap one if they dont let him, cant have one

Perfect couples are stuck on waiting lists, why would they even consider a single parent like this, even disregarding how creepy he is?

Not really fair for the kid since you get a lot of your social skills early on from your parents.

So ... how would one go about this? I'm not autistic btw, at least I think so.

Well you’re on /r/drama so yeah I’d say your are.

I would trust Ed Gein to have a child over you tbh. At least he probably wouldn't want to fuck it when it gets to be 10.

I'm not sick, 10 is too young.

Ok pal something tells me you don't even like big bootys and that's degeneracy I am even less able to handle.

Hello, I just want to say that I am interested in adopting a Chinese child, but I do not have a wife. The reason is kind of embarrassing...I have aspergers and just can't get a girl. So I am not single by choice, but single because I don't have a choice. Regardless, I love chinese children and I want to raise one of my own being a single father. What can I do to convince the adoption agencies that I am capable of raising a child?

Every time.

Almost like some sort of INvoluntary CELibacy

it's over for autistcels 😞

And you know what, why bother going through the process when I can just easily steal a child when I go to China?

In China they call that dumpster diving.

/u/bousefetus, you can’t adopt a child because you are retarded.

And a potential pedo. Can't be too sure. Even typing the word out makes me sick to my stomach.

You seem to be projecting a bit much here

That is exactly what a child molester would say!

Now let me get together an internet lynch mob to send HodorTheDoorHolder back to Mama Satan!

how did you even find that post and sub. i bet you're planning to kidnap a couple of ricebois for yourself

The dude in that image made a thread last night which was posted to niceguys.

Somebody helpfully provided the link there.


so you're a male feminist then

I mean, better than being an anthropomorphic chimpanzee.

I mean complaining about pedos while being a pedo is still pretty bad.

This but unironically

easy there Elon

Found u/BouseFetus's alt account, guys!

no, i'm totally going to china for the cave exploring. no children's caves are gonna be explored in the process i swear


you are retarded.


I am a trump supporter. So what?

He was talking about For Honor

Alright, which one of you is this?

I bet its one of the r/OffMyChest mods

That is racism. Discriminating based off of a disability IS racism. And you know what, why bother going through the process when I can just easily steal a child when I go to China? I am strong enough to take care of any male Chinese punk who stands in my way. Thanks for nothing, idiot.

New Snappy Quote?

This has to be a troll

So I am not single by choice, but single because I don't have a choice.

Uh oh.... incel alert! also, the sub links to hapas on the sidebar. i think the chances of getting useful advice as a mayo there are pretty slim. even though he should fit in as an incel

Paging /u/ekjp

I think the word he is looking for is abliesm. Based on his posts, I would think he is unstable because he is saying he would kill for a girl. Also the fact he said he can just go to China to easily kidnap one. Wow. He also sounds like an incel.

I don't want to imagine what they look like ...

Obese and covered in hair I think

LOl no, they look like normal guys.

Chinese people obviously look human unless they are actually secretly a race of shape-shifting pandas or something.

Neckbeards like this loser on the other hand ...

I thought he was talking about incels.

Chinese people obviously look human

dont be ridiculous

I had to say obviously or I might sound like a neo-Nazi having a Freudian slip

They have a sub where they show pics. Some are uggos, but a lot of them are average or better.

I think the word he is looking for is abliesm

i think the word you're looking for is ableism

Wow this subreddit is rude how do you know he is a pedophile? Maybe he is just lonely that would be pretty sad.

His post history and genocidal rhetoric really do not help his case at all.

It would be obviously if he was a genuinely good person who wanted to give some little kid a new home, but his intentions are very clear in that thread.

My bad you are probably right

vinceNL? more like vINCEL! lmao

Haha funny meme1!! Xd xdddd lmao xd!! LOL!

It’s only funny because it’s true.

People joke about it, but I don't think anyone knows what to do when presented with real life autism

Most autists aren't out there willing to kidnap children.

"will I be allowed to legally adopt a child" isn't kidnapping. This person however shouldn't have a kid because they are literally retarded

Read some of his comments further down, this is a quote from the same link ol buddy:

That is racism. Discriminating based off of a disability IS racism. And you know what, why bother going through the process when I can just easily steal a child when I go to China? I am strong enough to take care of any male Chinese punk who stands in my way. Thanks for nothing, idiot.

right because this person is literally retarded, and so are you if you take that as an actual threat to kidnap a Chinese baby

Talking like that isn't exactly healthy. Especially given the context. His adversarial shock-value responses just further that he shouldn't be around children.

I am agreeing that he shouldn't have a kid. But to re-iterate, he's literally retarded. Which is kind of mean to say, but everyone jokes about being autistic because they are socially awkward, but that's not autism. People don't know what to do when they are presented with it in the flesh. Not every functionally autistic person is going to be Temple Grandin.

Like seriously, with perfect couples still on waiting lists why would any adoption agency even consider making more single parent families? Never mind the fact that it would be subject to abuse by creepy guys.

Ok, I don't even have a joke here. We probably ought to behead him, just to safe.

Hello, I will be arriving in Tokyo tomorrow and I would like to ask something. This of course isn't the main purpose of my trip, but I was wondering what is the best way to find a single female Japanese female? Like what locations are the best place to find them? Also, what is the best place to take them on a first date and what kind of gifts do they enjoy? I am traveling from the states, so I would greatly appreciate any information from those who have a Japanese GF themselves. Thanks!

As opposed to one of those single male Japanese females.

This is what weaponized autism looks like

This one has gone rogue

Disgusting his post history is cosplay asian girls.! Total PEDO

Aww, I can’t say no to the poor guy. Let’s just give him one already.

This is b8.

Who feels like toast?

Fuck you OP for slandering me. You're lucky I dont know you IRL or I'd sue you for slander since that is an actual offense.

You are lucky everybody thinks you are a troll or to jail you go!

This is what they will make you do in jail, sicko

Hmm, let's see. Dude with 6 years of martial arts and the ability to kill with his bare hands, versus a group of pigs with a gun.

I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't go through that trouble to putting me in jail lol

It's only slander if we know it to be untrue.

Which in your case, we don't.

It is untrue, hence why it's slander. But do try calling me a pedo to my face and see what happens (hint: it won't be good for your health)

Spoken like a true pedo.

A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to a child. I never demonstrated that I was sexually attracted to children. Stealing a child doesn't make me a pedo. It's just me simply taking what I cannot get.

Keep slandering me and I really will consider pushing charges.

Stealing a child doesn’t make me a pedo. It’s simply taking what I cannot get.

The only people going to Asia and kidnapping children are mayo pedophiles. Go ahead and preas charges you soy-chugging Asian child-raping manlet.

I bet you one million dollars that your keyboard warrior ass wouldn't say those same words to my face if you and I were in a room alone. I bet my entire life earnings on that. And even if you did, I'd put you 6ft under and take my earnings right back.

Sure thing buddy. I’m not a 6 year old Asian boy that you can just pick up and toss in the back of a van.

So how tall are you? How much do you weigh? How much training have you gone through? I've dealt with your kind in the past

Ok lol please come fight me and sue me for slander. I’m sure you’re so very capable of doing both of those things. As long as it keeps you busy so you won’t be out there trying to rape Asian kids.

My dude, if you truly want to live the rest of your life eating smoothies and stuff from a blender, then please do say that to my face.

Post your full home address and I will.

I'm not going to give you that information. But make no mistake: if we ever do cross paths, then provoke me at your own peril.

Lol pussy

Unless you're willing to travel all the way to Japan, then a low-life loser like you isn't worth my time.

You’re only visiting Japan. You will have to go back to the US. They will remove you from the country after they catch you trying to molest a child.

Dude. I am not a fucking pedophile okay? Stop fucking telling me that I am. I had a bad day when I wrote that fucking post. Now stop calling me one or I swear to god that I will just straight-out murder you for falsely accusing me of pedophilia you sick fuck. I usually dont threaten people but when I am falsely accused of something that sick then you better believe I use threats.


Of course you'd call me that behind the safety of your monitor. I bet you $1000000 that you wouldnt have the balls to say it to my face and live.

I’ve tried and you’re too scared to tell me where you live. I really want to earn that million.

You want me to post my government information. That could easily be used to have police track me. I am not scared of police, make no mistake. My physical training is far superior to theirs. But I dont feel like dealing with the swat team as that confrontation will be hard to get out of.

Why would the olive track you? Oh right, because you’re a pedophile.

I bet you're like 90 pounds, scrawny as fuck, and the only fights you've been in is with your mom when you sperg the fuck out and have an autistic tantrum.

Gee funny you say that dude because i'm still kinda waiting for a reply.

I still want to call you an autistic pedo to your face. You can just pm me your info if you don’t want to post it.

Holy shit man you’re fucking insane

Edit: Nice edit, you sick fuck

Your a pedo.


Lmao thats a coincidence considering ive been living in japan for 2 years, you gonna gove your details now or still be a pussy bud?


Stop making a fool of yourself Mr Gunn. You're in deep enough shit already.


Good luck with that, pedo.



Hi, I’d very much like to groom raise one of your hottest bitches female infants. Question, is there a way to tel how hot they’ll end up being in, say, 12-14 years? Asking for a friend.