Trannies REEEEEEE about movie. Movie gets the ax. Cue REEEEEEEing about movie getting the ax. Because of fucking course.

342  2018-07-18 by SizeOfThisLad


It's almost as if you could see this exact course of events play out from a mile away.

>Inb4 there's bitching about WELL WHY NOT STILL MAKE THE MOVIE BUT HAVE A TRANS PERSON STAR IN IT, as if ScarJo and her production company were under any sort of affirmative duty to make such a movie out of the goodness of their hearts in the first place.

according to them, its scarjos duty to give the money to trans actors so the 0.1% can make their own movie

Lol .1? .001 maybe if you're being liberal.

And honestly, take a third off because they're passing and literally have zero problems in everyday society unless they're literally doing sex work.

I think it's 0.001 - around 3000 seems about right. I really doubt that to are more actual trans people, the rest are my mentally ill.

Yeah I do that, and that's why I am banned in like 100 subreddits. It gets kinda annoying.

I don’t think many would expect you to, I’m surprised you can even read this much

You are like a little baby.

i'm deeply humbled by your presence. one day I hope i can make people REEEEEE like that too

actually its something like .23%

Cool story, bro


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They're are no tranny film actors. Trannies are mentally ill. They do nothing but REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE all the time.

For people who love to use “reeeeeee” as an insult, you all tend to be doing it the most

Other than the directors of the Matrix, no idea who any of these people are.

I know the one from Orange is The New Black and Chaz Bono too.

Never heard of the rest of them.

Man, scroll down that page for a who's who of uncanny valley shit.

Holy hell.

ScarJo gets abused out of a movie role to which she was casted for promotion, movie gets axed.


Imagine the outrage if someone else from the other side of the political spectrum harassed an actress out of a role due to gender issues

The irony is most trannies are men.

Hey. That IS irony.

Why does bussy have to be so retarded?

Turns out being women is just one more thing that men are better then women at.

Yeah, better at REEEEEing.

i feel like ur talkin 2 urself


He did say "being women"




Seriously tho.... what percentage of trannies are black??? 🤔

Alive or dead?

Because most living trans people are white, but based on the insane suicide statistics that might be for sad reasons...

gay men, and specific kind of gay men, that even regular gay men "no thx, pass"

wait I thought most trans people were transmen, aka women?

Trans-Identifying-Males, who don't want to date other Trans-identifying-males and would rather pressure lesbians into sleeping with them.

The funny thing about this is that they'll be less likely to even try making movies about trannies in the future because they're worried about getting harassed by angry trannies who want to destroy their careers.

Exactly. Just like every time I hear some black person freak out over imaginary hyper-subtle racism, it makes me that much more likely to choose not to engage a black person I meet by chance in daily life. I once had one shout at me aggressively because I used the term "Nigerian scam". At one point im gonna just not bother.

That guy might have actually been Nigerian though. There's a lot of them on H1 visas.

Yeah she was, so what? She was so problematic at work, she had to be fired. She was constantly bitching, getting aggressive with people. If you'd ask her to do a simple task she would sometimes just say "No.", and she was constantly accusing everyone of being racist in a deeply bitter way. One time somebody asked her "Where her heritage was from", or some tip-toeing bullshit trying to find out where in Africa her family was from. She laughed mockingly and repeated "My heritage?". I mean, bitch, she is falling over herself to not offend you and then THAT is causing you offense?

She was the epitomisation of how this mania about racism drives a wedge between people.

Couldn't they just pick one of the many high-profile, hugely talented trans actors in Hollywoo- oh, wait...

They don’t have to be high profile you fucking drama bigot. They just have to be a talented trans act... wait

Well we could just settle for one who is not mentally il... Oh

I hate to seriouspost, but ... at least half of trans people don't have any known mental conditions.

Apart from believing that they are a different gender than they in they are in the real world of course

That isn't a mental illness. Gender is a complex issue scientifically even without getting into social aspects.

Complex for retards like you.

Straight to the insult. Amazing discussion technique you have there.

That isn't a mental illness.

It currently is, but the fact is we don't have anywhere near enough information to accurately classify it

To be honest though I don't quite understand how it couldn't be considered mental illness. Anything that requires medical treatment is an illness and gender dysphoria has a pretty intensive treatment schedule.

The only way in which it isn't a mental illness is that the medical field has been dragged along in the insanity.

Just because you keep saying its a complex issue doesn't make it so.

Its not complex scientifically, for hundreds of thousands of years we've been identifying ourselves, others, and animals as male/female boys & girls. It is not complex. Unless you're born intersex with both genitalia its clear cut, and even then intersex are always predominately male or female in their characteristics and clear which is the dominant sex within them.

As for social, that makes your science point mute. If gender is a social thing then why do people feel body dysphoria? If its a social/cultural thing why do they want to mutilate their body to have a body part which supports the clear cut scientific view of sex/gender.... "I'm really a boy so I want a penis..." if having a penis == boy then why do they want one etc. etc.

Mental Illness.

What relevance does what we've been doing for hundreds of thousands of years have to current scientific understanding?

Because why is it now all of a sudden complex, and an issue...

Stop trying to make it an issue. Go back 1000 or 100 years and this wasn't a problem.

Please enlighten me how there is an issue with reality that penis = boy and vagina = girl? And explain why you want there to be an issue, because if you disagree with what I've said (which is how reality works, and causes no issues) it means you want conflict.

Because science has more understanding of these matters than it did 1,000 or 100 years ago. As we do about the world not being flat or the centre of the universe. The advance of scientific knowledge has nothing to do with 'wanting conflict'.

So people 1000 years ago didn't know if they themselves we're a boy or a girl? We're talking about words and their definitions we gave them, it's not about better scientific understanding as "boy" and "girl" etc. were made as terms simply based on genetalia...

Are you going to tell me that Michelangelo's David is actually a dipiction of a women? Or that if we found out that we've been reading chromosomes wrong that now Keanu Reeves is actually female and Scarlett Johnson is male? Just cuz what we thought was an X is actually a Y etc.

And again this gets to the conflict between science and social. If it's a social construct who cares what science says? It's then totally subjective, science can clearly say you're a guy, but nope you socially identify as a hedgehog... Or if it's based in science then we have the guide lines in biology with genetalia and chromesomes.

So I ask again, what is wrong with penis = boy, and vagina = girl? And if you disagree why do you want to cause conflict, as we have words and definitions that you're trying to fuck up and make more complex than they are. You can't even define what you define a boy/girl or male/female as, yet you're advocating that my reasoning and definitions are wrong.

'Or if it's based in science then we have the guide lines in biology with genetalia and chromesomes.'

And that's the point. Biological science has identified numerous cases that don't fit an easy sex dichotomy based on genitalia or chromosomes. There are people who have XXY, XYY, XXX, and XO chromosomal combinations, for example. There are people who have varying combinations of internal and external sexual organs which are both male and female. And that's without touching neuroscience.

The fact that this complexity exists and that science studies it in order better to understand it is not cause to be afraid or go into attack mode. There's no need to frame any of this in terms of 'conflict'.

No. Some societies pretend it isn't a mental illness because it would be too mean to trannies...

You're stating an ideological position, not a scientifically valid one.

I am stating observable reality... Not "an ideological position" or "a scientific truth".

If mayos can get made fun of here, so does everyone else. Thought that was the point of equality, and I’m not even a mayo.

this comment reeks of butthurt mayo

nah, I'm jus an equal opportunity bully.

I hate to seriouspost, but ... which half?

The ones who never cause drama.

mfw everyone in /r/drama is a tranny retard

other than suicidal ideation and a desire to change their body structure

I'm explicitly talking about the ones who don't ever think about suicide.

anyone who ain't got crippling dysphoria isn't trans tbqhwufamiglia

Also given the 41% attempt rate, I highly doubt "at least half" don't have another illness on top of delusions about gender.

at least half

lol real high bar you set

The way that media, both on the left and right, handles trans issues is laughable

Does the world really need a shitty movie full of Scarlett Johannsen unconvincingly portraying a transsexual man? Didn't the angry trans people do everyone a favor this time around?

i totally agree with you, but dont tell them i said that

I honestly wanted to see how she'd do it tbh. Like can you imagine ScarJo in drag? I'd have gone to see it just for that tbh.

She's just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


Victor Victoria. It's been done before decades ago.

Nope, it would have fed my ScarJo with a bussy fantasy

You missspelled "feminine benis."


but your secret name shall be

david duke

but imagine millions of mayos getting out after watching the movie, and deciding that they will try to hookup with a tranny, with idea of Scarlett Johannsen looking tranny in their mind.

Only to find nothing but linebackers in dresses.

She was going to be ftm trans in the movie, not mtf.

Well yeah, but my point still stands.

I don't see how it does.

Ever seen Chaz Bono?

Never heard of Chaz Bono before but I have seen some pics now.

tbf I've seen pics of the trap she was supposed to play and they looked like an old lady in a man's clothes, so being unconvincing seems about right.

Does no one remember Transamerica? Felicity Huffman played a sympathetic trans woman in 2005. It won a ton of awards, made $15 million on its $1 million budget, LGBTOMGTFWTFBBQs shouting how great it was. Scarlet Bojangles seemed to be on track to make that movie times 10, but now that's not enough.

Times are a changing my buddy old friend. You see , what once was toast is now buttered toast and soon it will be eaten. We are at the buttery stage right now with extra honey applied. It's so sweet just before the kill.

u/v_is_one_person can we ban shitty food analogies here? Preferably replace them with dinosaur 🦖 analogies

As a 93 mile wide meteor plummets directly towards Rexico the dinosaurs dress up in fursuits and pretend to be mammals.

Fortnite Season 6 sounds lit

Ed is that you?

That was before the ouroboros reached back and bit its own tail.

No, they bitched about Felicity, too. They're just louder now.

Best line in TA:

"You're the one who's gonna get his dick cut off!"
"They don't cut it off. They just turn an outie into an innie."
distressed realization "Gross..."

That was such a great movie. That truck stop scene though

yeah but that was waaaaay back in 2005. ancient history xze.

Imagine caring if broke back mountain was stared by straights,

I'm sure that there's a dozen recently written articles floating around on the net that explain why Brokeback Mountain was actually miscasted.

I’ll do you one more recent, The Danish Girl.

Any movie with Eddie Redmayne in it is miscast. The only thing he should be starring is an obituary.



I've been really curious about the hordes of great trans actors that people talk about when this topic comes up. Does anyone know of some movies with some of these actors in them? I just want to see who these people are tbh.

The guy who failed to shoot Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield with that giant revolver in Pulp Fiction eventually went on to be trans and die.

Other than that, I got nothing.

I just finished watching a showtime series called "Billions" that has a trans(?) person acting as a super smart trans person. Taylor Mason is the character's name, not sure who the actor is.

Orange is the New Black is an obvious example as well

It's the same actor in both

a trans(?) person acting as a super smart trans person

All minority parts are "themselves, but super smart."


Ableist tbh. We need more movies with completely retarded minorities.

They aren’t a “smart trans person”

They’re playing a super smart person who happens to me trans.

So, like a smart person who just happens to have autism right?

That's a "smart trans person" numbnuts.

They're playing a super smart animal that happens to be a person that happens to be trans.

Get it right shitlord.

Asia Kate Dillon and not trans, she's a woman who got a buzzcut and calls herself non binary

Wait, what the hell? The Wachowski brothers both transitioned to women? First of all, the chances that two brothers are both trans are so slim, but the added irony that they were collectively referred to as the "Wachowski brothers" is hilarious now in retrospect. I can't believe this wasn't more publicized, I never once heard about it.

It was hugely publicized and everyone knew about it.

Their Wikipedia article even has a note made after many edit wars saying that the movies should be credited to the name/gender they were at the time and not retroactively credited to their woman names.

I heard about it. Mostly from other disgusted people tbh.

Switch (the chick in white from the first matrix movie) was supposed to be trans, woman in the matrix and a dude irl. But the studio nipped that in the bud in the last moment.

A shame, since the Matrix makes it clear early on you appear in the simulation as you perceive yourself to be. This would ctually be a good way of putting in a topic like this in a movie without shoehorning it.

Even better: the Wachowskis frequented a famous SF dominatrix whose thing is apparently ‘encouraging’ people to transition (e.g. Buck Angel is one of her exes) shortly before deciding to go MtF, Lana’s still with her IIRC

Hollywood people are weird

Isis King


Wonder how many show bussy. Also the female to male converts look like real people.

Honestly, i'm wondering if the whole thing was a ploy by agent to get her work.

Also, tons of trans porn stars, pretty sure they could snag one of those.

Hollywood has been embracing the idea that representation matters for the last several years, this is just the logical extension of that.

These people would have shut down tons of films about gay people just because the actors weren't gay.

And the world would be a better place

we should have been so lucky

Don’t 👏 play 👏 harvey 👏 milk 👏 unless 👏 you 👏 came 👏 from 👏 a 👏 cow 👏

These people would have shut down tons of films about gay people just because the actors weren't gay.

Don't recollect them picketing Rock Hudson movies when he was masquerading as a straight man.


Trannie movie not being made now. Win for everyone.

Tranny drama is the best. It is not often that God provides you an opponent that is so spectacularly insane.

Can’t believe they let Sandra Bullock play an astronaut bitch never even been to space.

I will never understand the autists wanting something done within seconds instead of shit being done gradually by random people who'll benefit from it.

Like, do they not know how reality works? Did they think slavery was magically over when Lincoln went all no on it, instead of getting shot for even attempting it?

Like, do they not know how reality works?

i think we all know the answer to that

extremists hate compromise, whod have guessed

Like, do they not know how reality works?

...they're trannies fam. Not knowing how reality works is their primary feature.

womp womp


I actually wanted ScarJo to represent me. The queer community can be so infuriating sometimes.

How dare you try to help homeless without being homeless yourself you rich slut!!


I heard that Mark Hamill never fought in a real star war.

George Lucas should have given that job to a space veteran.

Space Force members should be populating the next Star Wars


It's a damn shame she couldn't use that pull, money, or production company to actually make a movie starring trans people.

She could but why? The whole point of acting is to pretend to be something you're not. Why bother tracking down some no name trans actor just so the movie can flop?


Well the next time a trans character is cast, Hollywood will understand that keeping trans actors out of jobs isn't something that people want to see

Name one trans actor without googling. I bet even you can name one they're some total unknown that the average person has never heard about

And trans actors will actually start to get work

No they won't. Because any actor can play a trans person. There's no need to go and track down a trans actor


If some producer were smart they would grab this movie and get it filmed pronto with a great trans actor in the lead

Yea because the world is just drowning in big name good actors who are also trans right?

Name one trans actor without googling. I bet even you can name one they're some total unknown that the average person has never heard about

Yes, because their roles are all going to Scarlett Johanssons. That's the whole point, you fucking idiot.

Because she's a marketable star and a sex symbol?

Why do people not understand that these people get the roles they get because they're proven commodities that will sell.

It's almost like a subset of the population won't put butts in seats. And Laverne Cox. I don't even care for this tranny shit and even I could name a trans actor. Step ya game up.

Yes, because their roles are all going to Scarlett Johanssons


That's the whole point, you fucking idiot.

Lol no. The reason that there isn't a bunch of trans actors is because there's almost no trans people. They make up like .3% of the population.

On top of that, trannies are ugly and actors need above all to look good.

There are a tiny number of movies about trannies where their particular form of "ugly" actually helps the film but maybe like one or two people max could make a career out of staring in every tranny flick, except that wouldn't even work because people would get sick of it.

So you are saying besides this role ScarJo has stolen more FtM trans roles?


Name one trans actor without googling.

Maybe, just maybe,. They aren’t entitled to their roles?

Have you considered the fact that if there were good trans actors, that they would have got the role instead of Scarlett Johansson?

Have you ever maybe thought that Hollywood is so racist that they’d rather white wash/erase diverse characters solely for money?

The movie was about specifically about a trans man, so literally what sense does it make to cast a woman? So that people can continue to call trans men woman and trans women men?

Learn how to use your brain.

but gender is fake, so she can play any gender

Right? She should have come out and said she was gender fluid and she was going to self ID as a trans man during filming. It would have been hilarious.

social construct ≠ "fake"

There's growing evidence that gender isn't even a social construct, it's a neurological fact

At this point there isn't anywhere near enough info to determine exactly where the differences lie and what the implications are, but the retarded idea that men and women have identical brains is some old post-modern garbage.


in reference to the "gender is a social construct" line

Your imagination is very impressive, you must be proud.

No one said that here

It doesn't have to be "here" for someone to make a reference to it.

but you still sperged out at me

You should run for Most sensitive retard in the world

I get that you didn't know that brains are structured differently based on gender but it's hilarious that you think I was targeting you specifically by suggesting it's absurd to assume that men and women's brains are equal.

brains are structured differently based on gender

Your imagination is very impressive, you must be proud.

I never said they weren't here

I bet his/her/its trussy is really sore after that pounding you just gave it

Can I ask you a question?

Why is it wrong for Hollywood to aspire to make money on their movies instead of taking a risk? Whom does it harm in a concrete way?

Have you ever maybe thought that Hollywood is so racist that they’d rather white wash/erase diverse characters solely for money?

I love that you're almost self aware here. They don't white wash because they're racist, they do it to make money

The movie was about specifically about a trans man, so literally what sense does it make to cast a woman?

Yea just like suicide squad. The movie was about super villains and they casted normal people! It's almost like actors can pretend to be something they're not.

So that people can continue to call trans men woman and trans women men?

No you idpol obsessed moron because she is famous and would make them lots of money

By continuing to skip over and erase trans people?

They don't whitewash because they're racist, they do it to make money

They seem to whitewash because they overestimate the racism of everyone else tbh. Black Panther made big bucks and the actors they predominately used to promote the movie weren't the two white dudes.

The movie isn't about a trans man. It's about a butch lesbian that you guys have decided to erase after her death.

It’s literally about a trans man. Who adamantly said multiple how they are a man.

She never said she was a man lmao. She went through no transition. She literally cut her hair short and went by "Tex" and somehow that means she's a man because if you don't like pretty pink dresses you aren't allowed to be a woman anymore apparently.

Name one person who became famous (A lister) for playing a person with severe enough gender dysphoria to warrant surgical removal of healthy tissue?

The Wachowskis are both trans? Neat.

Also you kind proved my point here, none of those people are big names that can draw in an audience.

Who cares if they aren’t a big name? It’s the fact that they skipped over all these trans actors, and don’t care that the person they’re doing a movie about, was very adamant about being referred to and seen as a man. And the first thing they do is get scarlet johasen?

So I guess actors who aren’t big should just quit acting so we can continue to use the same people over and over again.

Who cares if they aren’t a big name?

The people who want to make money off this film.

And the first thing they do is get scarlet johasen?

Yea, because despite her total lack of talent she puts asses in seats

So I guess actors who aren’t big should just quit acting so we can continue to use the same people over and over again.

Because that's totally what I said

Why are we so sure a dead person whom we can't ask is trans? And, if she was trans, she hadn't had SRS or hormone therapy so she was physically a woman dressing and acting as a man. So, this would be different than Scarjo dressing and acting like a man how?

She was literally a butch lesbian and dumb trannies are retroactively claiming her now that she can't defend herself. That's what's extra retarded about all this.

Not the first time

I see someone doesn't know how to run a business. Also stop link posting you boring clod


Name one trans actor without googling.

Tula. Bond girl ne Barry Cossey. Would have to Google to be sure of the movie, I think it was Octopussy. Career basically crashed when (s)he was outed. As to anyone currently active, I'm clueless.

It was to be the first studio movie of it’s kind, they shut it down, now they mad. Stay mad creeps.

I didn't read the thread, but I'm happy they wont bring back the Transformers franchise, even with Scarjo in it. She ruins any sci-fi movie anyway.

a bunch of rich, successful trannies will take over the project surely

Wait, you mean to tell me Tom Hanks doesnt have AIDS and Philadephia won awards? It's time to fucking riot.

what do they mean they don't want a women, we ARE WOMEN

I want REAL trans movies where a star Trans can show their daily dilation. I want to see the daily life of a real woman. It's strange no women who I talk to has these behaviors. Its 100% attributed to oppressing NORMAL (and better) behaviors!



Can someone find that post of the trans not-even-trying-to-be-a-woman guy that was going to make it in Hollywood? If they'd cast that guy there would be nationwide trans electrocution therapy in a week.

I’ve been informed by that thread that /r/drama is alt-right. Is this true?

Yes... from a certain point of view.

No, we’re only pretending to be retarded.

Both our usernames are alter egos of comic strip characters.

Yes sadly very true. Calling someone alt-right is a serious and specific accusation, and no-one would ever just toss it around casually to refer to people who disagree with them, especially on Reddit.

If you ask the alt-right subs, everyone here is just a bunch of snowflakes.


the only position the /r/drama consistently seems to agree on is "fuck identity politics"

So you wont find any overt appreciation for alt-right ideas, and white nationalists are routinely bullied for giggles.

Gonna serious answer: yes and no. Pretty much everybody gets made fun of - left or right.

Amazing how people who dress up like other people get mad at actors for dressing up like them.

Or maybe instead of trying to constantly erase trans people, they could’ve just gotten a male actor.

Because it’s a movie ABOUT a trans MAN.

Having a woman play a trans man just reinforces that trans men are just women and vice versa.

Just look at these shitty comments and the constant use of “tranny” 🙄 But sure, act like you have any idea what these “angry trannies” are talking about.

erase trans people

I'm all too aware of you.

could’ve just gotten a male actor

That's not what others are saying.

constant use of “tranny”

This sub also calls white people "mayos" and advocates for the mayocide, what's your point?

All too aware of me? What?

“That’s not what others are saying”

I’m pretty sure that’s what a lot of people are saying.

“This sub also calls white people "mayos" and advocates for the mayocide, what's your point?”

I don’t see how this example helps your case at all

I don’t see how this example helps your case at all

Then you're hopelessly retarded

Having a woman play a trans man just reinforces that trans men are just women and vice versa.

Trans men are women.

I almost cut myself on all that edge.

I was being 100% serious and not edgy.

Lol, okay bud

Once again, How is that edgy?

How is that edgy?

Good or bad that's the popular stance. Not the edgy one.

See the thing is, everybody else in hollywood understands that the way in which movies get made is arcane and weird. And often it relies on getting a bankable or marketable star to get the project off the ground.

Sure, it would be nice if you could get X person to play a role. But if the studio is only going to pay for it if Y person signs a contract to do a bunch of flicks that will actually make them money, well then you just thank your lucky stars that Y is nice enough to do it. Cause otherwise, you get no movie.

You act as if the only way to get movies made is to go through these specific people? Sometimes being accurate and not continuing to fuel ignorant rhetoric and thinking is more important than making money.

Good luck finding a multimillionaire to fund a trans**** movie that will make back maybe 2-4 mill dollars before its forgotten by the group it aims to please since they found a new cause to complain about.

Then make the movie yourself and don't whine about how other people finance their projects.

the way in which movies get made is arcane and weird

Jews confirmed for witches.

Or maybe instead of trying to constantly erase trans people, they could’ve just gotten a male actor.

Sure they coulda, but this was just ScarJo fishing for an Oscar so of course they didn't cast someone who wasn't her

Because it’s a movie ABOUT a trans MAN.

Yea I know it's great Oscar bait.

Having a woman play a trans man just reinforces that trans men are just women and vice versa.

No it doesn't.

well transmen aren't men anymore, but they aren't women either. They are simply future pig feed. Is that an acceptable gender?

Having a woman play a trans man just reinforces that trans men are just women and vice versa.

It literally doesn't. Straight actors play gay characters, does it "reinforce that gay people are all straight"?

Also, trans men are and always will be women. But that's a separate issue.

erase trans people

Fire up the chambers boys!

Ayyy lmaooo

meanwhile half of these homos are too pussy to give themselves the axe


Kinda glad the movie didn't get made tbh, because on the off chance that it was a genuinely mediocre film I would have had to pretend it was amazing. I think saying you didn't like the movie probably qualifies as some form of genocide, I'll have to double check with my local sociology professor on that one.

My friend was up in arms about Scarlett being cast instead of an actual trans actor. I told her I could kinda see why they did it and she bit my head off. I told her it would be risky for the moviemakers to put money on an unknown actor to carry a film about such a controversial topic. And the movie industry is more about making money than anything else. Friend did not like that answer :/

Your friend sounds like a hysterical retard tbqh

The only way to make the movie to their satisfaction is if the actor literally transitioned on set. Oh wait that's still problematic because I labeled them as an actor.

Why did she pull out of the movie though? Sure, she was getting a lot of criticism, but why didn't she just ignore the REEing?

Niche audience and oscar bait, the outcry means it’s basically guaranteed to lose money and won’t win any awards

Does no one remember 'victor VICTORIA"? This shit was done over 30 years ago.

I feel like toast

Like clockwork

Movies with killers in it should only cast actual killers

FX literally has a hit show starring trans people in Pose

/u/mpa10e They literally do not have a "hit show," its ratings are in the dumpster and there's a reason they relegated it to the less desirable summer season, the show is a vanity project for their golden goose Ryan Murphy, because they need to keep that bitchy queen happy so he'll keep shitting money for them.

The average person does not want to watch a show about trannies or get involved in a love story involving a tranny, because it's gross. Sorry, it is. You can't change the average person's visceral reaction to transgenderism and you can't REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE until people magically love trannies. Most people would rather watch a show about normal people, not be beaten over the head with political messages by a freak show cast who they feel no connection to.