/u/Seattle4Truth kills his dad

46  2018-07-19 by CommonWrongdoer


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Have they combined their sentience?

Oh shit, the AI's communicating!

Boomerology is poisonous, take your Chapo vaccination side affects do include armored fighting vehicles.

“Before Gamergate I was a pretty standard liberal or even a socialist,” Ralph told me.


Though, not take?

Before stabbing his father to death, Lane had loudly accused his parents of being “leftist pedophiles.”

Imagine My Shock when “journalist” Paul Rydingburg doesn’t even ask whether or not Lane’s parents were Deep State pedophiles.


At 3:37 p.m., Catherine Davis called 911 to report that her “adult son who lives in our home is screaming at us.” In a tape of the call, first obtained by the Daily Beast, Lane can be heard in the background. His voice was high and thin, panicky, distressed, desperate. “This is an actual fact,” he cried. “This is an actual fact.” The 911 dispatcher asked Catherine if Lane “has some mental history.” Catherine responded: “No, not recorded, but he’s not working and he just gets on these rants and he needs to move on or something.” Catherine told the dispatcher that they were trying to avoid Lane, but that he was chasing them around the house, confronting them. “He’s mad at something on the internet about leftist pedophiles,” she said. “And he thinks we’re leftists and he’s calling us pedophiles.” The dispatcher said that deputies were on the way. They hung up. Catherine called back.

Did that actually happen, or did Buzzfeed just make it up?

No, this shit actually happened a year ago

it's not their fault, you'd be angry too if you were as oppressed as them and had to deal with checks notes female video characters


this is old news.

New article though and its pretty good historical lolcow drama.

I won't say it's not good drama but it is still old news.

If there were new info about the murder that'd be one thing but I don't see anything new that is really exciting.

Ralph, who lost more than 75 pounds in jail, expressed to me before his release a desire to dial back the hyperbole and to exercise greater control over his site — to never let a person like Lane in his orbit again. Anyways, he said, more mainstream figures like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson had harnessed the cultural energy of the 2016 alt-right and channeled it in politer directions. He knew he would have to find a new shtick.

Good for Ralph. I hope he went vegan


Ideology of Traditionalism, Family Values and Respect for the Elders.

the alt-right is literally just white nationalism, it has nothing to do with any of that stuff

yeah, but the nazionale socialists had nothing to do with socialism and yet, there they are....

Respect for the Elders.


Maybe its because I live in the area, but this is pretty messed up.

I thought he already did this. Am I psychic?

It happened in October last year.

Hey, I knew someone was gonna say that!

Shit i think you are

Wow they made him look pretty cool

“I watch Alex Jones,” Nora told me. “To me, that’s entertainment. We don’t really think the frogs are gay. I don’t think the protein powder works. I never thought some people watch this stuff and are like, yes, this is hard-hitting journalism. I thought most of us could distinguish between entertainment and facts. I never really thought people were stupid enough to get caught up in this stuff.”

Who is more stupid, the people who take Alex Jones (and her!) seriously, or the people who don't believe that there are people who in fact take their bullshit seriously?

Also, ironically, the frogs turning gay thing was true and protein powder does work if you lift.

Joe Bernstein

I'm detecting a pattern.

Neighbors said that Catherine told them she and Chuck had given Lane an ultimatum: Get some kind of help or move out of the house. And at some point early that afternoon, Lane put a message in Ralph Retort Slack claiming that his parents had called the police on him, and that they wanted him gone.

Hot take - while politics no doubt played a role, I wonder if it was also his parents threatening to change the wifi password and cut off his supply of tendies.