Qultists try coming to terms with why Daddy Q abandoned them.

17  2018-07-18 by IAmAN00bie


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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mental illness.

I think my favorite part of reading stuff there is how the "Deep State" is both this serious threat to freedom everywhere as they control everything but at the same time the "Deep State" is also completely incompetent. It's like they imagine their arch nemesis as a 4D chess master and a window licker all at the same time.

the "Deep State" is both this serious threat to freedom everywhere as they control everything but at the same time the "Deep State" is also completely incompetent

"The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

Umberto Echo had this all figured out quite a while ago.

Dude, You're smart for being bread.

It's all projection. They're a bunch of idiots but they think they're smart. Their (((enemy))) has to be 'smart' too otherwise what's the point?

But since they're all idiots the deep state 'slip ups' they come up with are pretty dumb.

This is 100% not shocking at all. Conspiracies hinge on human story archetypes and they all work this way. This shit is textbook.

There is, of course, no definitive answer. Classifying and quantifying plots is a subjective business. As Tobias admits, “you can package plot any number of ways, and the way you package it decides what number you’ll end up with.” The point is that certain themes crop up again and again, independently of one another, in stories told around the world and throughout recorded history. These ideas don’t just shape the stories we make up—as we’ll see, they reflect the way we fundamentally understand and explain the world around us. It is one of Christopher Booker’s basic plots that’s of most interest to us. He called it overcoming the monster. Every overcoming-the-monster story, Booker explains, unfolds essentially as follows. The story begins with a peaceful community learning of some menacing threat. A hero is called upon to battle the forces of evil. As the hero comes face to face with the evil, it seems that the evil is much more powerful than the hero. The hero may fall into the monster’s clutches. But the monster has one fatal weakness. Just when it seems that all hope is lost, the hero is able to exploit that weakness and vanquish the monster. The shadow is lifted, and peace returns to the community.

We’ve already seen this pattern played out in Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Jaws, and Bond. And we saw it at the very beginning of the chapter, in David Icke’s conspiracy theory of reality. Icke’s grand conspiracy theory is a classic overcoming-the-monster story; it traces every twist and turn, from the peaceful golden age of humanity and the looming shadow of evil, to the climactic final confrontation and the promise of a return to peace. It’s a dramatic, ongoing saga, and it casts us all in the starring role. And Icke is not unique. All conspiracy thinking plays on archetypes of good overcoming evil.

The best conspiracy theories have all the trappings of a classic underdog story. The enemy is formidable. From the Elders of Zion to the New World Order, from the weapons-industrial complex to Big Pharma, the names given to the conspirators often play up their allegedly overwhelming power and influence. Like every villain, however, the conspiracy has one fatal weakness; if only their schemes can be exposed to the light, the enemy becomes powerless.

And the motive for the fight is noble. Christopher Booker notes that archetypal heroes act not to further their own interests, but on behalf of others. “David challenges Goliath because the giant is threatening his country, Israel; James Bond’s villains are threatening England, the West, all mankind; Darth Vader, in Star Wars, is threatening to impose his tyranny over the entire universe.” And according to conspiracy theories, the conspiracy is a threat to the freedom, liberty, and well-being of all mankind.

At first blush, it seems odd that someone would embrace a position of disadvantage. But as we’ve seen, there are upsides to being an underdog. Without conspiracy theories, people like Wakefield, Duesberg, Jones, and Garrison are just wrong. If there is an ongoing campaign to smear their reputations and discredit their findings, however, they become courageous heroes pushing the frontiers of science by selflessly battling a powerful, sinister foe on behalf of the unsuspecting public. Even more than making heroes out of a few renegades, though, conspiracy theories offer to make heroic underdogs of us all. A conspiracy theory is an invitation to join an enlightened but embattled minority—an elect few who bravely, selflessly speak truth to power.

As Joseph Vandello notes, our understanding of underdogs is “shaped by inspirational archetypal stories of odds overcome.” In the real world, underdogs are, by definition, unlikely to prevail. In the stories we tell, however, the underdog always wins; good always triumphs over evil.

People often claim this is a trait of fascism, but it's just a foible in the human brain that's really obvious in fascists/conspiratards.

Basically... deep state is Trump all along!

At least this post has verifiable information that can be dismissed as nonsense, and not just non-falsifiable info that sounds good.

Dat freudian slip.

Fuck I am not even laughing after that, I feel genuinely concerned for these people. What a bizarre emotion.

You should be less concerned about them and more concerned about all the people who have to put up with their incessant bullshit.

All of the nieces and nephews out there with a racist aunt/uncle?

TFW your LARP session ends prematurely and you just bought your Qanon bumper sticker to stick it the libs

Why live.

No. Seriously. End it.

He was close to self analysis. Saying "is this a coincidence?"

The Qhotoshopper could shit on a corner and these boomers will run over to inhale nail polish and see numbers

They're all fatalists and Kool aid drinkers.

/u/SerialBrain2 I think it's about time you started your online store selling Q merchandise. It can be shirts, hats, badges, etc. But real money is in health supplements.