Black lady calls a gay latino dwarf a midget, and he says how it is like being called a nigger. /r/bigbrother discusses

41  2018-07-19 by TheColdTurtle


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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BB is a microcosm of American life.

Please God, end it all. We're done. Can we do no more to incur your wrath?

My sweet child, it's barely begun

People have been saying this since Real World about these house reality shows.

He better be careful. Her people eat people that size.


We love people like you. -A Black Woman

Get off our land darkie. -A Native American

Every season of Big Brother should end with the house being burned down.

With the winner inside of it. No reality TV "winner" should be allowed to reproduce.

eh Derrick and like a couple others were alright. fuck like 99.9% of the contestants tho

Should start with the house being burned down.

I was in the house when the house burned down.

Dear u/vampyrbite, please get less retarded. Thanks, r/drama

People were a mistake

as a white person

American mayos are such niggers

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

As a White person, I’m staying the fuck out of this conversation.

whites are literally the most pathetic species on the planet.

people have gotten killed over using the n word, it's like a licence for violence for some. I think NYC had a law that said you are allowed to hit some one if they used a racial slur against you. There are vids on youtube of kids ttracking down people who made racist comments online and they been attacked.

you can't say the N word that's racist

Mrs Obama I have ended racism