"DAE think le Joos had it coming!?". A Nazi in r/conspiracy ironically suffers a massive karma holocaust of his very own after suggesting that the Holocaust itself was fake and Jews at Auschwitz had access to ice cream and swimming pools.

26  2018-07-18 by ReichSmasher2018


I don’t “hate” all porn. I just critically analyse it based on repeated and robust research investigations.


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I'm surprised there are that many downvotes. Conspiracy is basically 90% Jew-hating Daddy-lovers...

Yeah, they had a sidebar image advertising some "Hitler did nothing wrong" documentary for a while, and I'm pretty sure it was voted on by their users.

well, keep in mind the other 10% is soros shills and they get extra votes

Never forget the American treatment of Nazi prisoners of war. It was only after partaking in genocide, oppression, and general slaughter of innocents that they were allowed to get good food, our women, and our souls.

America: Never forget, Never again.

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have, so I wouldn't have these filthy fucking kikes shitting up /r/drama with their inane, useless, good for nothing posts.

unrealistic, not even Nazis had access to ice cream yet

Those weren't showers, they were ice cream dispensaries.

The Germans we're just keeping the Jews safe from the rapey American and Russian half-breed invasion.