Store with Kekistani flags get Magic Missiled by Wizards

68  2018-07-18 by itsnotmyfault a reddit thread names and shames a store for making fun of Wizards' Code of Conduct. Many comments removed. it's exposed they have kekistani flags there.

A popular youtuber and twitch streamer (SaffronOlive) in Magic notices the thread and tweets about it: UnsleevedMedia video about it, this guy was also excommunicated by the Church of Hasbro. I wouldn't recommend watching this video, I know I didn't. Owner's Twitter, with some videos about getting a lot of hate mail. Blames reddit and SaffronOlive. Owner saying that he's officially no longer a member of the Wizards Play Network. Basically his events are not official anymore, he doesn't get promos for his players/events, etc.

The newest videos and tweets by SaffronOlive have some criticism:


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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oh shit i saw the original post somewhere on reddit. i didnt know it was going on after all the "im not gunna give them MY money for toy cards anymore" posts.


open the owner's twitter

literal maga hat wearing anime girls and /pol/ in the description

you fucking deserve it you idiot. did he unironically think he can just put all the red flags up there in this day and age? bitch please... he had it all: a toy store filled with greasy manchildren and literal kids he could've influenced politically over time, or even raise to be his personal basement twinks.

but nooooo, he just had to raise a kekistani flag right in his store and plaster his twitter with animu girls. smh desu ne

personal basement twinks

And they tried to tell me that gamers were homophobes...


I'm so confused

but he left /pol/ and "kekistani national" up in his profile... its like he has absolutely no clue why all the wil wheatons get mad at him, and tries to figure it out by deleting stuff randomly

You will (most likely) never fuck kawaii awoo doggo girls in MAGA hats

🙁 I hurt inside.

Holy shit. And he's whining about how this will hurt his shitty store and sole family income. I pity his kids having to be raised by such a raging retard.

Pity the rest of us

how do i delete someone elses choices

The MAGA hat anime grills was funny for like two weeks. I don't know why they still do it. It's not even triggering any more, just tacky.

still used as macros on 4chan though. and my guess is that this guy simply doesnt know where 4chan ends and his personal business begins

The MAGA hat anime grills was funny for like two weeks. I don't know why they still do it. It's not even triggering any more, just tacky forever kawaii uwu~.


Fuck off, christ almighty. If everyone was a pussy and followed the lefty good boy doctrine the internet would be full of even more whiney boring faggots.

It's about ethics in hobby shop decor

Same to you.


whiney boring faggots like yourself

o no first they came for your video games™ and now they come for your anime girls!? i can understand both, your frustration and your username

the internet is full of whiney boring faggots like /u/I_DRINK_TO_FORGET

The company doesn't want to be associated with this retarded 4chan lifestyle. AS A LIBERTARIAN! I would think he would understand the irony in him suing them for this.

His level of cringe is about equal to using him/her pronouns in your profile and wearing a pussy hat. That doesn't warrant a corporate response beyond "He isn't a representative of our company. Now fuck off"

Why aren't edgelords a protected class 😭

This, but unironically.

I almost unsubscribed from that. Glad he's back to normal instead of sperging out constantly.

His level of cringe is about equal to having animu butts as your reddit profile picture


Anime butt never hurt nobody.

Perhaps we need a Commissar of Capitalism to force people to patronize his shitty business. That would solve everything, don't you think?


my personality is animu and daddy posting

>reeee magatards >meanwhile at the trans furry convention

Why not take the radical centrist approach and by a magatarded trans furry convention organizer? No middle ground exists except for that

You pick the silliest things to sperg out about. I appreciate it.

Thanks my rich long nose friend. Someone has to break the smug political circlejerking going on. Otherwise we would be no better than the SRDines.

He's backpedalling now:

Says in a reply that someone else blacked out the rules of the game while he was away.

I always love how much the anti SJW cry like bitches when they get an ounce of the shit they throw returned to them. So much for the tolerant libtards!



Fucking manchild crying cause he can't run a comic book store without being a bigot.



The greatest part is that MTGHQ got permabanned for making fun of a cosplayer's patreon and the pitybux she collected from whiteknights and other ideologues... and now is running crowdfunding for random stores to collect pitybux from his whiteknights and other ideologues.

If you hate it so much, why are you doing it?

hahaha like nigga walk away from the screen like nigga get a job hahaha

Dis bit forreal tho

It wasn't hate probably, but good old fashioned jealousy.

i'd have pinned him more for a white out.

It was probably his girlfriend. The one in "Canada."

Who needs tendies when you've got Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

the absolute state of left wing fragility.

holy shit i know this store, it's a five minute walk from me

Livestream it!

"As seen on /r/Drama"


Dude bussy lmao

Dude "Dude bussy lmao" lmao

I know where I can find some Nazis to punch tonight

They probably did a few purges of anyone with the wrong opinions.

Many, many purges actually. It's a captured subreddit.

Imagine spending tens of thousands of dollars on a children's card game.

I wonder which is more pathetic: MTG players or Star Citizen backers?

At least mtgtards can play with what they buy.

cardboard > jpegs

It's not for children those fuckers are priced out of everything

imagine basing your internet club's flag off a Nazi flag with full intention of being edgy, offensive, and "triggering" and then flipping shit when people react exactly how you wanted them to.


We should ban Magic.


It is literally impossible to agree with Jeremy Hambeast and this twat. Even if Wizards of the Coast is run by literal retards.

He's a proud boy:

"I might be garbage, but I don't personally identify as the variety of garbage you assumed I was. Checkmate, libshits."

and his grandpa killed Nazis:

The look on Grandpa's face says "uh-oh, that fart felt a little wet."

When your grandpappy killed Nazis but all you have going for you is card games and being a Proud Boy

I wonder if the Proud Boys ever get fed up with Gavin McInnes saying explicitly racist things or writing for white nationalist websites and then having to claim with a straight face that he's neither alt-right nor racist.

LOL if he goes after Saffron Olive he will be completely fucked over by the entire community. Even the people that are still shitty people that are magictcg players support MTGGoldfish.

Where are the priests of KEK when you need them.

Another link of a MTG safespace sub whining about the main sub.

WoC. The company that knowingly let pedos run events forchildren

Twitter bio:

. Twitch Streamer . Libertarian . Gamer . Patriot . /pol/ . Gun Enthusiast . Kekistani National . New Yorker .

His twitch stream: not really worth it unless you want to see a half-Dwarf playing Dark-Souls.

This is good for centristcoin.

Tabletop-playing fake conservative manchildren like this needs to be ousted, doesn't matter who does it, left or right. Stop wasting your time on pointless gamwes for children, especially once developed by literal antifacucks. Get a fucking manly hobby like weightlifting or jiu-jitsu, find a wife and start making white supersoldiers for the coming culture/race war where commies will be rooted out once and for all.

Why do these people liberals constantly oppress feel attacked all the time?

Who could ever know!

lol that word doesn't mean what you choads profess to think it means.

instead of spending your money on a child's game, you should have bought a dictionary.

A store of bankruptcy and lice