Disability Speaks

53  2018-07-19 by UmbellateSaxhorn


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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I like how the next suggested article is unironically "laziness does not exist"

>laziness does not exist

This is literally erasing my identity smh

I love the question marksore than anything okay? Also the comments are great.

Stav's ugly fucking face. Christ.

i refuse to believe this is a real thing an actual human being wrote in earnest

You have something wrong with your brain.

It's obvious satire and you need to reevaluate your whole life if you're just wandering about without supervision while unable to recognize things like that.

Snap! This one's going in the cringe compilation :^)

So what exactly is this article in respone to?

The links all go to the same twitter account, so basically it's some guy he thinks is a dick.

Wrecking was a crime in the Soviet Union, used by Stalin to execute people for being stupid and bad at their jobs and shit. The implication being you aren't just so bad at engineering you made our trains break down, you were actually a saboteur for the capitalists.

Totally not commie DSA members unironically use this term to describe autistic people, mainly.

The child of a millionaire who donated thousands to Shillary asking for alternative methods of protest since boycotting amazon is too hard for disabled people does seem a lot like wrecking tho.

When the hell did the DSA go tankie? It's like a few years back they were just a small Democratic study group, now they're calling each other comrade and shit.

I think the big boom started in 2015?

The Zero squared podcast had a good overview of the history of the DSA, and they kinda covered the causes of the boom.

They're much more tankie on the internet, and in new york, AFAIK. I find it super irritating when socialists use words taken from the soviets, but if they get us Medicare for All, uh, they can call each other comrade all day.

They can't actually believe this shit right? It has to be a LARP.

Well, the DSA resists democratic centralism, which is disgusting commie speak for uh, woke proletarian authoritarianism? "strict party discipline"

So you can be a DSA member and believe almost anything. Pulling numbers out of my ass, maybe 75% of the org (technically a pressure group, but they've been moving past that a little) wants to vote for a politician who supports M4A and Fight for 15 and supports Palestine and stuff. They might conceptually be further left, but aren't anti-reform.

Another 20% might be actual democratic socialists, who support the base-building activities, but are iffy on something like Medicare 4 all, because it costs political will, and isn't actual socialism. They are not quite accelerationists, but it's a similar idea.

5% probably are more like revolutionary socialists, either just joining cuz the DSA is big and active and the ultraleft reading group is just them, or maybe entryists. They would be hoping to push the DSA further left.

So yeah, its a pretty neat game of Vampire the Masquerade.

Holy shit. I don't know who the "Conor Arpey" he's talking about is, but that is the best impersonation of every mod of every socialist sub I've ever seen. I've read everything he wrote there over and over when someone posted it unironically right before banning some poor soul for the catch-all offense of "brocialism."

It's practically a requirement for a mod to be a bourgeoisie part-time "worker" who wants everyone to shut the fuck up about wages and start talking about how important solidarity with the mentally ill is.

every socialist sub I've ever seen

Come to r/stupidpol

What's the backstory here? This is brutal.

This is Stav, from cumtown, belittling a disabled man, which is pretty much the whole of cumtown, so he's really good at it.

Why this is particularly brutal is probably because he thinks he has a chance with Amber A'Lee Frost, who has been kinda battling the disability rights caucus within the DSA for months now.

She doesn't like them because they said her Medicare for All activism was ableist because the building they met in didn't have an elevator, even though the meeting room was on the ground floor, and they were not invited to comment on her M4A canvassing planning, although that turned out to be because they forgot their email password, got a new email, but didn't understand that you have to give people your new email address in order to receive mail at it.

They don't like here for those dumb ass reasons, plus she does call people retards a lot for someone who studies "Marxist Feminist Political Economy."

But Stav is desperate, what with his fat torso, missing teeth despite being wealthy now, and terrible Dundalk impression he always whips out. Not to mention his barely functional penis.

Great stuff! Who is the Conor dude he is attacking?

/u/stupidpol420 's description above is more accurate, mine is half truth's imagining what I would do if I was the fat, toothless, sidekick of a racist podcaster, and kept doing my bad impressions when Nick actually is good at impressions.

They don't like her for those dumb ass reasons, plus she does call people retards a lot for someone who studies "Marxist Feminist Political Economy."

Identity politics is when you think that the reason that mentally disabled people have it shitty in the USA is that too many people say retarded, rather than because they're denied assistance if they admit that they can make a sandwich.

account suspended on medium.. wow they pretty much let any retard rant, must have been something real special for them to pull the article..

anyway, it can be read here: https://outline.com/7fhRBg

The person end up attacking another author in his blog. I guess that why Medium end up removing their blog.

did stav actually write this or did someone use his picture

I don't think stav wrote this but I was bamboozled for a bit. /u/bigtittyhimmler maybe wrote it? that was the name of the medium user.

Disability Speaks Um so hi? It’s me, the hecking cute queer disabled (mildly autistic) socialist you um have to be comrades with? The one who’s just kind of greasily imposing himself on an actual political movement for reasons that are hecking unclear and probably psychological?

I’m just here to say that um ok so number one I always try to take constructive criticism well and I think we can all grow and change, and number two if y’all object at all to me, or my just utterly godawful cutesy linguistic tics, or the measurably negative effect I’ve had on an actual political movement, then um you’re not a good comrade to disabled (mildly autistic) people? Basically your praxis is trash and you shouldn’t even get to call yourself a socialist? Because um I’m pretty sure the first rule of socialism is y’all have to be nice to me on the internet?

So ok I saw a whole hecking bunch of low-wage warehouse workers striking to try to extract better conditions from a monstrous post-industrial conglomerate? And they were asking people to avoid using that company’s services for a few days in solidarity? And honestly I’m just so disappointed? Like um this was such a missed opportunity for y’all workers to do something that would include me and make me feel valued by my comrades? And instead of centering disabled (mildly autistic) folks in your struggles y’all have just gone ahead with demands for fair pay and a work environment that doesn’t dehumanize and occasionally kill you? Um where am I in this? It’s almost as if y’all don’t care about me and think I’m hecking unimportant? But I am important? I’m a worker too? Because I make buttons?

Like um what if some notional disabled person I just made up needs to use Amazon Prime to get their medication, and they’re also just too hecking disabled to plan ahead and buy it ahead of time? And um what if, more importantly, an actual disabled (mildly autistic) comrade needs to buy a big remote-controlled toy helicopter with real sound effects to fly around inside my $700,000 apartment that I own? Why should I have to give up my comfort or my pleasures or basically anything at all in the service of a movement that’s um if you haven’t noticed all about me? Why are you not centering me and my lived experiences?

So um yes my Father works (he’s a worker) in the finance industry (managing director and head of investor relations at the Carlyle Group, a private equity firm specialising in the aerospace and arms industries, and which is heavily linked with that great benefactor of socialist groups worldwide, the CIA)? But did you know that it’s actually um gross and queerphobic to read absolutely anything into this? Um Lenin came from a wealthy family? And um Marx married a hecking aristocrat? And um Engels worked as an overseer for his father’s cotton plant? And all of those people also spent their entire political careers complaining that they personally were marginalized and oppressed and not being included or represented by working-class socialist movements?

Like even if I’ll never know what it’s like to not be able to afford health insurance I still stand to materially gain from the overthrow of capitalism? Because I’m disabled (mildly autistic)? Which basically makes me exactly the same as um idk a poor person in Idaho with one withered arm from a work accident and no insurance and a Fentanyl addiction and also um I get to speak for that person as their representative because we’re both the same because of my disability (mild autism) and have the exact same priorities and concerns? So once we get rid of capitalism I’ll get to stay in my $700,000 apartment my Dad bought me, making hecking cute buttons all day while y’all get to spend your working days doing the crucial emotional labour of sending me thousands of encouraging messages telling me how good and cute I am?

And anyway um nobody was born a socialist and we all started out as liberals? So it’s definitely not a big deal that I joined the DSA after still being #WithHer in 2017? Or that as soon as I joined I immediately started complaining that the DSA wasn’t making me feel nice or hugging me enough? So it’s definitely not a big deal that in 2016 I donated $2,220 to Hillary for America while my occupation was listed as ‘N/A/Student’, and a further $500 to ActBlue while my occupation was listed as ‘Not Employed’? Even though this money almost certainly came from my Daddy Father Managing Dadrector and may well have been donated in my name to avoid campaign finance restrictions? Which would, if true, be um absolutely hecking illegal?

Like um people change their views and I’m a socialist now? I say words like bourgeoisie (those are the bad guys, y’all)? I’m just really hecking excited to have found a political ideology that recognizes my oppression (mild autism)? I’m here now, I’m not going anywhere, and I demand that you be nice to me? You have to make me happy? You have to run everything you do by me and if I don’t like it I’m justified in sabotaging it so you don’t get to do it? You have to include me in every strike and every canvassing effort even if I have absolutely nothing to do with them? You have to reshape your entire political program to make me, a rich guy who is also very marginalized (mild autism, and also I’m gay), feel welcome? And if you say anything bad about me I’ll scream and endlessly retweet the same dozen or so people telling me how good I am as if that isn’t directly enabling my worst hecking character flaws? Because I am good? I’m the autistic socialite, and I’ve logged on?

That person in the pc is going be President and maybe even fuhrer someday.

That person in the pic is going be President and maybe even fuhrer someday.

Suspended. Womp womp